Best Nootropics I Currently Use To Help My ADHD Patients

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I'm going Live and will be teaching about the Best Nootropics I Currently Use To Help My ADHD Patients. I will also spend some time answering your ADHD questions you have for me Live! So Join me this Wednesday at 5pm PST, 6pm MT, 7pm CT, 8pm EST!

Hi my name is Dr. Dallin LeGrand Peterson but my patients just call me Dr. LeGrand and I have ADHD and Dyslexia. Growing up with ADHD and Dyslexia was definitely a challenge for me in the academic world. But along the way I learned a lot about how to use my ADHD as a SUPERPOWER! I work with a lot of adults with ADHD and parents that have kids with ADHD.

This Channel is designated to help adults and parents who have kids with ADHD, anxiety and depression. I share my strategies that I have learned for myself to get through medical school successfully and the strategies I have used to help my patients to reach optimal mind performance.

#drlegrand #optimalmindperformance

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DISCLAIMER: This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. LeGrand and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. LeGrand nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
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RN 12 years, neuro certified👋

Ive always been taught serum levels of serotonin/dopamine are not reflective of what is in your brain, therefore psych MDs do not test these levels and do not treat based these levels.

Can you comment on how you've decided to use serum levels to treat? Not suggesting you're wrong, it's just contrary to what they teach in university hospital.

Can you turn me on to any studies you know where serum levels are used to treat psychiatric disorders?

Thank you


Thank you and I'm saving this for later....


Remember to tell people that if you’re taking vitamin D3, you definitely want to take K2 with it. Magnesium also and vitamin A and E. Because D3 alone can cause calcium buildup in your arteries, whereas, if you take it with K2, it is routed where it needs to go. Also, the magnesium helps the D3 and the K2 absorb better. Magnesium L-Threonate is one of the best magnesium supplements you can take. Because it absorbs well. I take all of these with L-Theanine, Lithium Oritate and sometimes GABA. I also take a pre-/probiotic with 30 different strains in it. As your stomach can also be a huge contributor to hormone balance issues. Your gut health is not good, it can lead to a lack of vitamin absorption and therefore can cause the same issues.

It took about 2 to 3 weeks for me to feel any different, and it was very slight. It takes a bit of time for these Itham, and nutrients to start making a difference. Especially vitamin D. Depending on how deficient your body is, it can take six months or more for things to change. I haven’t had these these tests done, but I think I’m going to do so soon. As I would love to see where my levels are.

The reason I started all of this, is up until my early 30s. I was the most laid-back, relaxed, happy go lucky person you could meet. Around my mid 30s, it was almost as if over time, that personality that I had most of my life disappeared. Then started making me anxious with a lot of energy, all of the time, making it hard to sleep… And that person I was, was no longer there. It was replaced with essentially a flat line of emotions. No sadness, no happiness, just feeling like I’m going through the motions but getting nothing emotionally out of it. On top of that, as a musician and songwriter… I couldn’t sit and focus for more than five or 10 minutes at a time, making it impossible to record anything. I had no motivation and not enough focus to write anything for more than five or 10 minutes. Which is horrible.

My biggest thing was, I did not want to go on any pharmaceutical medication. I’ve seen people on them, then I seen people try to get off of them, and it was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. I wanted to go the natural way and started studying up on what could cause these issues and what could fix them. I started coming across video after video here on YouTube of people, talking about their experiences that mimic mine. The common thread in a lot of them was, they were vitamin D deficient.

Many also had poor gut health and benefited from the pre-/probiotics. If you do some research, you will know the strains of the probiotics you should be taking… But if you do what I did, then you get one that has essentially all of them in one. that way you cover the whole spectrum. There is a bad bacteria that can take over the good bacteria and cause issues. Especially if you recently, or in the past have taken antibiotics. Which kill both, but then create an environment for the bad bacteria to essentially take over and keep the good bacteria from living and forming. Which can cause Reflux and keep your body from absorbing vitamins and minerals that you need. not to mention, screw up the entire digestion and elimination process.

Vitamin D is so important in controlling your emotions and hormones. The crazy thing is, most doctors will not talk about it and many of them won’t test you, even if you asked… simply because everything they’ve been taught is based around pharmaceuticals. a few of my doctors refused to discuss nootropics. Saying that all of them are snake oil and don’t do anything to help the patient. Almost getting angry if you mentioned you’re taking any of them.

The point being that, instead of starting with pharmaceutical medication that just masks, the issues and doesn’t fix them… Start with a vitamin D3/K2 mix(you can buy them as one capsule with both in), if you can find those with Magnesium Threonate… Even better. Because then you only take one pill that has three major vitamins/minerals that you need in order to start you on your journey. Hopefully back to being healthy and happy again. Again, don’t take vitamin D3 without K2, especially if you drink a lot of milk or eat a lot of dairy products.

As I’ve been on this journey for probably three weeks or so… I feel slightly better and have some days that feel good. I’m still not anywhere close to 100% of where I was in my 30s and before… If anything, I would probably say I am 5 to 10% there. But again, it takes a while for these things to Accumulate and make a difference in your body and your hormones.


This is super Informative. I would like to get tests to know what supplements would be best for me. What type of dr do I need to see and what tests should I be asking for?


San Pedro cactus tincture for ADHD works for me. Incredible research been done with psylocibin too!


This sounds fantastic! I’d love to try it as a tea or like a flavored drink I think more heads could benefit from it


I didn't know these tests existed, is it possible in UK? How does one measure brain chemicals? Is it a urine test? Everyone should get one!! How do we do it?


Someone please just list them in the comments for yhe people too ADHD to watch a 15 minute clickbait video.


How do you determine what you’re low in?


What is the Name of this Test he is Describing in this Video?? Please?!!!


I figured this out on my own over the years. Anything with an L before it helps me focus 🧘🏽 and get shites done. Along with my Addarall and Zoloft. Bang Energy drink and C4 energy drink are two of my favorite. At least thats whats working for now.
Oh an kratom in my coffee ☕️ in the am.


Can you do a video on world domination nootropic stack, and what it is. Thank you


Maybe add some Hordenine for the PEA. Its a MAO Inhibitor. Its a great nootropic stack.


Hi Dr. LeGrand,
what OTC would you recommend for fatigue, focus and overall brain health? I've been on adderall for years and I am desperate to stop taking it as I cannot maintain or gain a healthy weight, it has increased my anxiety, hairloss and has made my skin dry and age. I cant afford to go get tested by a neurologist so I am down to researching what would be best. I have tried taking citicoline that i purchased from CVS. It seemed to help with my wakefulness at first. Any advice would help thank you!


How can you get your neurotransmitter levels tested like the picture on 5:52?


green tea extract in that one combo has the risk of unnecessary liver toxicity or not


What kind of blood panel would I want to get for these type of results Dr. LeGrand ?


Do you have any advice for someone that has non-PKU hyperphenylalaninemia? It’s for my young adult son, he severely disorganized and all over the place. He says he has complete disassociation most of the time and despite setting several alarms is always running late for everything.


Are there any supplements that you shouldn’t use together?


Best supplements for OCD and intrusive thoughts?
