Martin Luther's Doctrines (Reformation Theology)

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I've already recorded a lecture on Martin Luther, but I wanted to focus specifically on his doctrines in this segment, which I kind of glossed over in the survey lecture. In this lecture, I'll be discussing Martin Luther's three solae (Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide), the priesthood of all believers, and Luther's view of the Sacraments.

Be sure to check out my Protestant Reformation Playlist:
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You look exactly like a more thin, younger version of that Martin Luther painting haha.


Your metal music slide cuts are righteous. I believe Luther would approve. (*o*)


"Faith without work is dead" It is not contradictory because work is a by-product of faith

If you have a sincere work because of having sincere faith


Let me clarify some things
Both of "Saved only by grace" and "Faith without works is dead" go with eachother in perfect harmony
Salvaltion is by grace only, but when you are saved you want to do good works, it becomes part of your nature, speaking as saved by grace person, and i totaly agree on Martins view of will, it is in our sinfull nature to do wrong, but God can fix that nature by saving us.


The irony is that I'm watching this video instead of taking notes on the Old Regime.. I love how I procrastinate from AP European History homework with more European history. Mr. Richey, I find your videos very informative and helpful, and also very enjoyable and entertaining. They help satisfy my love of information-- I consider myself a history nerd. Keep them coming!


Yay Jesus! XD Amazing videos, Mr. Richey. Thank you so much!
- Just Another AP Euro Student Cramming for Her Final 


It’s pretty funny that Luther who preached faith alone, also was very well known to just give all his stuff away as someone needed it so much so that it irritated Katherine his wife who worked hard to gain those very things. But to Luther who had a big heart towards those in need didn’t see his possessions as his own, but as God’s gifts to him that he could distribute to his neighbor.


When people think James (Faith without works is dead) contradicts Paul (or by extension salvation by faith alone) I tend to get confused. If James believed faith alone didn't save then why would he look for works after a claim of faith?
If I say I'm a Christian and while im in a congregation I fight, argue, via for position and ignore the poor while favouring rich people (trying to create an elite class in the church rather than all being equal), why don't many people see that James is saying 'You say you're a Christian and believe in God - that's great but that claim alone gives me no real reason to believe you're a safe person to entrust with novice Christians to teach them and look after them'. Why cant people see that James is talking in a context where trusting someone's profession alone is insufficient to place them in a position of leadership to influence other Christians. Paul talks about this exact issue in the same way, Paul's leadership requirements are all about works, Paul's letters always seem to say when he saw their love he considered them brothers. Paul definitely talk about looking for good works to evidence true faith, he just says it in a more indirect way.


Good Works are by product of our faith it is not a requirement. We do good works because of our faith our joy of doing it, just like a wife who enjoys cooking for his husband.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast."

Ephesians 2:8-9


The pope is not the person to represent God on Earth, there was only one "covenant keeper": Jesus-Christ the Son of God our Heavenly Father who came as the Lamb of God (SINLESS) to accomplish the law & the prophets without SIN and gave his innocent life, shed his blood on the cross(tree, post) when pierced by the Roman soldier (centurion) in ransom for the souls of so many who did repent ( turn to God) and learn from his Spirit to learn and KNOW God our Creator to have the Eternal life, with the help of Jesus-Christ who came from Heaven of Heavens down on Earth to live the life as we do, and worst, to die of his innocent life for the guilty of sinners against himself [{(" Romans 3 : 21-26")}]
PSALM 22:1 BC he worned (wear, bear)
our SIN, iniquities, rebellious behavior sickness on his body while on the cross
Jesus took the "CUP OF FIERCE WRATH OF GOD for US !
PSALM 5: 4-6 !!!


The catholic church enabled me to better understand the gospels
which I read alone.
Glory be to God.


Really enjoyed this vid, very informative and easy to follow. I subscribed so hopefully you continue to upload new vids!


Me, having already graduated, but who enjoys learning


"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. *But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.* As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed." *- Galatians 1:6-9*


Faith alone cannot guarantee salvation. Nowhere can you find in the bible that you only need to have faith and no need for good works in order to be saved. It is clearly stated in the Book of James that faith should be confirmed with good works, NOT AUTOMATIC.
Does the bible say that that if you have faith, you automatically have good works? Even devils believed in Jesus and recognized Him as the Son of God during the time when Jesus exorcised possessed people. Yes those devils had faith and believed in Jesus but they did not follow His teachings to do good works. The books of Ephesians and Philippians state that we must strive until we reach the finish line.
That being said, clearly means we need to do good works to confirm our faith, not that faith alone will suffice. For WE WILL BE JUDGED ACCORDING TO OUR DEEDS, says the bible. It doesn't say that we will be judged according to our faith.
Thus, I returned to the Catholic faith after having been converted to a Pentecostal church. I did indepth


Luther was a liar, evil man, and directly contradicts Christ. He removed 4 new Testament books frok his bible. He also defended bigamy and wrote the foundation of the Holocaust.


Peace brother. I think you may want to read ephesians 2, 10 as well so that you may find that perhaps luther and all protestants are missing st Paul's view of good works and how Christ wants us to performed them. Moreover, st Paul's reference to works are those of the Old Testament or Mosaic Law. St Paul knows that without acquairing virtue (goodworks) or without being charitable to others one can not be safed, because that is sin and sin breaks communion with Christ.


the first and second century church would have kicked Luther out of the church on account of Heresy


Peace brother. Just one question? Where does the catholic church teaches that baptism restores free will? Moreover, the catholic church does hold that our will is always free, but weak. Being weak does not equal not free. If you dont have free will then there is no sin and therefore no need of Christ to save us.


Did Martin Luther believe in the trinity???
