Was Martin Luther Right? | Catholic Perspective on Protestant Reformation

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Was Martin Luther Right? As the world observes the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing of his “95 Theses” to the door of Wittenberg Cathedral, we reflect on the history and theology of this major event in the life of the world with a lecture series featuring several scholars in Church history and Sacred Scripture.

▶ This video is an excerpt from our series, “The Reformation and the Grace of Conversion,” featuring Dr. Tim Gray.

0:00 Introduction
5:13 Luther Was Not the Only Reformer: Cardinal Cisneros
13:39 Addressing Luther's Open Letter to Christian Nobility
17:42 Addressing Luther's "On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church"
24:58 Addressing Luther's "On Christian Liberty" and "Faith Alone"
36:09 Luther's Misreading of St. Paul
46:07 What are Works?
50:03 Addressing "Grace Alone"


#MartinLuther #95Theses #CatholicChurch
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Only 1300 views??? And yet people waste hours and hours on mindless videos, when they could be watching wonderful videos like this! Thank you and God Bless!!!


This is what a Catholic university should be like. Thank you.


I was raised protestant. I am now converting to Catholic. I have never been happier. Deep in history is to cease to be protestant.


I studied Luther a bit. I'm Roman Catholic and in my opinion, I can categorically state that my findings were highly in favour of Luther. He had some big Kahoonas to go up against the might of the RC Church at the time but, it wasn't the RC Church that was at fault. Like todays abhorrent paedophile priests, these are not acts of God. Christ never preached this. Incidences of Indulgences, paedophilia and other unholy shenannigans, are undoubtedly from Satan. The fear to confront, highlight and address these occurences are also from an unholy origin. There will always be attempts to bring down Godliness and goodness. I pray that you, the reader, would never be party to that. Keep Safe Brothers and Sisters and Keep the Faith. The worst to come is probably just around the corner. 🔥✝️


Excellent video.. I heard a debate by Catholic Appologist Trent Horne before debating a Protestant. This is wonderful that this video leads on


Luther was all for the Reformation until he lost control of it. Other people got other interpretations rather than his from reading the scriptures. The protestants only had ONE council to hash out their differences called the Marburg Colloquy to hash out the essence of the Eucharist. They could not come to one conclusion and have been dividing ever since. And yet they all claim to have the real Gospel.


Thank you for this teaching! Great clarity for me and my walk of faith!


Ave, María, grátia plena,
Dóminus tecum.
Benedicta tu in muliéribus,
et benedíctus fructus ventris
tui, Iesus.
Sancta María, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.


One of Luther's positions was "The Bible alone is the only legitimate source of doctrine." This teaching is nowhere taught in the Bible.


​ @J Louis *All my points remain unchallenged.*
*James and Luther used Faith Alone differently. This is how its different:*
- Salvation is Not By Works ( *By Faith Alone* ) - Eph 2:8-9.
- Practical Christian Living is By Works ( *Not By Faith Alone* ) - Eph 2:10, James 2, Mat 7, Gal 5:22, 1 Cor 13.

*This is where James 2 comes in - Practical Christian Living.*


Excellent, very insightful and clear. God bless you.


Awesome teachings. Thank you and God bless you


But good works is an expression or a manifestation of the soul: wanting the good of others, helping others, being a good example to others and inspiring them to do the same.
You did some psychological analysis of Luther. I think if we go deeper into his psyche, we might find other psychological factors that led him to separate from the church.

Thank you for this video. It was very enlightening. God bless.


Catholicism still doesn’t understand the damage they did. Luther wasn’t perfect or correct in everything. Catholicism lost its way for a very very long time.


Very informative and educative.
Thank you very much for sharing.


Luther suffered from scrupulosity. His spiritual directors could not root that out? Perhaps he needed an exorcist.


As a Lutheran, I liked his presentation a lot. His rhetoric was very respectful and his case, while only surface level, was substantive. I especially appreciate how he avoided the ad homonyms and falsehoods so prevalent in a lot of RC apologetics.
However, I do have two areas of pushback. Firstly, while there were many attempts to reform the church without splitting it, it is not necessarily true that reform could have happened without a split. Considering someone like Huss, it does seem like Rome wasn't able to reform enough. Second, I feel he may have misinterpreted Luther's view of good works done by the regenerate. It is especially obvious in the little chatachism that works are presented as something we are expected to do. It seems the only area of difference on this issue is whether works done by the regenerate justify us before God. Thanks again for putting this lecture out!


You saw me hungry you did not feed me.
Yyou saw me naked you did not clothe me.
You saw me thirsty you did not give me to drink . These are words of Jesus.


March, 2022
Thank GOD for our LADY of GUADALUPE; when I visited her Shrine in Mexico in Dec. 2012, and I was suffering at the time of "Sleep Apenea" I was healed really while still there - FRARNKLY, my first intensions were to honor her.
†Also, when I prayed few Rosaries to help me to quit smoking cigaretes on May 17, 1998, she answered my prayers immediately, though I was SUPER skeptical at that time, (prv 3: 5)
   †Truely, when I was inspired to recite one single Rosary in December 12, 2000, I was healed from my unbelief (Jn. 14: 1) - and I tried at the time first to pray OUR FATHER, but I couldn't remember the prayer; but GOD still saved me! Also During my first Rosary procession outdoors in May 13, 2001, I saw Queen of the Holy Rosary walking with us for 4-5 seconds; And she had long, dark, blue dress & absolutely attractive one.
    †Since my conversion, I try NOT to miss attending Masses weekly or daily etc. And I pray the Devine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00pm, and I NEVER miss it.
  †UNDOUBTLY, Reading & meditating on "Gospel of life" according to the daily readings is like my "daily bread" And I read the Bible from cover to cover 3 times since my conversion! & I read the CCC as well, (Is. 55: 10 -11). Also, I like to what some one says: every winter turns into spring. But "The fool says in his heart, "There is no God" (Ps.14:1)
   †Unfortunately, many "Catholics don't know what they have, and Evangelicals don't know what they are missing!"
    †And I used to attend few different Evangelical Churches for a few years searching for TRUTH while residing in Stockholm & they opened my eyes a LITTLE bid to the facts of faith at the time.
   † God is still in the miracle buisness. And thank God for the ROSARY prayer, etc.(Ps. 107:13- 14
    †"This is the day which GOD hath made a day for us to REJOICE & be GLAD" - Ps.118: 2
    †By Saba Korial, & I was born in Middle East, now Canadian & Christian CATHOLIC &  part of 1.360 Million world wide Catholics. (2 Tm 2:4 & 4:7). Note that the Name of God is mentioned 3 times while praying the ROSARY as follow: first the LORD, then Jesus & GOD (RV 3:10).
 † "Brothers & sisters pray for me that I may NOT flee for fear of wolves (TERRORISTES)."
†"A believer sees more on his knees than a philosopher sees on his tiptoes" D.L. Moody
**Copy & google the following:
*NEW BOOK by Steve  Weidenkopf: " Light from Darkness: Nine Times the Catholic Church Was in Turmoil-and Came Out Stronger Than before"
* FORMER EVANGELICAL  PROFESSOR: "Weak Catholics Become Protestants Strong Protestants..."<<Google It
*Google the following words: 


Uh, people, read your history for yourselves. Luther was right. At least on these subjects:
1. indulgences
2. the corruption of the papacy
3. the corruption of the whole city of Rome
4. the corruption of monks and the monastic system
5. the ignorance of monks and priests who were operating outside the university system (which itself was top heavy and academic to a fault)
6. the ignorance of God's people of the scripture and the basics of the Christian faith
7. the persistence of pagan tropes and folk religion
8. the general decay of the usefulness of Scholastic methodology
9. the problems of Pauline theology as laid out in the New Testament epistles and how the Catholic system of the priesthood and the mass failed to meet up with the Apostle's teaching (lacking a strong emphasis on faith in the completed work of the cross and the necessity of the individual to be able to access the grace of God by faith.)
10. the dangers of going too far AWAY from Catholicism, ala the Anabaptists and the Calvinists
And these are just the beginning.
Now there are many things of which Luther was ignorant and even very wrong. But 500 years is long enough for us to agree on the truth. Christians must unite. He will not return to a divided bride.
