Chef Guide to Spanish Omelette

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The thing that stuck with me during that video was “100 turns of black pepper”


Spaniard here. This recipe reminds me of the one I make when I don’t want to spend a lot of time frying potatoes. I just use a bag of salted crisps and some eggs, mix it up for a bit and then straight to the pan. Simple yet tasty.


My cousin went on holiday to the Canary Islands. She dated a guy from there whose mother taught her how to cook traditional Spanish dishes. My cousin returned to London & introduced my family to Spanish Tortilla. I can honestly say, that with salad, it is one of my favourite dishes, served hot or cold. Yum!


As a Spaniard, I cannot believe how easy it is a real Spanish omelette and how difficult is conceived abroad. This is not even close to a Spanish "tortilla de patata" (you can say both potato omelette or Spanish omelette, although for us first choice is much more common).

So people, seriously, this is a daily meal made for almost every single family here. Nothing fancy, just good basic ingredients (olive oil (not necessarily extra virgin since this one is better for salads because it is a bit strong), salt, eggs, onion and potatoes (better if they're considered good for frying but again, nothing fancy) and time to learn the small details that makes it delicious, like how to cook it so it isn't dry, grassy or raw, or how to cook it perfectly on both sides without drops on the floor or toasting it (again, a matter of expertise you get by doing it over and over again). That's it.


For tortilla de patatas (Spanish omelette), you fry the potatoes with the onion together and always use olive oil. When you mix everything with the eggs in the bowl let it rest so it won’t be runny. The rest looks very good and not using an oven is already a big improvement from most recipes on the internet. Just a thought, no hate ❤ PS: please no mayo


Muchos españoles aquí, lo cual me alegra! Al igual que casi todos vosotros, la tortilla que yo he comido toda mi vida se hace diferente, en cada familia se le da un toque diferente. Eso no significa que esta receta no sea válida, al revés, se ve deliciosa. Y en mi opinión sí, la mayonesa le pega a la tortilla de papas. Saludos


When I was growing up I had chickens and sometimes we would feed them the shell of the shrimp and the eggs would come out pink...super yummy. If you decide to do this please cut the shells up very fine so the chickens don't choke on it.


Spanish here, this is a popular dish made by common people, and this is not how we make it. First of all, no one does the "very important step" of rinsing the potatoes to remove starch. Onion and potatos are cooked together, at low heat, long time, you do not want crisps but softer potatoes (you may ramp up the heat at the end if you want a bit of crispiness, but that's it). You do not caramelize onions, and you may even skip onions altogether and it would still be perfectly valid. You place hot onion+potatoes in the whisked egg for some time to start slowly cooking the egg. Then you put everything in the pan and apply wisdom to get the desired consistency.


bro those eggs, you got the hookup, holy cow those are as orange as the sun. so beautiful, just wow, really caught my attention, just unbelievable


I use an electric pepper grinder so i just turned myself around 100 times in my kitchen


"a tiny little bit of mayonnaise"
A full spoonful. Gotta love british humor


In 2001, when I lived in London, I had the oportunity to work at Moro's Restaurant. We use to do this tortilla, a little bit different, same results. Loved and missed this moment of my life


Some Spanish people, including myself, are truly crying when you said mayonnaise. Great job just before it though :)


Lived in Spain for 23 years, had many Spanish Omelettes. Never had anything like this !!!!


Putting mayonnaise on a potato omelette is a crime. This video made half of Spain cry.


Soy español, y la tortilla no se hace con "chips". La patata se suele cortar más gruesa o incluso en taquitos, está mucho más buena.


That might be one of the best Spanish omelettes I've ever seen, and I've seen like 8 of them


I am Spanish. As my grandmother would say when seeing this: if you put pepper in the Spanish omelette, you go to hell 😂😂😂😂😂


This is the most anglicized tortilla I’ve ever seen, but still looks very good


Not the way is used to be done at home, but it looks perfect.
Traditionally, potatos and onion, if used, are cooked together in olive oil, then added and mixed in the already wisked eggs. Let it rest a couple of minutes to allow it to build some consistency and then againg to a pan to just get that cooked exterior and a gooey, rich, and delicious interior.
Loved one variation my grandma used to do, which added thinly sliced green italian pepper and a little bit of garlic.
And other with just potatos and her homemade chorizo, no onion.
