The Official Spanish Omelette

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Filmed on location in the heart of Aragón, Spain, this video brings you the authentic and delicious Spanish Potato Omelette, also known as Tortilla de Patatas. As part of the locally researched Pyrenees Cookbook, I've captured all the essential techniques to make this traditional dish perfectly every time.

Join us as we dive into the rich culinary traditions of the Aragón and the Pyrenees, offering you a step-by-step guide to creating this iconic Spanish recipe. For full Mastery the delicate cooking process, this video is your ultimate reference for making a 100% authentic Tortilla de Patatas.
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Damn Pete, that's a really good tortilla. I'm Spanish, and I'm also a cook, I don't know why YouTube recommended this video to me, but when I clicked it, for some reason, I was expecting to get angry at another horrible take on Spanish cuisine by a foreigner, but you absolutely aced it. Mi propia madre podría haber hecho esa tortilla. Te felicito amigo, se nota que sabes perfectamente lo que haces. ¡Un abrazo desde Alicante!


It is quite shocking that your channel does not have more subscribers. Thank your for the effort, the content you provode here is exquisite.


Good food eaten amongst stunning scenery.


Sound as always. Keep them coming please. Joe


Lovely and timely. I wonder where your allegiances lie with the football this evening!


Life is too short for Bad Food! Make that your channel moto (and mine). Thanks much again. Daughter and her family in your turf this week enjoying the great provender.


As always, a great way to start the morning.


Thanks for that, Pete! I’m glad to see that you don’t go for the excessively runny tortillas which seem to be popular in Madrid. I understand that customers in one restaurant got food poising because the eggs weren’t properly cooked! For many years I have made my tortillas like you here, although mine are thicker-more eggs too. However, a couple of years ago some young Spanish friends from Burgos introduced me to the “Bra” pan. It is made specifically for tortillas and consists of two small frying pans which connect. The upshot of this is that you don’t need a plate to turn it over and you get a really good result.
I also use onion and garlic, and have even been known to include a bit of pepper too. But I’m an “inglesito” so not authentic.


You are a brave man, Pete - I remember when there was a to-do about the onion in the Spanish national press a few years ago... and then you add garlic! 😲 I can hear the tutting of my suegra from here. Great video as always - many thanks.


I love your selection of recipes and the outdoor cocina lends to the viewer actually cooking along side with you. I lived in Spain in the mid-80's and it wasn't until years later I remember how much I miss Espana, the people, the wines, the food and the sights. Watching your travels reminds me I need visit again. Thank you for sharing your passion with us!


It looks very delicious and it looks very tasty


I flip between adding onions and not adding them. I'm in a 'cebolla' mood at them moment. So pleased you've chosen to do this recipe. I've made it for friends before and they've commented on how great the flavour was. So simple but so good.


This looks so yummy! I have to try those cracked potato shapes for rustic work... Happy cooking, Pete!


I am never sure whether to enjoy the hell out of the scenery or the cooking first. However, as I conscientiously follow your instructions about the cook having a local beverage on hand (not always for the dish)...I usually have to watch the videos a couple of times. Now: is a recipe book in the writing at all???? Thanks Pete...great as always. Melbourne, Australia


One of my favorites I love it where some nice buttered, fresh sourdough loaf or baguette


Nice. I add the onions later though. As Spanish people taught me on the bell pepper preparation I combine red bell peppers and aubergines. No need to put them back on the heat with the garlic - raw garlic combined with the soft vegies and a lot of oil and salt is delicious.


There’s only one infallible recipe. That’s your own! So true of many foods.


Fabulous looking interpretation of a classic Spanish staple...and your version probably to die for!...Maravilloso!..Pete never fails to deliver and always impresses!


I would never think of Tortilla Espanola as an OMELETTE. I just learned how the potatoes are basically "poached" of deep fried in the oil. Our old Mallorquin housekeeper, Fina, used so much oil we could not believe it. I did not realize that she poured off all the oil before adding the eggs. She never used onion, pepper, or anything but potatoes and eggs. It was PERFECT. It is really more of a potato cake with eggs. Lots of tapas bars make it into a loaf so it is easy to slice but a round pan shape is most common.


That potato snapping technique was new to me. Cool af, great content
