The Garden of Eden Discovered! - Karacadag Türkiye

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In this second edition video presentation I document how I discovered the literal curse on Adam of "thorns and thistles" on top of Karacadag Turkey and made the connection with the Garden of Eden thus became the second multiple discoverer! I share how Noah encoded his landing location of the Garden of Eden in the Dead Sea Scrolls Genesis Apocryphon using the word "Eden" to describe the mountain he landed on. I also document my discovery of The River of Eden which is the Living Waters coming from Karacadag and explain how the river divided from the garden into four river heads which are four watersheds, that being the Rivers Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and Euphrates. I share how using DNA finger printing of founder crops that three of the eight founder crops, Einkorn Wheat, Chick Pea, and Bitter Vetch all originate on Karacadag which means they were created and first planted there! My discovery of the Garden of Eden is a dual discovery I made as I made it while I was exploring the mountain in evidence of a previous multiple discovery I had made that Karacadag is the mountain of Noah's Ark. HallelwYAH!

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Hi brother Nick, if eating meat with blood (say eating a hamburger) is sinful. Then why is the enemy pushing for no meat and for us to eat bugs and stuff like that?


Shalom brother Nick and all mishpacha 👋😊❤️🙏🏻


Noah landed at Mt. Ararat but Karacadag meaning blackish mountain is I’m sure the original Garden. Have a look at Ron Wyatt’s ark discovery at the foot of Ararat. A humble man who God used mightily such as yourself.


Hi Nick, is there any significance to the M1D16, M2D15, M3D15 and M7D10 coinciding with the full moon this year?


Not sure if you mention this in the video (Ill have to watch it again), but I was reading Isaiah and Ch.37 mentions that the people in Tel-Assar are the people of Eden!

Wikipedia states, "Telassar (Tel-as'sar) is mentioned twice in the Bible. First at 2nd Kings 19:12 (or according to the Greek Septuagent, 4th Kings 19:12), and secondly at Isaiah 37:12.

According to those two scriptures, Tel-assar was a place inhabited by "the people of Eden" and is mentioned along with Gozan and Haran, which are in northern Mesopotamia, and Rezeph, the exact location of which is not known, several places having had this name. One such site, thought by some to have been part of an ancient district, is identified with modern Rusa’feh, located West of the Euphrates about 145 km (90 mi) South of modern Haran. It is thus in the vicinity of the suggested site of Gozan, with which Rezeph is mentioned. Sennacherib boasted, through his messengers, that the gods worshiped by the people of these places had been unable to deliver them from his forefathers. This area concurs with T. G. Pinches' etymological explanation in the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia as follows: "As Telassar was inhabited by the 'children of Eden, ' and is mentioned with Gozan, Haran, and Rezeph, in Western Mesopotamia, it has been suggested that it lay in Bit Adini, "the House of Adinu, " or Betheden, in the same direction, between the Euphrates and the Belikh."

This would prove what youre saying, as Karacadag sits in this precise location. Excellent video brother!


Do you have video that explains the Shabbat? why it can never land on Passover, etc.


Dear Mr. VanderLaan, sorry for asking a question off-topic, but I do not have your e-mail address:
What is your opinion due to the claim the true PENTECOST this year 2023 is on 25 JUNE ?


That's funny I thought it was wiped out from the World Flood


Brother Nicholas, why will it be necessary sacrifices in the third temple of Jerusalem? Why do you believe the end-time prophet will be a priest in the temple? Christ's sacrifice on the cross was sufficient. Animal sacrifice was a shadow of the true sacrifice. I hope you see this message. Greetings from Brazil.


I can probably probably See The God Culture Series Is Debunking For Your Claimings Is Really False....
