Fibromyalgia Diagnosis Webinar

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About This Webinar
Fibromyalgia symptoms are similar to many Rheumatology disorders and presents as a result of many of these diseases. This makes it both a differential diagnosis and a comorbidity.

In this webinar, Jack will discuss inclusion of Fibromyalgia in your differential diagnosis, separating fibromyalgia symptoms from existing arthritis symptoms and give some tips on not missing important differentials in people with widespread pain and fatigue.

Differential Diagnosis
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After 2 years of tingling in my feet, which began to occur when I pressed anywhere on my back. Fatigue after sleep, cold feet and legs, dry skin, stomach cramps that felt like I was being clawed from the inside and now upper back pain that doesn’t go away- I was diagnosed with this. I had already seen orthopaedic surgeon and neurologist finally saw a rheumatologist and within 20 minutes he told me this what I have. I don’t have any primary conditions. However my childhood was extremely traumatic.


Thank you, I’m watching from Australia, I can hear you load and clear 🇦🇺🐨 I’ve recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I believe I’ve had fibromyalgia for years, I’ve had a number of injuries, and when my fibromyalgia flares up, the pain goes to those areas. Sleep is bad, fatigue is the worse . It’s a frustrating condition because, I look well, even when my pain is really bad. Thanks again, I appreciate your talk on fibromyalgia, Its very helpful.


As you are UK based I leave a comment - I am 63 this year have had Pneumonia in
Aug. 2018 after having been going to my GP for over a year (usually about every 3 month) with chest infections - given antibiotics and send on my Way! The infection kept returning.
August 2018 I took myself to the A&E - to be told that I have 104 fever, both lungs were 3/4 infected and I have had pneumonia for quite some time. And have to stay in Hospital for at least a week - intravenous and oral antibiotics. And am left with COPD now. Up until lockdown I was doing ok after scaling down to part time work. April 2020 I had a flare up and have never been the same since !!!! My Pilates Coach noticed that I now often cancel sessions at short notice and asked me what was up. She has been a coach for over 2 decades and after I rolled of the long list of what up with me for the past 2.5 years she said it sounds like Fybro. Again I have been seeing the GP's for 2 years have had every test twice over and they all come back fine. But I am not fine, I am a former shadow of myself but the GP's seem to think I am making this all up!!! One even said - Well, we have no Idea were your pain comes from. FYI; My Pilates Coach had only mention Fybro to me just recently but I am not sure if I can say this to these GP's they are already making me fell like a hypochondriac.
Even though I keep saying this is physical and not just in my Head !!!
