9 Women Tell the Truth About Life After Hair Loss

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It’s something that all women have wrestled with at one point: hair. How to pin it, twist it, plait it, or Brazilian blow-dry it to within an inch of its life. As malleable as fabric, as personal and provocative as any statement dress, it’s the thread that connects us to identity. So what happens when you lose it?


9 Women Tell the Truth About Life After Hair Loss
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I have helped several friends through cancer and the first thing I buy them is Hermes scarves, the bigger the better, tie a big knot and make it into a pirate head scarf, or maybe Italian starlette from the 1960's, with large round sun glasses, or just around the head to feel the texture of the silk...wigs can be a nightmare on a hairy head..so work different styles...very long scarves and a side knot for a flapper look... She may have cancer but her stule and being a woman isn't dead...and if she has breast cancer I touch her forehead and heart and remind her that those are where being a woman comes from, not the T&A.


Ohhh this is so beautiful. My grandmother passed away from breast cancer over ten years ago, and lost all her cuuurly hair. She was so beautiful with a scarf and hat on though, because regardless of losing her hair, she didn't not lose her beaming smile and laughter! That's what got me passionate about cosmetology, the empowerment and how it can really just make women feel again. Loved this video so much.


My hair is growing back slowly after cancer treatment. Nice to see the issue being openly discussed!


Beauty! I only can see beauty in this video


I love these videos because they shift my perception to what real beauty looks like. Like these strong beautiful women. I have androgenic alopecia and I hope to be as confident as them some day ❤️


All these women are legitimately so beautiful without hair or short hair!


Simply Stunning.
Stunning video, stunning message and stunning women.

Bravo Vogue.


Everyone's hair loss journey is so different, but the emotions are all the same - raw, real and valid. "Accepting who you are, all of who you are", as one of the beautiful women in this video said, is the exact reason our wig company Silk or Lace was founded! Empowering women and making high quality, realistic wigs and toppers accessible!


Sadly since I have turned 30, I have noticed an increase in hair loss. I am female and my mom who is in her mid50s suffers from the same issue. I was excited to try *Argan Rain Oil* .. I tell you what, way less hair loss when I brush. My hair seems stronger and is breaking less. I also got their shampoo and will be repurchasing both as they are both helping and seem to contain all natural products,


So Courageous and inspiring! You're all so beautiful!


I wish this was inspiring, but it's really not. Maybe they have hair loss, but they are still all have very beautiful faces, unflawed smooth skin, are thin or average sized. When you have a not so pretty face, acne and acne scars, are overweight and the only thing that wasn't ugly on you was your hair... I just wanna cry every day.


Is this specifically about hair loss because of cancer treatments? Because most of these women have hair but it's short. Which leads me to think it has regrown once the chemo etc. has been stopped. I personally know three women who went through this and it was devastating to them.


Well I have been using *Super har food anti hair loss shampoo* for over a month and I can honestly say the amount of *hair in the shower drain is about 75-80% less than before* Still hair in my brush, but again, not as much. My hairdresser said my hair looked better. It is pricey, but so far so good!


love this . very beautiful and real. good work.


Glad to see women handling their hair loss in different ways because we’re all different and there’s no one size fits all.


Amazing video! This video really helped me when I first lost my hair and I know that it will continue to help so many other women! Well done Vogue!


I buzzed my hair off just cause I love buzzcuts. Feel free! I’m lucky to have the choice.


Ok, most of these women have hair, albeit short, they are not bald. This is such a misleading video.


ARGAN Rain is a great product, I had to shave my head bald because of a mess up that I did when I was cutting my hair. So I ordered this product to help me achieve the look that I was going for and it is amazing.


This is a beautiful, powerful video that has, unfortunately, not too many views. I wish every woman could see this and realize how greater life can be beyond the safety we're used to. All these women are so... stunning. Absolutely stunning. Not a single thing wrong with them. Congratulation to Vogue for this.
