A Harmonic Minor Scales - Learn All Seven Positions

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The harmonic minor scale (or Aeolian ♯7 scale) has the same notes as the natural minor scale except that the seventh degree is raised by one semitone, creating an augmented second between the sixth and seventh degrees. Thus, a harmonic minor scale is represented by the following notation: 1, 2, ♭3, 4, 5, ♭6, 7, 8.

This lesson shows the seven patterns beginning on the the first fret, sixth string. And then, covering the entire neck. I am playing though all the patterns using Hammer-ons and Pull-offs in each pattern. You can also playing along with the videos using alternate picking, and then add the legato in later as you get more comfortable.

The pdf shows all the scale patterns, the notation and tablature, as well as chord charts.
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Dude!!!! The 7 scale technique has opened the fret board for me like no other method has. And i will be doing a video on it when i get to that point


I know it's not supposed to be a song but... it's beautiful ❤
