Make Your Ex Regret Breaking Up With You

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Hi, I’m Brad Browning, Youtube’s #1 Breakup Geek. I’ve been on Youtube for years giving you the honest truth when it comes to getting your ex back and I’ve helped make love a reality for thousands of clients all over the world. So stick around and take notes if you want to hear advice that works in the real world.
Step #1: No Contact
When you go into No Contact, you’re effectively rewiring your ex’s brain. As time passes after a breakup, any anger and resentment your ex has towards you will fade. No matter how angry they were your ex will begin to think of you fondly. This process is called “Romanticizing” our past relationships. Simply by staying away, you’re improving your ex’s memories of you and letting them stew in their regret.
During this time, DO NOT check in with your ex or mention them to mutual friends. Act like you’re over them but have no hard feelings, even if it isn’t true.
Step #2: Show your ex a new side of you.
Whatever reason your ex gave you for ending things, the truth is that relationships often end because of boredom… your ex feels like they’ve experienced everything you have to offer them and that it’s just going to be more of the same as long as you two are still together.
What’s something about you that your ex couldn’t stand? Maybe you didn’t make an effort when it came to your appearance. Maybe you spend too much time on the couch rather than experiencing new things. Identify this shortcoming and take steps to correct it. And most importantly… do it in a way that your ex will notice. Whether this means getting a new haircut, going on a trip, or spending time with your friends and family.
Step #3: Re-attract
Once you’ve completed No Contact, now is the time to reach out and begin the real re-attraction process. If you’ve successfully completed No Contact then your ex’s negative feelings towards you will have faded and they’ll be thinking about what they lost by breaking up with you. By reaching out to them at this stage, you’re going to show them that all hope isn’t lost. It’s important to play it cool. If you’ve pulled off no contact successfully, you’re actually at an advantage over them so don’t lose it.
Now that you’re back in contact you still need to keep your distance. By keeping contact with your ex but still maintaining your boundaries, you remind them of what they’re missing: the intimacy, closeness and love they chose to give up by ending things with you.
Any sort of negativity, begging, or whining at this stage is a huge mistake. You need to show them that you don’t need them but that they still need you. This power imbalance is key to making them regret the breakup and get back with you.
Don’t be cold but don’t treat them the same way you did when you two were together. Treat them like an old friend rather than your partner. They’ll feel the change and want to bridge the gap between you two, without even knowing.
This is the simplest way to completely transform how your ex feels about you and make them chase you again, instead of the other way around. Regret is a powerful emotion and if you can use it correctly, you’ll be back together in no time.
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