becoming a boxer at home is easy, actually

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Since this video caught your interest, it's clear that you wanted to become a boxer before.. Today, you will learn most of the basics of boxing, including how to punch, stance, defense, head movements, footwork and so much more..
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I've tried to give you most of the info you'll need to start boxing at home, but joining a boxing gym is a must to really complete what you’ve started. Trust me, if you follow these steps, when you walk into that gym, you won’t just be that new regular guy 💀


Sparred with grandma and she was so proud of me. It's been 3 days and she's still napping


0:50- 1.Muscle 0:53- Muscle strength 3:05- Core training 4:14- Explosive squats 5:19- 2. Endurance 5:22- Running 6:18- Jump rope 6:41- Interval Training 7:18- 3 Techniques 8:13- Punches 10:44- Defense 13:10- Footwork 13:34- Shadow boxing Hope it's help for all of you to focus at each points. Elias can you do a video about how to start calisthenics please, thank you for all the video you are making. That was all, Student out.


This is actually great advice. I trained for 3 years in a boxing gym and I think this video is great for a hobbyist. If youre looking to be a pro, go to a pro gym.


Guys, learning how to ''box at home'' is like trying to learn how to swim through an online course, join a boxing gym y'all.


Tony jeffries is a great channel to watch for boxing advice, super easy to understand


Yea this guy explained everything very well and he knows what he’s talking about, but please if your actually thinking about boxing and trying to be good at it still join a boxing gym they will actually help you improve even more. If you learn everything in this video it’ll give you a head start with once you join a boxing gym


1. Push ups. explosive style. 2. Pull ups. 3. Sit ups/core training. abs and lower back. AB wheel. 4. Explosive squats. 5. calf exercises. 6. Endurance - running. at least 5k's 3 x p/week. 7. Jump rope. 8. Intervals/punch bag. 4 punch combo on bag till failure. 5 x rounds. start wit 2 rounds.


So I’ve seen a few people criticizing people for practicing at home and that they should just get a gym membership, but the thing is, I literally can’t afford it. I can barely afford my car payments and groceries, so if I wanna try to become an amateur boxer, and I’m literally only talking about me and my situation right now, the only way for me to start is at home until I can afford a gym membership. 🤷‍♂️


First step for people who cant access to boxing gym, Also the guide for people who want to improve on their boxing career. i appricate your content man


This video actually help people who lives in a small town like me, there's barely a boxing community, and literally no boxing gym here. Thanks for the video man.


0:53 - Muscle strength
3:05 - Core training
4:14 - Explosive squats
5:19 - 2. Endurance
5:22 - Running
6:18 - Jump rope
6:41 - Interval Training
7:18 - 3 Techniques
8:13 - Punches
10:44 - Defense
13:10 - Footwork
13:34 - Shadow boxing


I'm a simple man.. I see Ippo i click 🥊


for about a year I've been obsessed and so antsy to join a boxing gym and actually start boxing. turns out some guy my friend new was a boxing coach and he introduced me to him. its been almost 6 months training with him and he does it completely for free. I plan on repaying him in the future by representing my town for him and winning, just joining a gym and having good connections with people will definitely be worth it if you're interested in the sport especially if you have people who support you. if you see this I strongly encourage you to try and join a gym for formal training if you're obsessed with the sport or even a little bit interested. its without a doubt hard at first and can suck a lot, but a part of being a boxer is having discipline and forcing yourself to make that effort, it gets easier over time and it will all pay off in the end. start now


*Complete summary of this video*
_Hope it helps for those who really want this_

1. Muscle strength

• Explosive pushups – 100 reps
• Weighted pull ups
• Core exercises – Leg raises/ Inclined sit ups/ Back extensions/ AB wheel
• Explosive squats – Until failure
• Calves’ exercises – Hill running/ Jump rope/ Calf raises
2. Endurance
• Running – At least 3 miles
• Jump rope – Until failure
• Interval training – 4 punch combinations until failure -> 2 min break <- 5 times
3. Technique
• Stance – Orthodox $ Southpaw
• Punches
o Jab – Straight punch with lead hand
o Cross – Straight punch with rear hand
o Overhand
o Hook – Elbow at shoulder level or slightly below
o Uppercut
o Body shot – Simpler a lower hook
o Smash – Mix between hook and upper cut – Razor Reddock
4. Defence
• Guard
• Jab – Rear hand to push it slightly away/ Lead hand to deflect/ Slip or lean
• Hook – Raise elbow and cover face with gloves/ Bend and maintain guard
• Uppercut – Lower forearms and cover the face with gloves/ Move back with guard
• Head movement – Slip back/ Sparing
• Slip line
• Foot work
• Shadow boxing – Focus/ imagine all details of your opponent


I'm deciding to start boxing, but I can't go to a gym yet due to money issues this helped me a lot. I've currently ordered boxing gloves, handwraps and a skipping rope so I'm starting tomorrow. wish me luck!


I am currently 14 yrs old I started my journey 4 weeks ago I have no coach no gym but I won't stop ill keep practicing and learning and I will be better and enter a gym but until then thanks Elias.


bro this video includes almost everything a boxer needs to know


I’ve been shadow boxing seriously for about 4 years and it makes a huge difference because you simply can throw comfortable and precise punches just set up a camera and watch yourself trust me😂 also knuckle pushups, when I do them I view each push up as a full force punch 🤛 the more u can do the better 🙏🏾


Important points for me:
1:15 - Explosive Pushups & Pull Ups
4:47 - Calves w jump rope
11:59 - Head movement with slip bag
