13 Tips for Beginner Witches || Witchcraft 101

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There's definitely more advice I'd give, but these are some of the most common answers I'd have! What are your pieces of advice for others, if you're a seasoned practitioner?

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when she said “my craft” i couldve sworn i heard “minecraft” lol


As a witch for over 20 years my best advice is-If you're tired or sick, don't do it. As a beginner witch I often forced myself to do spells and rituals when I didn't feel well or was exhausted and I always felt worse afterwards. If you're feeling rough, put that spell off for another day or forget the full moon ritual and curl up with a book instead. Self-care is a ritual in itself.


Me: I wanna start witchcraft!

Also Me: *What if I try to do a protection spell and I mess up*


1:37 Read everything
3:23 Keeping up with spiritual life isn't for everyone
4:18 Ask yourself what you want out of this?
4:42 Learn to spot the efficent spells from the faulty ones
6:21 Intention is important - but not everything
9:01 Do not be your main battery
9:56 Everything matters, but not everything is necessary
11:16 Get crafty
12:11 Master your fundamentals
12:25 You will always be wrong ...to somebody
13:05 As you change, so will your practice
13:16 Divination
13:55 Write everything down
14:15 Don't take yourself so seriously


"It's good to know the reason you want to be a witch."
Me: Heehee hoohoo shiny rocks go click clack!


Olivia: "You should be reading and learning about things that contradict your current morals and beliefs."
Me contemplating buying a book on reincarnation: "Can she . . . see me??!!!!"


I’ve never laughed at a fart joke until today. Thank you Olivia


As someone who was raised as a Pentecostal Christian, I need to say that the witch community is completely different from what I was taught to believe. This community is so much more kind and helpful. The amount of understanding here is crazy. My family wouldn't even consider learning about other christian religions. I love it here!
Also thank you for the video it is amazing


Me: witches are crazy
Also me: *is trying to become a witch*


Likewise, not claiming to be an expert - even many years in my practice is constantly evolving - but things I would tell my seventeen year old self if I could:
1. Don't be afraid of the quiet patches - there's times when the powers that be, your deities / energies / however you frame them seem to be intense as f**k, and others where you're getting nothing. They haven't deserted you, things aren't always loud and showy. Learning to hear the silence, sit with yourself, reflect is spiritual practice too.

2. You don't need the trappings - are there beautiful tools out there, hell yes. Do you need to survive on toast so you can buy them all, no. I've seen people's lovingly found driftwood stick channel more energy than a fancy-pants carved wand. Use what calls to you, not what you think you should.

3. Don't be afraid of going with your gut - much of the literature I read when first starting out was Wiccan, it was more widely available. Cunningham, De Grandis, Anderson, Eason, Farrar, Green, Beth...all solid authors. I still own books by them and and the language and passion is still something I take from them. Did my gut sit completely comfortably with the structure of Wicca...not really. I love seeing how kitchen / green / folk practices are so much easier to find resources on now, but back then I sometimes thought I was at fault for feeling like I didn't quite fit the mould. Your practice is intensely personal. Trust your gut if it tells you to keep looking, you'll find what fits.

4. Deities don't mind when you wobble - you're a work in progress! I've fallen in and out of the broom-closet so many times over the years, I've freaked out, backed off, returned to church attendance because it was "easier" for other people to accept that sort of faith (I was raised Catholic). All of which was viewed by my personal deities in the energy of what I can only describe as an exasperated but loving raised eyebrow. Its only now, not far from hitting forty, that I've finally reached openly proud and steady practice. Neither of my deities are of the easy variety and both seem to view dark night of the soul sort of wobbling as something of a rite of passage. No deity is going to slam the door in your face just because you needed to work through shit before committing.

5. Speaking of deities, it doesn't always have to be a full pantheon of the same tradition. My female deity is Celtic (Irish line) and my male deity is Norse. (Which eventually made perfect sense as it turns out that while my paternal line is of Irish origin, we descend from Dublin Viking settlers - I honestly didn't see that coming, lol). Go with what calls to you. And if that means working with general energies not specific deities, that's fine too!

(Damn, that turned into a mini essay...sorry guys!)


I think begginer witches need a lot of guidance because of how hard it is to be one. There is a lot of struggle in the beggining like "coming out" and finding out who they are and what they are doing I know it's hard to stay true to yourself(sorry for the rant ) best of luck to all of you. 🌒🌕🌘 🌹💜🌑


Me wanting to get into witchcraft but having no clue what it is/where to start/what i need to learn first: I like your funny words magic mann B)


Before the word “witch” scared me, now I’m openly embracing it and that’s just mind boggling to me, in the best possible way of course!


Advice for beginning witches- look at local plants, animals, rocks and stores. Its good to know the kinda stuff you can find locally, and later on if you decide to purchase items, then youll know where you can go to find the items you search for.


Cleansing every DAY?!
I cleanse, like, every time I clean my apartment. I tidy, dust, vacuum, mop, and then I cleanse. That’s maybe every other week.
But... Every... Day?!?! -mind blown-


As a baby witch, this really helped me! I love how you express yourself.


Here is a personal tip: Do, or at the very least - research - Shadow Work. Work on yourself! Intentions come from our emotional guidance system and if you are unconscious of your hidden intentions you could start a spell and see it blow up in your face. Casting out of unconscious trauma is what I have heard termed as a blind spell. Your craft is essentially going to plug you into the universe and here is a truth that may help save some time - You are an extension of the universe. If you start to consciously contribute with the craft then you had best be ready to see yourself be changed by each spell and piece of knowledge you obtain. If you have any hope at navigating the energy that creates worlds consciously - you had best know yourself as deeply as you can.

My first intentional protection spell I summoned nature - as a whole. YUP, and did she answer swarms of biting insects protected me and my home. At first, I was like this AMAZING and then I was like THIS IS TERRRIFYINNGGG AND OVER JUICED!!! I was so afraid of my circumstances I channeled all that fear into a spell that I ended up having to undo because I entered into it blindly. Always listen to your deeper truths. The best way to decipher this chaotic wild and beautiful universe is to decipher the self. this way you can translate the symbology and not only have your foot in the nonphysical world but see where you walk it.


For those at the start of their journey: Everything you need, you already have. Trust your intuition. Follow your interests. Edit: Don’t worry so much about doing something right or wrong, because wrong doesn’t exist. Things take time, ripples extend into infinity.


From an elder here, I’d like to say I think you did a really great job on this & you’ve gained yourself a new sub. It was magical how I found your channel so after watching this I feel the ancestors would like me to stick around.

Loved #10 abt not taking yourself too seriously. This is key. Back in 1991 when I 1st started my practice I was doing some candle magic on a makeshift altar in the apartment I lived in as a single mum w/my two young daughters (ages 4 & 5, now 34 & 35). In the middle of the spell w/both my daughters participating, one of them farted & of course they both giggled then they were concerned they “messed up.”

I told them that the Goddess(es) loves & blesses all things even farts so it’s perfectly ok to do so; I did suggest they quietly say “pardon me” for having farted but hey no harm no foul. That one actually made me lol, say right on, & yep I’m subbing!

Keep on keeping on. Thnx for the content sister.🌀


I've been practicing witchcraft for 30 years. I've been taught by books, groups, videos, teachers, covens and my current coven. So I just want to say from everyone and everything I have been taught from,
YOU are an excellent teacher. ❤
