How to start in witchcraft? || tips for beginners and closeted witches 🧙‍♀️🧹

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Start practicing witchcraft can seem very daunting at the beginning. There is a lot to learn, and so many possibilities that we can end up feeling overwhelmed. But today I am bringing my take on this topic with tips for both the beginners and closeted witches. If you were wondering how to start in witchcraft, or how to cope with hiding your practice altogether, this video is likely to help you!

I am Aster, a Brazilian Folk Witch sharing some magick on the internet. We have new videos on independent spirituality every Sunday at 6pm (France timezone). This channel is thought for beginner witches in general and black practitioners, especially those who have Brazilian ancestry.

0:00 - For witches like you
1:23 - Start with why
2:31 - The witch in the closet
15:45 - The newbie witch
25:40 - About grimoires and altars

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i have not begun my practice yet because ive felt so lost and powerless/undeserving. your video inspired me to finally start. thank you. ♥️


tips that can be hidden:
before starting anywhere ask yourself what is your motivation? if it's for looking cool, hun it won't work.
now we shall commence...
1. get plants- they are great spiritual allies
2. work meditation- when you start reaching out dieties or whatever you prefer you will realize how important meditaiton is
3. go to power spots- natural are built places with strong energies ex: woods. forests. rivers. lakes. grassroads. mountains. parks. cemeteries. graveyards. - try to feel the different energies from these different places- it's refreshing/purifying to meditate at the woods or by the lake- most magic you will be involved with is local so you need to know whats locally available to you- make sure your safe!- these places are also great for rituals
4. sigils
5. charge items - you can charge literally anything with the intention you have in my mind ex: charging jewelery for confidence or foods ex: make tea and when you stir put intention into your beverage
6. knot magic- set intentions with each stitch when you look at it you will be reminded of that power you put into it- you can even do this with tying your shoes
7. essential oils
8. crystals - you can charge with energy if you want, but they already come the earth with every specific energies so you can incorporate them into your practice- you don't need alot just the basics i.e clear quartz, selenite, amethyst, tourmaline a little gem of each of those is good
9. bath magick- aster has a vid about this! - make an herbal mixture to wash your body and bring a certain energy onto your body
tips for new witches:
1. read as much as possible - do you research on magick and witchcraft- aster has a free pdf for beginners!!and video for books for new witches!
2. learn protection- spells can be dangerous if not done properly so be prepared and protected. better to be safe than sorry. search for things you can put in your house, or that you can wear for protection.also don't be an asshole, that's the best protection :)
3. take your time- it can be overwhelming, but calm down you have your entire life for learning you won't be super skilled at everything it's going take time ( yearss) so enjoy the ride and have fun experiencing. its about building abilities to layer and complement each other. - you can't write an essay without learning how to use letters.
4. don't be afraid to explore-forget societal taboos, you're not going insane you're welcoming the spirtual into your life. when you talk to it, it talks back :)- mistakes are apart of the process, it's through mistakes that we learn
5. don't be concerned with labels- your path will unfold for you naturally, you don't need to look for it.
tips for grimoires and altars
you're practice is not how it looks, though it is fun it's not about that. you don't need all those things- it's about the power and energy that your manipulating there. as long as it's effective it's fine.
1. don't start out spending so much money on tools. don't buy everything you see on social media- you need to get to know you practice and get to know what you need so you have a solid understanding of what's needed- you don't need altars at the very beginning think about this when/if you start working spirits- although you can have a little space to practice, that is not an altar
2. do have some kind of journal- document/ write everything down you experience- aster has a link in her description!!


20 years practicing African Science. Magic is very diverse. You never know what type of practitioner you are going to be until you "become." Some Fly, others disappear, others heal, other shape shift, other turn things into gold, others bring rain, other see into the future or the past. Others talk with spirits, Other talk to plants. Others talk to animals. Others have the ability to speak and their words move mountains, mesmerize masses of people. Others sing and steal our hearts. We all have magic in us, unfortunately we usually don't recognize it. You may already have the gift, however, you desire something else. I had a certain gift from birth, which people thought was amazing, however, I hated it. I did not appreciate it. I was looking for something else. I spent years looking for easy magic. The type where you snap your fingers and stuff happens, until it finally downed on me, that my magic was specific to me. Once I embraced my ability, then my life changed for ever. Know Thy Self!! Thank you for the video.


Nothing shameful or weird about witchcraft. I never worry about people who might judge or dislike my beliefs. Good video, thank you!


Grown-ass man watching this, being happy that I don't have to _explain myself_ to anybody ever again when it comes to deciding what my next thing is, which at the moment is magick

Shout out to all the girls and boys who do not have such luxury, I believe in you

Thank you, Aster; I am not very inspired by plants and parks, so staring at a cucumber or talking to a tree is probably not the way to go for me rn, but meditation - that might be it. I have heard so many times how essential it is, but I didn't yet make it my daily practice, it's been one of those "i should try that one day" type of ideas.

Gonna start today.

Blessed be, or whatever, lol


Just wanted to add in that meditation is an awesome and vital thing to learn. But be aware of the people around you if you're trying to keep your practice private or secret.

At least in the USA some more extreme parents and roommates get really uncomfortable if they find out your meditating.

I'm speaking from experience, I did practice mediation when I was still living with my family. It was long before I picked up witchcraft, but I would still get a stern warning about how meditation lets the devil in.

It's not extremely common now for me to meet people that think like that, but still, it does happen.


I’m a newbie, only about a week into learning. There’s so much to learn! Thank you for breaking down the basics and sharing resources. I really appreciate it!


I've been so unbelievably spiritually overwhelmed. I don't want to say lost, but confused as to where I stand. One thing I know is I am drawn to nature. Im drawn to using what the earth has to offer to move me spiritually and to keep me healthy and well. I feel nature and the gifts of nature will guide me in every way. I feel connected to it and I feel rituals and procedures will help me significantly with how much I'm dealing fogabd cognitive disfunction. But at the same time, organizing this is causing overwhelm. I know it's the way i need to overcome all my spiritual overwhelm...I need this journey. Thank you for your guidance


Haven't started yet... gaining knowledge before stepping inside.. knowing my powers and waiting for universe call


i have heard the call for witchcraft and since i started meditating, i started doing intuitively some of the things enlisted. Thank you so much for all this wonderful information!


Three years here still learning glad I found you maybe you found me lol thank you for everything..❤


I have been interested in practicing since i was a child. I only started really practicing recently though.

I do paranormal investigation as a hobby. I realized to really get the most of it, spirit work would really help. This led me to folk magic.

I still stumble quite a bit, but your videos have really been helping me to figure out what aspects i need to improve upon. And im getting good results.


I'm a man and I've had many friends growing up who delved in witchcraft/wicca and I simply listened no shaming ever I know this world is bigger than just us humans. So I want to understand more and learn to cleanse and protect myself and my family that alone would be great with this knowledge.


Beginner here, watching this and seeing 555.


excellent, thank you. I've been a practitioner since the 1990's...but I always loving hearing different perspectives


I am so grateful for finding your channel! I love how you deliver the knowledge. I started on this path a little over 2 years at the age of 38. Ive learned so much & done so much reach but with a really busy schedule I& a big family I never get alone time to actually practice as much is like. My entire life I felt like something was wrong with me because I wasn’t religious like everyone around me never had a calling until I started going to this spiritual path. I finally found my way. Again thank you❤


Ive watched loads of videos for beginners and yours is hands down the best one ive encountered. You are down to earth and relatable. Cant wait to check out the rest of your channel!!


I need to thank you SO MUCH Aster. Your work is so crucial and helpful and if an insane quality, you deserve so many more followers and YES PLEASE MEDITATION because even as a seasoned witch I still don't know what it should be other than me not doing stuff for a while😅


Ok, but I need these afro tips on how you got your hair so perfect 😮
