How to write a spell | Beginner witch tips | Writing spells for Witches

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#magicspell #witchcraft #spellwork

Today we are talking about how to write a magic spell - with some valuable tips on witchcraft and spell-writing in general. This magic spell tutorial is written from my own point of view and experience as a secular eclectic witch and hopefully gives witchcraft beginners tips and ideas in order to write their own spells and rituals or rewrite spell inspirations found online or in spellbooks and other witchcraft literature. We will go over the difference between a spell and a ritual, talk about why it is important to set your intention clear - not too wide and not too broad, hear more about different methods to casts spells, techniques for wording your magic spell, and how to work with magickal correspondences and actual science.

SARAH'S VIDEO on How to write a Green Witch spell:

Video on the elements (Megan Black - round the cauldron):

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This is a fantastic guide to writing spells. I also really appreciate that you use science in your spells too.


I don’t know how I’ve been a Witch for 27 years and never known the term SecularWitch. I had to look it up. I had no idea. I think I will spend the next year familiarizing myself with this new idea you’ve shared with me. Not that I could convert to it myself, I would just like to explore it and develop a respect for it. I meet a lot of people that have an interest in witchcraft but no interest in the religious aspects that I know it to have. I had no idea there was a place for it and suddenly feel very unworldly. I suppose that would explain a lot about how there are so many new Practicioners. so interesting. It makes sense in that nature itself could draw a huge following. I know a Christian woman that asked me about performing spells and magic. I literally assumed this was off limits to Christians. I’ll have to rethink my ideas and beliefs about this. Thanks for sharing ✨


I love how you make the witch culture a bit more lighthearted and not the brooding rumour that most people think it is


I love this video! So many of the points you made are exactly how I work as well. I love to spend a long time developing spells and magical workings to make them more powerful and long-lasting in effect. The internet is filled with fast witch tips for spells you can do in one minute or with one ingredient. I love that you take the longer view, with research and patience. (I also don't rhyme, and for the same reason.)


I'm so in love with the whole aspect of witchcraft, but i have absolutely no idea where to start. This is great, I need all the help I can get


This was a fabulous post! Lots of great ideas to enhance my spells. One thing I make sure to do is not cast spells when I am mentally tired or emotionally drained or upset (unless it is a spell to remedy these things). I have always felt that it is so important to be mindful of your "space" before casting.


This was so delightful 💚 I really enjoyed hearing your perspectives on magickal spellcrafting. I also find that the longer I work with a spell and the more I sink into it, the more magick and oomph it gets 💚 I've very much enjoyed our collab together!! 😊 Many Blessings 🌕


I love the idea of adding science into spells!


Thank you for mentioning adding science to your magic! You’re right, it’s not commonly mentioned. Cheers! 🖤


You are absolutely beautiful.. your family is SO lucky to have you.. i have watched almost every one of your videos over the last few weeks.. Keep going .. you will have a LOT of subscribers in no time at all and get paychecks from YouTube so you can stay home with your beautiful family .. I BELIEVE IT. <3


Give the spell space to breathe and work it's mystery - YES.
I don't like rhyming spells either. I do really like the "switch" words? Idk how people call these but thats how I had read about it. Say feeling sick or pain, I don't use spells or rituals since during that time those things would be too much, so switch or 'trigger' words such as relief are really helpful :D


I found your channel about a week ago and I've been trying to catch up on all the videos, lol! I love this one because I read a while back that writing your own spells and making your own sigils are more powerful because they are tailored for you. I would really love to learn more about sigils. While listening to your knowledge and all the different kinds of witch craft, I understand that I have been practicing some form of witchcraft since I was a child. I have studied it on and off for years, as well as Goddess devotion and other forms of spirituality, but I keep coming back to what I now understand as being a Green & Kitchen witch, plus study and use tarot, runes and astrology, plus many other forms, too numerous to go into. My entire house is filled with crystals, shells, candles and herbs!


Beautifully explained thank you so much ❤️


Wonderful practical tutorial on spell writing...Channing Tatum😁👍!!! I can't wait for the Thanksgiving feast video !!!


I need a spell for my blood pressure, since a lot of things sets me off. I need a spell to protect myself from evil. And I need a spell for courage for public speaking. I don't want to look like a fool in front of people. 😨
And I definitely...I mean DEFINITELY need a spell for motivation because I procrastinate a lot.


REAL witches are empaths with VERY deep self-insight and insight, who are HIGHLY perceptive, and persuade with the power of truth. THAT is the spell, and narcissists find it at once terrifying and irresistible. REAL witches are/were eventually persecuted for being able to see inside of the soul of the soul of those narcissists. If you're a REAL witch, then you know who I am.😉🤘


Awesome video 😁 I love your realistic and down to earth approach to casting spells! I wish I’d had this video as a resource when first starting haha 😊


Thank you for sharing these wonderful tips for spell casting. I have herbs I can use in spells. You are a beautiful soul!


Ohh that's great to know! I always tend to be too specific with my spells or manifestation 🤣


Holy wow Bex you've already hit 3k subs 🌻🌺⚘🌷 congrats!
