Downspout Drain Pipe - Do's and Don't's

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Catch Basin under downspout is not the best way to collect roof water. Watch and see why.

French Drain and Yard Drain must have a good discharge.

The Most Complete Rainwater Drainage video on YouTube. Everything from buying a shovel and calling 811, Materials, Trenching, How Deep, Discharge to daylight. Perforated pipe surrounded by gravel, Catch Basin, Downspout Drains, Gutters, Basement Waterproofing, Crawl Space Waterproofing, Interior and Exterior Waterproofing and So Much More!

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A Complete guide for the both contractor and DIY.

Learn how to quickly install a Yard Drain or French Drain. How to tips including - irrigation repair, control wires, discharge with pop ups, connections and catch basins, Downspout Drain, Channel Drain, Pool Deck Drain, Perforated pipe, Sump Basin, Crawl Space and Basement Foundation drain. We are the Most Trusted Name in Waterproofing and our work stands alone across the nation and the world.

Subscribe and learn how to do this yourself and save 1000's and learn the BEST way to install a Drainage System!

A very good how to do it yourself video.

Catch Basins will move more water than any french drain. Watch and learn why and how to create and build the BEST Rainwater Drainage Systems from the name you trust!
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yard drain, foundation drain,, French drain, backyard sump pump, Apple Drains, how much does a system cost, Don't be fooled,

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I don’t even own a house or need to assemble a drainage, I just find ur voice calming lol so I ended up watching the whole thing


Great videos. The vertical drainage approach helped a lot of the side of my home


Good video. I would recommend using long sweep 90's or two 45's in a buried line. If you have to snake it, it will be much easier with the more gradual bend.


Chuck is a good dude does lots of good work. I own properties and grew up in my dad's company laying sewer/water lines, I do this type because I like too and saves money .First you need another 90 to the catch basin, now why this can be a good option is if you have trees around the house. If so the gutters will get full and spill over at the down spout BUT if you have a catch basin there it will collect a BIG chunk of the rain keep your basement dry .


Finally a great video instruction on how to properly install downspouts


Just wanted to stop by and say thanks Chuck - your videos are very helpful. I had this exact problem and I was installing a French drain to fix the drainage problem. When I was putting it back together I watched this video and realized the root cause of my damp basement was actually the downspout, which was installed just like in your guide here. It was a quick fix to replace the NDS catch basin with a Y.


Wow, I was going to make that exact mistake. THANK YOU! You saved me a lot of headaches!


Wish we were in the same state, I'd hire you in heartbeat! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!! I now have the confidence to try to fix my drainage problem.


Just replaced a sewer pipe that had a bush growing through it. It busted the pipe into little pieces. The pipe three feet in either direction was still solid. So chuck isn't lying about roots lol.


This only works in warm climate. For winter folk, never direct pipe. You must have an air space gap for freezing, expansion and contraction. Your french drain should also use at least 1 inch screen aggregate as well as geotextile cloth


Simple. Have the downspout discharge 3 ft. from the house and elbow perpendicular to the downspout directly into a catch basin. That's what I did ; and it works perfectly.


Great job! You’re very good at thoroughly explaining step by step and NOT doing random finger pointing, then edit the video, more finger pointing and voila job done! 👍


Ohhhh.... I worked in a hardware store before and never knew what a cleanout assembly was used for (of course I knew where it was in our store and could direct a customer asking for one to it). Now I know. 👍


Man! You’re a master man. Thank you for your videos


In the northeast it is common to use a T as a freeze stop, instead of a Y as a clean out. Works well especially for sum pumps as long as there is a foot above the ground/ snow. Sumps do run in the north east in the dead of winter sometimes and it covers your butt in stead of frozen discharge back flowing into your basement


Oh I think I need a septic guy, this house says the sewer line coming out is at a huge bush!! Learn so much! Thanks you!


Another alternative that is catching on (particularly in the pacific northwest) is instead of worrying how to drain water coming off your roof, is to "collect" that water. We live rural and don't have city water supply. We have a well which is fine except during hot summer months when water is at a premium. We have two, 2000 gal. cisterns. We get a LOT of rain here. The water runs off the roof and the gutter downspouts are redirected to the cisterns. Come summer, we have 4, 000 gallons of extra water. With flooding issues however, I did install catch basins following Chuck's advice and directions on how to do it properly.


Thank you for sharing! Have a new home and was about to install four catch basins and piping (one on each corner of the house) but this solution deals better with the heavier rains we get.


Did anyone else notice the spout move at :33? Had to rewind to make sure I saw that right, lol. Thank you for your videos.


Thanks for the tip! I just dug a hole to install a catch basin like this. Back to the drawing board!
