Wrong Fit, Right Fit Audiobook Sample

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Wrong Fit, Right Fit: Why How We Work Matters More Than Ever

How do we make work feel less like work? What if the issue isn’t good or bad culture, but the fit between our ideal way of working day-to-day and that of the companies we join. If we fit, we hum, we connect, we create momentum and do our best work with grace and ease. But wrong fit has serious consequences. It can erode performance, drive up frustration, and steal our competence and confidence. The good news is, there is a way forward. And it’s as simple as crafting the right fit. Based on his decades of experience and exhaustive research, including in-depth interviews with knowledge workers and leaders from all walks of life, organizational psychologist Dr. André Martin guides employees (talent) and organizations to create right fit.

Written and Narrated by: André Martin

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This is really inspiring. Adding this book to my wishlist right now!
