FL Studio VST Wrapper Settings Explained (IN DEPTH) Plugin Settings

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FL Studio VST Wrapper settings can resolve plugin performance and scaling issues and more! Although some opt not to learn these plugin wrapper settings, knowing these VST settings will put you in a place of full control with your VST Plugins.

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Gear I use:

0:00 Intro
1:15 Dropdown Options (Replace/Delete/Presets)
3:10 Dropdown Options (Spare State)
3:43 Dropdown Options (Parameters)
4:38 Dropdown Options (CPU)
5:36 Dropdown Options (Make Thumbnail/Rename Options)
6:30 Detached Window! (How to use 2 monitors with FL Studio)
7:13 Cogwheel
7:19 Keyboard Priority
8:17 VST Wrapper Settings
8:40 Mix Knob Pro Tip
9:05 VST Wrapper Settings (Info)
9:33 VST Wrapper Settings (Options (for this plugin))
10:55 VST Wrapper Settings (Reload/Refresh Plugin Properties)
11:23 VST Wrapper Settings (Presets)
12:14 VST Wrapper Settings (Midi)
14:58 VST Wrapper Settings (GUI)
19:11 VST Wrapper Settings (Automation)
20:13 VST Wrapper Processing (Options)
22:17 Make Bridged Explained FL Studio
24:25 VST Wrapper Processing (Continued)
28:55 VST Wrapper Troubleshooting Section
34:18 Summary/Outro
Рекомендации по теме

holy shit, just how underrated this explanation video is.. I learned so many things just by now. You are good at explaining stuff good job man


I often need to know exactly what everything does, or my brain just stops functioning and i end up closing FL out of frustration. Many videos are like: Just do this and this, and dont explain anything..

You Sir, do a very nice job at explaining every little detail to me. Im definitely checking out more of your videos.

EZest sub of my life, thnx for sharing knowledge. Have a nice day, Peace


I watched the 21-minute video. I only understood Latency. Thank you. I didn't know about this. Thank you. Thank you


This is an incredible video i am so glad I clicked


Hi, your videos are AMAZING! I was looking for videos like this for years. Where can I hear your stuff? I would like to hear, what you have done :)


Great video bro., u helped me a lot. I have a quickie question though. For my fl studio I don’t have a make bridged option on my plug-in and I would like to know why and how I can change that


how to change key more than an octave in fl studio wrapper


When I double click on audio clips, the wrapper doesn't pop up over the playlist. Do you know why?


Can you help me, i have a problem with my vst ( creepy piano ) when i export the song some effect settings changes on the instrument . I turned off the decay on the instrument but when i rendered it turn back on.


Hey man im hoping you see this comment so i ran into a problem my last song i recorded when i log back into fl the sound of my audio got really like my plugins not even effected


I dont have the button with a cogweel and a socket :(


Hello, is it possible, when explaining the videos, to apply a practical application to me during the explanation? I am an Arab and I do not understand English, and this YouTube is a global platform for foreigners and Arabs. Thank you, your brother from Iraq


No point in bridged when you can just run the scaled version lol


What if the plug in issue of popping and crackling only exists upon export for the intro before drums come in?
