Sap, Blackjack & Slungshot History: Palm Sap (by D3 Protection)

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Collection and description of possibly the most forgotten group of weapons in history. The palm sap is a very unique, almost entirely overlooked, impact weapon that was used by police in the 20th century.
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To share a little story: When I was 14 yo, I was in my uncle's house and my 2 older cousins were teasing me while I was trying to put some D batteries at a radio or whatever to see if it works. We are used to a bit of rough play, so they thrown some sparrying punches at me (light ones, not intended to hurt). I had one battery in each hand and gave them "light" punches to the stomach and arms. They complained quite a bit, as if I had "really heavy hands". This surprised me a lot, it was not planned. Latter that day we tried a variety of objects as hand loads, including lock cores and rolls of coins. They were perfect! So the all 3 of us started to carry these wherever we go, during the rest of our school years. Never used it in a fight, however.


I'm glad I found this channel, there are very few that elaborate on the application of impact weapons, let alone the unique history behind them. Keep up the great work!


Palm sap, worn under a pair of largish gloves it turns a slap into a knock strike. Was once very popular with cops when rousting squatters & busting up unruly


A group of my friends and I witnessed the police in action in our little village of 3000 when we were children. We saw our Chief of Police slap a fellow twice his size with an open hand and the guy dropped like he'd been killed. We grew up thinking this man was super human. 20 years on he showed me his palm sap, and things naturally fell into place. If you police a small town it might not hurt to have a fearsome reputation, or to hide the fact you used a weapon on some one. There are obscure considerations sometimes in weapons choice.

Автор's a nice-looking little weapon, and definitely useful.


That takes "bitch slapping" someone to a whole new level.


Interesting. You should try it on the back of the handle instead. These type of tethered hand weapons like these are good because you don't have to decide whether to release a weapon in order to grapple and hold people especially when on the ground.
I've heard in the past the Ottamon slap was a thing used in war lol. I didn't appreciate as how much it can do vs a first punch till the new shows in Russia of slap boxing. Seeing those make you appreciate how devastating a proper can can be. Seeing how it's compromises your fist to the point where it may cause you to break you fingers when used as intended, I think it would work best in a hammer fist or back hand. Then you can punch and slap normally. Having it to protect your bones on a backhand would actually work nicely.
Neat find bud!


I understand that these weren't real popular with police because they would interfere with your ability to use a handgun should the fight escalate onto a deadly force situation. They were real popular with bouncers in bars and strip clubs. If you ejected a patron who decided to force his way back into the establishment laying this thing against his collar bone or upside his head would quickly discourage that behavior.


I can see many ways to make them better allready .


From what I have seen, this example is a little too large. When the load about the size of a disposable lighter you can make a reinforced fist. However, a soft cupped hand delivering a heavy loose slap is devastating striike.


How is David doing these days? He seems rather hard to contact electronically lately, and I’m curious about his pulling his videos of his saps/jacks/leatherwork...


Joggers best friend whit loose gloves.


Looks like it would go flying off your hand as you used it.


Oddly enough, pre-glove striking used a lot more of the back knuckles and palm for striking, less so the breakable bones linear to the hand.

Very few animals punch, the circular whipping action that you call a slap, is biomechanically the same as a clawing action. We just deliver blunt impact instead...think "bear with no claws".


Which is more powerful a palm strike or a back fist using a palm sap for both?


With That The Bridge Of The Nose Is Perfect JMO!:)


Finger sap is better, looks like you’re wearing a ring from outside, doesn’t come loose, same impact force


I want to purchase this exact one. I see it here and there even on an internet search but I can't buy one. Even Your links provide no satisfaction. Message Me on Facebook.


I've made something like this when I was younger out of lead from wheel weights melted into the bottom of a can and wrapped in duct tape and a spare strap from a book bag. It seemed pretty effective even tho I never used it.


This would be a perfect compliment to a person with Wing Chun training.
