Why Some Doctors Are Warning Against Tongue-Tie Surgeries

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For new moms, nothing can be more stressful than getting their infant to start nursing. Many anxious moms hire lactation consultants especially if their baby has something called a tongue tie. It can be fixed by a dentist using a scissor or a tiny laser to cut out the tissue under the tongue. However, some experts are sounding the alarm that the tongue-tie procedure is being used on too many babies who may not even need them. Inside Edition’s Lisa Guerrero has more.
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I had this surgery as an adult. Once healed, my horrible lisp was gone. 19 years of speech therapy never helped.


My husband was born tongue-tied and it wasn't treated which caused feeding issues, and when he started learning to speak, he developed a speech impediment which persists today. When our son was born tongue-tied, we had it treated when he was five weeks old. He's never had a problem since!


What kind of parents just believe someone who is not a doctor and not get a second opinion!


Always consult an actual specialized doctor before proceeding with a surgery. Ideally more than one. Even seemingly small surgeries can have big consequences.


I was born and raised in Germany but I am actually turkish.
I had a tongue tie when I was around 6 or 7 years old.I never told my mom that it was actually annoying me - but it did annoy me! I was scared at that time for having a surgery.
When I was 16 years old I had my tongue tie finally removed and it felt so amazing after that!

I would recommend to do a surgery on your child when it's a bit older...not with 3 week old babies
(sorry for my bad english)


When I was born, my parents were told I had this and that I needed surgery. My dad did not believe them and refused. Im 25 years old now and I have NEVER had any issues swallowing, speaking, or anything tongue related. My dad was right, and who knows what would have happened to me if they did do the procedure eventhough I didnt need it.


as a mom you had a choice you could have picked up your baby and left if you felt bullied that’s a red flag that it wasn’t right for your child


Go to your Dr, never let just Anyone do any type of surgery with your baby. 😢


My heart goes out to these moms. We're all just trying to do our best for our babies. My daughter nursed but it got to the point that I couldn't nurse properly and felt helpless. I had an LC recommend me to a pediatric dentist with a three month wait so I put myself on that list but also got a second opinion from my pediatrician. We got referred to an ENT doctor at the children's hospital and diagnosed her with a tongue tie. Yes my baby cried, yes she felt some pain, but the relief we both got after that procedure was amazing. The difference though was that the procedure used a water laser, so it was quick, no burnt flesh, and her tongue healed quickly and I was able to nurse immediately after. I will say I'm grateful I spoke to my pediatrician first because honestly, she was the one who told me that the dentist I was referred to was just cashing in on it and she was right. It was going to cost over a grand unless you had dental insurance for kiddos. I definitely think a second opinion matters quite a bit in these situations.


All three of my children were unable to breast-feed, latch, or extract even a drop of milk due to their severe tongue and lip ties. Getting it lasered by a highly skilled professional is the best thing we’ve ever done.


A tongue tie is necessary for proper jaw formation. Many children may need a second one. This is a very important surgery for those who need it, so PLEASE don't let this scare you. Research, get a second, even third opinion, and find someone reputable if you do decide on the procedure.


I had that surgery in my late 20s. Im doing well, and im 60. It allows you to speak clearer.


My son had a tongue tie. He was in pain all the time. He kept swallowing air every time he ate. My husband had a tongue tie when he was little so we ended up getting the tongue surgery at 9 weeks. Afterwards, he ate much better and was not screaming during every feed. However, the recovery was traumatic for both him and me. We had to stretch his tongue up so tissues wouldn't retighten 4x a day for three weeks. I could barely cope with the crying like he was being tortured. I still shiver when I think about it, but I know of no other way for my situation. I am sure we dealt with the repercussions of it in some ways emotionally, but he was okay and is doing fine today. My second son had a smaller tongue tie, but he ate much better, so I refused to put him through it.


My brother had this surgery, I think he around 6 or 7. It affected his speech, he was in speech therapy for a while before they recommended the surgery. The only person who could understand him fully was me, not even our mom could. I was happy when he got the surgery I was tired if translating everything he said


My daughters life was saved by the tongue tie procedure! She was two weeks old and cried constantly and wouldn’t feed breast or bottle she was loosing so much weight I thought I was going to loose my baby girl ! At two weeks old one of the many Pediatric doctors we saw those first two weeks. My baby was crying like always and the doctor miraculously noticed the tongue tie. That same day, we went to an ENT (NOT A DENTIST) and they clipped it (NOT WITH A LASER!) took less than two minutes and she cried for a few seconds then latched onto bottle and took a feeding for the FIRST TIME IN HER SHORT LIFE!!! saved my baby girls life!!! That being said, so many WTF’s about a DENTIST doing these with LASERS?? It should always be done by an ENT and only clipped never burned off with a freaking laser. I’m sure that WAS completely TRAUMATIC for MOM and BABY!!!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but something like this should be done by a doctor or a surgeon, not a dentist!!!


This sounds just like a very unfortunate experience. Both my babies were born with tongue and lip ties. One was treated by an ent at just a few days old and it changed our breastfeeding journey immediately for the better.
My son was born with it but drs weren’t overly concerned, but by age 5 the dentist was the one who suggested going ahead and treating to prevent further speech, hygiene and other issues in the future. It was again, a great process. And he has benefited immensely.

I think everyone needs to do their own doctor research as well as weighing the benefits to them, their child and their situations, but you can’t shame a whole legitimate medical problem because of one bad outcome.


Just had my 6 week old son's tong tie released with the laser. Highly recommend, no issues. Get a good dentist.


Aww my 17 yr old was born with this. I felt so bad. His was pretty severe. Poor babies. I feel so bad. He was considered a failure to thrive. He’s now 6’4” and a healthy size. Trust your gut moms.


some information I feel was left out if reporting about the dangers of doing unnecessary tongue tie surgery .. like why after having the tongue tie surgery the infant couldn't have solid foods, what went wrong with the surgery to cause that? and was the surgery recommended for a latching issue cause she was already breastfeeding strictly for 3 weeks and so after the surgery the infant all of sudden can only take a bottle? i was concerned my son had a tongue tie issue but all it took was some time and he got better at latching
