Hashimoto's and Joint Pain - Dr. Martin Rutherford

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We're going to talk about Hashimoto's and joint pain, so Hashimoto's and joint pain Hashimoto's and joint pain. I mean, they go together, you know, frequently

Single, metabolic process in your body, even though it's closely related to, um, energy and metabolism. And it has a receptor site in every single for there's a receptor site in every single cell in the body for thyroid hormone, um, to create energy, that energy in turn that it creates in your cells runs everything. Okay. So I was not running everything. A lot of things slow down and you're going to say, Oh, here he goes again. He's just going to tell me how everything's slowed down. So I'm going to be a little bit more, it's going to be a little different on this because, because Hashimoto's is, is, is, um, you know, it's a thyroid problem. Immune system is attacking the thyroid. There's a lot of inflammation involved. There's a lot of inflammation and causing immune systems to flare up and then attack the thyroid. A lot of things happen when that happens.

For example, when you get the thyroid attacked, one of the things that happens is you attack the thyroid and you damage tissue. Well, this tissue doesn't just disintegrate into thin air. This tissue goes into your system. And with that tissue going into your system, you get, um, you get a lot of, uh, um, thyroid hormone going into your system because it's in that tissue. So you not only can get, uh, anxiety and you can not only get jitters and panic attacks and stuff, but you can get pain you because that isn't highly inflammatory response. And it's kind of interesting because thyroid hormone in and of itself also is the thyroid hormone itself T four and T3 are, are steroids. And they, they, so they dampen inflammatory responses. They damper what's called oxidative responses. If oxidation is like wear and tear on your system, inflammatory responses are everything that happens, creates an inflammatory response.

So your thyroid hormone works towards that. You start destroying that, that starts to become not a mechanism that's not happening real well. Now we go to joint pain. What causes joint pain? So joint pain is interesting because joint pain, uh, it can be, it can be something directly related to your joint that the Hashimoto's turns on. So for example, there is a now a significant component and significant understanding of, of the relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto's, they're both autoimmune conditions. You flare up, Hashimoto's, that's going to flare up inflammatory responses.

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