How I Potty Trained My Puppy in 1 Week

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In this video, I'll be sharing how I potty trained my puppy and my helpful tips and secrets in how to potty train a puppy fast either to go outside or to go on pee pad. You'll surprised by how easy it is to potty train your puppy if you just follow all of the steps, tips and tricks that I provided you with. Let me know how house training your puppy goes! I'll be very happy to hear your success stories after applying my potty training method. You should be able to potty train your dog very quickly with this method. This is the first episode #1 of my dog training basics series! Don't forget to click on the like and subscribe button for more content on how to train your dog basic obedience commands.


0:00 Intro
0:23 Priority
1:15 Crate training benefits
2:04 How often?
2:21 When?
2:43 Potty command
3:43 Treats
4:23 It doesn't work?
5:05 Body language
5:44 Feeding schedule

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*I'm not a certified/professional dog trainer. I'm just an experienced dog owner who has also done a lot of research so I'm here to share my dog training experience at no cost to you.

DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week!
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My beloved Pomeranian "Noodles" passed away two-months ago at 11 years old from a collapsed trachea. He was my love, he left such an emptiness that I got a Pomeranian puppy for Christmas. A beautiful baby boy "Oliver". I'm watching all of your videos and they are so helpful, thank you so much !


I've never potty trained a puppy, but after two kids, I think I'm done with having to potty train anyone else 😂
I love how attentive to detail you are, and there's so many good tips in here. Definitely going to remember this video for the next time anyone I know gets a puppy!


I’m really happy you added timestamps because they are really helpful. I can see that you train your pup so well Jane and when Cece is faced backwards, it looks like a desert that I want to touch 🤣❤️❤️

Potty schedules are really important too because your dog could pee anywhere without you knowing 😄


I’m here to brag, I remember Genie learned to go potty outside the next day after I brought her home because she was waking me up at 3 o’clock in the morning asking to pee outside.🤣 This is a great video, I like all the time stamps you are giving in the description!


Wow you are so knowledgeable! I think everyone getting a puppy would benefit from watching this! 💕


These content deserves a lot of Shares!
Ideas worth spreading ;)


Love Pommies! They are notoriously challenging to potty train but stick with it, they are worth every minute it takes.😊


I just come across your channel and subscribed right away. I’m a first time fur mommy and your videos help me a lot.Thank you.


Haha I’m watching this as I need to start potty training my son 😁😁 many tips still apply! Maybe I should introduce a couple of commands too... 🙃


I can tell that you really have a beautiful mind and loving your doggie a lot :)
You both were so cute and loverly !


Hello my dear friend! You are really an inspiration and always trying to help others in different things!😍
You are so lovely! Great to share this dear friend!! Lovely puppy!!🌼🌼
Have a great day!!💗💗
Sending hugs to you 😍🤗


my pom just destroyes the pee pad and sleeps in it what can i do so that she stops


Good to know all of this ....your puppy so adorable babe cute


My little pomeranian passed away a few days ago, and I've been watching a lot of pom vids, to cheer me up. I have to point out, your little pom almost looks just like mine, except with different colors, so this really made me happy. I will miss my baby, thankyou for this though! (also, is your pom in this video purebred, or do they have any breeds mixed in?)


Thank you for the tips Jane!!! I’ve always had big dogs ( I currently have a Doberman) and I’m getting my first Pomeranian puppy in 2 weeks! I’m more nervous potty training a small dog


Great job Jane! Very informative video with tips anyone training a puppy for the first time can use🐶🐶🐶!


Just shut the little one out, until she had done her business. I found the time she would do matters in doors, so put her outside, shut the door, having told her to go. Just watched through the window, and when done, let her in with a grateful hug.


I’ve got a 10 week Pom. Should I leave the food or take it after eating . Is it good for him to eat throughout the whole night ?


What type of food/treats will a 9 weeks old Pomeranian eat


What a fantastic vidio. Really enjoyed watching your vidios. Hope you have a great Friday and weekend. Many thanks from Chris 👍👍
