Passenger Causes DUAL ENGINE FAILURE | Accident Case Study

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Analyzing accidents allows us to become safer pilots. This is the story of a perfectly good airplane, a dual engine failure, and why the cockpit is no place for a casual attitude.

00:00 - Intro
00:33 - How The Accident Unfolded
06:36 - CVR Analysis
16:29 - The Final 7 Minutes
17:54 - Probable Cause


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We had a wealthy family friend who had turbine aircraft for personal use. He was a pilot himself, but always hired a professional pilot to operate this plane. He knew that he did not have enough time to maintain expertise in such a complicated aircraft (this was the 80s-90s). He always sat co-pilot, but he made it very clear that once the door closed, his employee, the hired professional pilot, WAS THE BOSS.


One of my squadron ready rooms had the following painted on the wall: "Truly exceptional pilots do not put themselves in situations that require them to use their exceptional skills"


I think this is mislabeled. This absolutely IS pilot error. Pushing an unqualified and uncomfortable passenger to control the plane in a critical phase of flight is foolish and dangerous.


flying with friends.. creates a whole different dynamic.. I fly with a friend of mine a few times a year.. ( im not a pilot yet though i have solo'd a single engine prop).. he briefs everyone who flies with him before we even board the plane that he will instruct us when casual conversation is permitted.. and will call out sterile cockit when casual conversation is not permitted. when curious people are aboard, he sets up a camera and records from the rear of the cockpit... thus avoiding the "what does this do and what is that" questions that would always come about as part of a flight.. he will watch the video with anyone who wishes after the flight and then questions and casual talk about what he is doing is handled.. I love his approach...


This is why I always avoided flying on my company’s corporate plane. The pilot was the President of my division and often volunteered his services to gain flight time.
I would make every excuse in the book to miss his departure and fly commercial.


Showing off in front of his college buddy. Humility is so essential for everything.


Pilot: "we lost all power, no hydraulics, plane barely manovreable"
ATC: "no gears, go around" 💀


“The cockpit makes a terrible classroom”. 😂. Love this.


I spent 6 years in Naval aviation and another 4 in civilian aviation as ground support. Checklists and procedures are written for a reason, usually in blood. The ultimate responsibility is the Pilot in Command.


Oh so in his mind, he was playing the role of “super experienced I know everything” with the guy that hasn’t flown for years. And that became the center focus of his mind instead of the safety of the aircraft.


This was PILOT error. The pilot was instructing another NON-JET QUALIFIED pilot in a jet with which he was totally unfamiliar . The passenger cooperated but the PILOT was the one who was at fault here.


We've seen this sort of thing so many times with supercars and rich drivers who are totally out of their depth. They seem unable or unwilling to accept that wealth and privilege do not imbue them with ability and good sense. It always ends in tears!


Some of my wealthy friends ask me if they should fly their own aircraft. Some I say "sure". Others fall into "you can't take "no" as an answer" or "you won't follow the rules that keep you alive".


Thirty years ago I happened to be on a very expensive west coast (halfway to Alaska) fly-in ocean sport fishing trip paid for by an industrial supplier. (The owner of the company I worked for could not make it and he gave his seat as a perk). The 20 people on this trip were all in civil construction from companies all over BC and Alberta. Sitting in the lodge one night, the conversation turned to very successful owners who had purchased planes over the crashed. The amazing part is that everybody in the room could recall/tell a story of somebody they knew or heard of in that industry that had died in a small plane accident!!!
Chilling! The moral of the story is probably: All of a sudden you're successful and could buy your own plane....maybe you should keep working until you're REALLY successful and can afford a fly the the meantime flying first class ain't that bad, eh?


I was friends with a guy who was a commercial pilot. During conversation I was stunned when he casually told me that he doesn’t pay attention to weight restrictions as in his view the plane can handle much heavier loads than what the charts say. I had never ridden in a plane with him and after learning this there is no way I would ever get in a plane with him at the controls.


This is a textbook example of the worst kind of pilot; no procedure, no respect for limitations and no knowledge of aircraft systems. All this led to several missed opportunities to correct the problems he created. I can guarantee this pilot should have failed his last recurrent check.


"Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous. But to an even greater degree than the sea, it is terribly unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity, or neglect." (Anon.)


My father for a while was involved as a MD on accident investigation teams. I remember him saying that there are some pilots who should not have a license. He further divided that group into two categories, those with substance abuse issues and those that have an intrinsically bad attitude towards safety and routines. I remember him saying that by far and away the biggest cause of crashes was a malfunction(s) compounded by pilot error(s).


My dad and brother-in-law were the two passengers, and only survivors, on this airplane. This was a tragic event that we are reminded of everyday from the permanent injuries they sustained. It changed our lives forever.
