Wuthering Waves LISTENED TO US! 1.1 Dev Update

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Wuthering Waves Dev Notes COOKED!



#wutheringwaves #wuwa #branonline
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I love that they're listening. And I hoped to at least get news regarding the combat camera issues. But overall, I'm still happy.


Thumbnail character look like Noelle from black clover .


Deceleration are probably characters that slows time like Spectro MC outro skill.
Vibration are the toughness of boss mobs and other open wotld mobs maybe it's implying characters that have def break mechanics like in star rail.


They might be having issues with the camera that is gonna take a longer time to fix. Seems like an easy thing but end up being tied to some kind of in-game thing. Like how some game engines are tied to framerate or something goofy like that. Hope they really fix it sooner rather than later though.


I hope they implement a “search area” addition to the lootmapper for hidden treasure/treasure puzzles that don’t show up currently. Give us at least an idea that there’s something rather than nothing, which is leading to frustration when we can’t find what we were already having trouble finding and resorting to an interactive map for completion. An example is 3 circles along a shoreline with two having bomb plants in them with the third on the outside. There was no chest icon, and I almost walked past it because I thought it was related to a completely different puzzle when I was there prior. After a moment I connected the dots and dropped the bomb in the third circle, and there you had it, a chest. Neat for explorers, problematic when that makes you realize the 3rd party interactive map will be necessary if you don’t want to waste time combing regions repeatedly.


i think they just needed to change one line of code for that lootmapper. It is not a major undertaking. The camera change on the other hand is probably very difficult


What they need to do is add a FUCKING TERMS GUIDE 😭💀

They already have a canonical computer that can answer any questions you have. LET US USE THAT KURO


Always keep it in mind that this is a Sneak peek. so there's probably more things they didn't mention


Are they planning to refine getting echo EXP at all? Cause burning all my waveplates kn a tacit feild and not being able to 25 a echo on it is actually stupid.


Fixing the problems ✖️
More QOL and Rewards ✔️


Pretty sure the tag thing is one of the things you have to use first to understand. "Vibration" isn't a new word, it was used during the tutorial with the Crownless lol. Bosses have a vibration bar that you break.

Huh, I never noticed a problem with the camera. Could be a mouse thing? Could also be a problem with the hologram things specifically because I rarely fight them. I also don't use lock on against basic enemies in the overworld lol.

As for stuff like camera, optimizations etc. They haven't included those because they're probably not going to be implemented in 1.1 straight away. They only mentioned things they're finished with.


Me who just plays for fun and doesn't understand the game mechanics:
"Interesting 🤔"


I just want co-op changes....

- Why does it ONLY show me the same people everytime i pull up the co-op menu. I can close and open it 10 times and it show the same people. (Have refresh button or something)
- Don:t show us players we cant join... its dumb; So far i:ve counted 7 different "denied" messages for reasons we cant join another world, such as "in a single-player story", "can't join while the world owner is in the storyline", "solaris owner has enabled friends only join request".... Filter those homies out... if you know they are in a storyline or single-player quest, don't show them. I'll forreal request every person it shows on the search/page, and 80+% of them have some version of a denied message.
- Auto-leave co-op on leaving a co-op match. (or at least have an option)
- Let all boss's be ran in co-op. (example: mech monke)
- Have a numerical strength indicator (besides level), so for contradictory picking in co-op matching, you can see who's is stronger.
- Sorting and/or filtering for Co-op people. Sort by Union level/etc.
- Show where co-op people are when in a world, instead of having to scroll all the way out and look for their icon. (in genshin you could at least say which direction they were in)
- When a user denies a *continue challenge*, don:t make us wait that extra 10 seconds, just kick us out.
- Let us use/see our custom markers in other players world....


Lootmapper is not fine. There are way too many chests which aren't marked at all and trying to find the missing 5 chests for 100% is a nightmare. Getting to 90% is easy, but for finding those remaining few lootmapper is usually useless and I ended up just checking every chest on interactive map instead.


for the loot maper one its actually the detection part it detects some chest and it doesn't dectec chest at all few are puzzle base chests that don't get dected while most of the puzzle chests do get detected radius is fine but I hope it would remain consistent for all the chests except for hidden chest since those are fun to find


What about the major issue with lock on system where it lock onto enemies 50 feet away from you instead of the ones right next to your character?


With the bit about the dev updates "address[ing] common issues, " i was really hoping to see something about all the dialogue/cutscene/subtitle issues...

Kind of like Bran said with the camera issues, i hope they don't focus so much on QoL updates that they forget to fix actual bugs


Kuro: We lowered the flying speed for cruisewing.
Bran: Nah, dude! That that was fun af!
Me, a mobile player: No, no it was not. **Cruisewing PTSD intensifies**


The people who won't read are the same people who don't really care about the mechanics of the characters they pull anyways. That information is there for people who actually care.


you could try adjsut the distance of the camera settings
