What’s Your “Natty” Limit?

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I want to ask you an honest question, when do YOU think it is time to start taking steroids? What is your final nail in the coffin? This is a question that I ask because there are so many people out there, young and old, that are considering the idea of taking PEDs.

Some might say that it’s because they have reached their genetic limit and cannot progress any further. Whether it be that they believe their strength or their physique will never improve any further, they feel that there is nothing more that they can do. Those that feel they have hit their natty limit will believe that it is then time to take steroids.

However, I have to ask another question; are you doing everything perfectly? Answer that question with honesty. Is your sleep adequate? How is your recovery? Is your nutrition dialed in? Is every workout being done with the right amount of intensity? How is your consistency?

I believe that 99% of people training can say that they are not doing everything perfect. Me included. What does that mean? You are nowhere near your genetic limit. If you could dial-in those factors, you will likely see more muscle growth and more strength gains.

The desire to take steroids may be high because you think you are at the natty limit, but, unless you can answer the question that you are doing everything perfect and there are no more gains to be had; it is not time to take steroids.

Remember not to compare yourself to others in the gym and especially not those on social media. Instead, be proud of the progress you’re making and the effort you are putting forth in the gym. If you feel like you are no longer making gains, remember to ask yourself those questions and make an honest assessment of your efforts.

For more tips on how to get the best body possible, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so that you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.

Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
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It’s never time for steroids, unless you’re competing. Which most people are not


I'll stay natty for life. I like my balls and I don't need the extra acne and side affects


I reached my natural limit after lifting for a week


I totally agree with you. I'm a pro natural bodybuilder, and I still haven't reached my limit yet


99% just in case Jeff Nippard is watching


Never, you just go natty and look around you, when you are pretty lean and have some muscles you’re already the best good looking among the others. Which are almost all obese (for sure here in Italy). don’t compare you to the YouTubers.


Why would anyone "need" to take steroids? I think we need to re-examine the definition of "need". Why is there a "need" to exceed your genetic potential? Why do we "need" to look like that guy on social media or the IFBB guy who is using steroids? Just work hard and be the best self you can be, and stop comparing and judging. And be less cynical of the guys who do put the hard work in naturally.


There is no optimal time for steroids! Is it really the case that competitive bodybuilders only start taking steroids once they have reached their natural limit? Or is it more like that they just start and don't stop until their career is over or your health no longer cooperates!


besides the obvious physical side effects, most people don't realize the body dysmorphia and addiction steroids give you. Most guys start like "I'm just gonna do one cycle out of curiosity and then I'll hop off" . But imagine this magic pill that takes your physique to the next level, increases muscle mass, loses bodyfat at the same time, you don't even have to be that strict with your diet anymore, that shit works whatever you do, it's like newbie gains. Then you come off cycle, your strength falls down, and you'll have to work twice as hard to maintain a physique inferior to that on cycle. You decide to start another cycle, you're excited about it, and it slowly eats you up.You' re never gonna want to be natural again. You're still not satisfied with how you look, so you increase dosages and add new compounds. Even though you look better than 99, 99% of people on the planet, you think you're not good enough. it's a never ending story, you're slowly destroying yourself


Honestly, I feel like if you’ve reached the point where you NEED steroids to get any bigger, you’re already so big that you started looking weird 20 pounds ago. Don’t get me wrong, I’m lazy, and if they came out with steroids without horrendous side effects, I’d be on them so fast it would make your head spin, but if you NEED them…maybe go ask the next 50 women you see if they find you attractive so that you can realize that you’ve already gone way too hard and most of the people around you think you look like some kind of mutant monstrosity. And I’m not even trying to say that from a position of judgement. Natty or not, I respect the work that it takes to get to that size, but so many people get blinded by their own ambition and don’t realize that there is absolutely such a thing as “too big”. Looking athletic is hot…looking like a Bruce Banner temper tantrum is not, to the vast majority of people


There's never a time to take steroids !!!


Never. The answer is never. In all circumstances, period.


By that standard, you should never take steroids because you'll never do everything perfect. Who is perfect? No one...ever.


I reached that point where it would have to be steroids in order to progress further. I know this because things started to break down. Inflammation etc started setting in everywhere. Then I went to a boxing gym for a while.


I dont believe I've reached my peak, I refuse the idea. Weights get heavier but I always pace my proggression, I think people that think they've peaked mostly have lied to themselves and want the excuse cuz they've ran out of things to get better at or are finding it hard to stick it currently. The only answer is to be patient and keep going and maybe be more dilligent with habits that affect the gym. This is a non negotiable commitment to anyone that loves this


Taking steroids can also be psychologically addicting. Easy gains, super human strength, filled out shirt sleeves, and feeling invincible. Oftentimes, like most drugs, you have to start taking more for the same results. Walls of the heart thicken, and it becomes less efficient, some crystalline forms scar the liver and place excessive load om the kidneys. Due to their nature, your own body monitors its hormones a d whem it detects it is getting too much vs normal levels, your testicles cut back on natural testosterone that is produced and testicles atrophy. In the end, when steroids are discontinued, muscle size, strength, and feelings of invincibility all melt away in short order. Nope - was born a natty and will die a natty and will always have the pride in knowing my physique was built via hard work and dedication.


I don't need steroids, I need to have fast muscle repair and my joints, tendons and ligaments need to be able to keep up with increasing load instead of causing me to have to stop :D


Literally heard a bunch of teens talking at the gym the other day about how they’re gonna lift natty for one more year before hopping on the juice……


How would a person even know what their "natural limit" even is? Additionally, "natural limit" could mean different things to different people. Does it mean maximum muscle mass on one's body, or heaviest possible lifts? Even so, the guy with the heaviest bench press likely doesn't also have the heaviest deadlift. Jeff I'd love to hear you explore this topic in more detail!


Always room for improvement in the categories you mentioned Jeff. It is simple to down a pill or take drops under the tongue, but drilling down on quality/ quantity of exercise and workouts is extremely challenging. 💪🏻🇺🇸
