Collapse of Wave Function Explained | Physical Significance | Quantum Mechanics

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Understanding collapse of wave function and probability in quantum mechanics.

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When trying to get particle physicists to understand the wave equation is describing a wave detected at single points not a particle, it's like talking to high tech flat Earthers, they say energy is a particle but has a wave function which isn't actually a wave! it's like particle physicists seeing people in a boat and saying "Oh look those people are moving mysteriously across the water" then we say "no but they're in a boat" to which they say "no there's no boat that's just a boat function that gives the illusion of a boat, we build nuclear bombs, computers to give corporations more control over everything and everyone, we control all physics taught in Universities and peer review journals, we have built ai which is now controlling drones killing people with no human 2nd opinion, most importantly we have the money. So trust us, don't dispute us, we are smarter than you there is no boat, the Universe has no fixed laws at the quantum level, it's not that we can't explain them using the particle model, it's just the Universe is random and bizarre and those people move mysteriously across the water in a boat function, anyone who says otherwise is just a nut job, even if they have the Math that supports it, so don't look." the reality in summary is that
If u try to predict where a tornado will go depending on its speed and direction you can only predict with a similar level of certainty where it will be detected at a future time. In quantum physics they are waves of tiny spherical vortexes not particles. Moving inside a lattice made of Planck sized elastic tubes/strings. That's how EMR moves, along quamtum wires. Vortex vacuum, suction is what holds everything together and gravity is how the lattice is warped by the amount of vortexes lumped in any area, thereby defining the path of energy.

The Theory of Everything has been around for 5 years with 2 math proofs to Goldbachs conjecture and proof a 2nd loop is impossible in the Collatz Conjecture but the Big bang particle industry have kept it suppressed time and time again, with hysterical particle physicists unable to bear to look or listen to any evidence that for a split second says they are wrong, who keep taking down this guys channel, and refusing to acknowledge his math proofs it's looking more like more horrors and doom every day for humanity, the TOE and experiments to prove it are on channel "Breaking physics (beyond the SMOPP)" most experiments and the 2 math proofs are in 1 minute shorts with this guy managing to make them look simple.
There is no collapse there is only a change of focus on the wave, what changes the focus is the real mystery but this channel has experiments to test for what it is.
