Zeminar Presents Harry Barry | Banish Panic Attacks for Life

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In just 6 minutes talk Dr. Harry Barry explains the simple technique of how to tame your irritable gunslinger (amygdala) and banish panic attacks forever. He also demystifies social anxiety in just a few sentences.

His interest in all things mental health began about forty years ago when he met a leopard at 3 in the morning in rural Tanzania.Three in the morning is not a good time to meet a leopard, if indeed such a time exists, but luckily for Dr Barry, he was well-armed. He had his amygdala, two small bunches of neurons either side of the brain who's job it is to spot leopards and other assorted hazards likely to lose a human a limb, or worse.

Once it has seen the danger, it reacts with lightning speed so, with it in charge of the situation that night in the Tanzanian bush, Dr Barry instantly froze. That was a critical reaction as movement would attract attention. Suddenly he was shaking, sweating, hyper-ventilating, his muscles went tense and his mouth dry.

The amygdala was preparing to run and it did that by sending messages that caused adrenaline to be poured into the bloodstream. Once he returned to the house after about 15 minutes, everything went back to normal — breathing, heart-rate — because the danger was gone.

For years, the leopard encounter served Dr Barry simply as a colourful anecdote from another period in his life. However, later, in his work as a GP in Drogheda, Co Louth, the experience took on new significance when he noticed the correlation between the physical response the symptoms of a panic attack.

Questions like this came to intrigue Dr Barry over the years as he found himself veering towards specialising in mental health. He was struck by the large number of patients he saw with mental health issues, and bothered by his own profession’s struggles to comprehensively and conclusively treat them.

Nine years ago he wrote his first book on the subject, Flagging The Problem: A New Approach To Mental Health, in which he touched the main mental health problems found in a GP’s waiting room. His latest book, the sixth in the series, is Flagging Anxiety and Panic – How To Reshape Your Anxious Mind And Brain.

His latest book, the sixth in the series, is Flagging Anxiety and Panic – How To Reshape Your Anxious Mind And Brain was published in the spring of 2016 and rapidly sold out.

Zeminar Presents is the world's first talk series built exclusively for Generation Z and their teachers and primary care givers. Covering mental and physical well-being, equality, sexuality, education, entrepreneurship, activism, volunteering, bullying, cyber-safety, science, motivation, inspiration and so much more.

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Dr. Harry Barry is a Godsend. I suffer from panic attacks and GAD. The answer from the VA was drugs, and my family drugs...however hinking about it, even with the numerous therapist and Psychologists I've had...no one told me what a panic attack actually is. I'm 32 years old and would consider myself very healthy. I do not smoke and rarely drink. I still feel anxious sometimes, but this video and many of his others saved my life.

The person reading this...You Are Not Alone, and This Too Shall Pass!


Father of panic disorder remover, salute you Sir.


This man saved me from years and years of panic and anxiety


Uncomfortable but not dangerous. Most people with anxiety are very healthy because they are afraid to Get sick. Let anxiety flow to your head down to your big toe, let it go away. Focus on present what are you doing now and stay calm. You have overcome it before


Big hug to all my brothers and sisters on the same journey to get anxiety free :)


Watching any Dr. Harry Barry video makes my panic attack subside in 10 minutes or less. I can't express how grateful I am. Can't believe this is on youtube for free.


I'm on my way to becoming anxiety free. I let my anxiety arise and I stayed calm and it works. Thanks dr. Barry.
Love from the Philippines


The hardest part is letting the anxiety do what it wants especially if you’re in the middle of a grocery store or at a school event it’s pretty rough I totally understand what he’s explaining but man it’s rough…


It worked 😭🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽Thank you Jesus

I am now Panick free. 2months ltr.


This man helped me out more than he would ever know


Thanks, anxiety is a bitch and i have a hard time getting out to places, I watched this video and was able to take the information to heart and walked to a store down the street and i was able to stay grounded in the store; a lady was taking her time in line which made me anxious but i stayed anyways and everything was fine. Thanks.


Finally..You're a God Send Sir. I Believe I can Actually look at my Panic Disorder in a New Light and by the Grace of God I'll begin to have a New Life. I'm 59 and have Never heard it said so clearly and dearly. Thank you


By far the best talk about panic disorders. Every other video on this subject can be removed.


Thank you so much. I have just watched this on a train to London. I've been having panic attacks on board for 20 mins. I searched for a video to help. I flooded to my seat and now half way I feel warm and fuzzy inside, no panic (feels like warm blood flooding me). I'm still abit on the shake side but I'm starting to enjoy my journey. Yes I've had panic for years also. Thank you


I'm currently trying this with my constant anxiety attacks. My fear is of nothing but the attacks and symptoms. I've only been like this for about 8 weeks. A heart scare triggered it. After only a day or two of using Dr. Barry's methods, they do seem to be lessening. My attacks, though, don't last 10 minutes, it's more like an hour or more. It will come in waves all day, burning, tingling in my chest and limbs. Quite frankly I'm exhausted! I'm not giving up, though.


Flooding(visualize you are stuck to the seat): Allow the attack, or feelings to roll over you like an ocean wave. Do not practice breathing techniques, thought therapy, or fight it, smelling essential oils, don't do anything!. Anxiety is physical. Reshape the gunslinger(amygdala)5-8 mins you'll have the adrenalin rush, go with the symptoms. The more you try to stop the gunslinger the more it increases and fires. The more you go with him the more he calms down.


I hate to say this but im so glad to hear how bad everybody in the comments anxiety is, as many of you will probably already know, anxiety can make you think that "these symptoms are ONLY happening to you, no, some people have anxiety but YOU are going to die, YOUR symptoms are actually dangerous, nobody else experiences this" but seeing that so many others do makes it easier to actually believe that this is just anxiety after all.


Dr. Barry helped me cure my panic disorder and insomnia. My life had become miserable and my anxiety was through the roof. I had a hard time sleeping and when I did, I was waking in the middle of the night in panic. The turning point for me was when I understood that panic is a physical phenomenon - caused by adrenaline and cortisol. Nothing more. It’s our own minds that attach fear to these sensations. There is nothing fearful about them - they are physical stimulation and sensations that are uncomfortable but that’s it. It’s a paper tiger. This allowed me to consciously ride the wave and the panic and anxiety started disappearing within minutes once I realized this. I also realized that my nervous system was very stressed so I studied up on supplements to help heal my nervous system. I started supplementing with over the counter products - B vitamins and magnesium, and taking CBD spray (legal where I live) late in the evening so my mind and body were calm before I went to bed. I also took valerian root when the anxiety was especially bad. I believe that all this helped heal and calm down my nervous system and the change in my outlook and understanding of panic and anxiety sealed the deal. I now sleep well through the night and have very manageable anxiety. I write this for those out there who feel they will never be “normal” again and will never sleep again - I certainly was worried that I would never go back to my former self and was I terrified that these issues would be permanent. They were temporary and what it takes to heal in my opinion is knowledge and a change of perspective, some good sleeping habits and focusing on healing and calming your nervous system. This worked for me.


Thank you. You can’t imagine how much I mean it.


