Logs to Lumber: Alaskan Chainsaw Milling

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A detailed look at the basic steps of chainsaw milling.
Part 1 of 2: Creating the cant.
Info on the plates and rails used in this video.
5/32" x 2" x 2" steel tubing, bought locally.
The end plates are 1/4" x 12" x 5". The notches for the rails are about 1-3/4" deep so that the 2" rails sit a bit proud. These were cut locally by a metal fabricator.
The mill used is a Granberg Alaskan Mk IV Chainsaw Mill, available at:
Granberg Affiliation - Updated 2021
This video was made with no affiliation to Granberg, but thanks to your views and support, we are now a Granberg Ambassador! Thank you!
Part 1 of 2: Creating the cant.
Info on the plates and rails used in this video.
5/32" x 2" x 2" steel tubing, bought locally.
The end plates are 1/4" x 12" x 5". The notches for the rails are about 1-3/4" deep so that the 2" rails sit a bit proud. These were cut locally by a metal fabricator.
The mill used is a Granberg Alaskan Mk IV Chainsaw Mill, available at:
Granberg Affiliation - Updated 2021
This video was made with no affiliation to Granberg, but thanks to your views and support, we are now a Granberg Ambassador! Thank you!
Logs to Lumber: Alaskan Chainsaw Milling
Logs to Lumber: Alaskan Chainsaw Milling
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