Self–propelled Chainsaw | Turning Logs into Perfect Boards

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The lumber milling device I am presenting here is the simplest DIY semi–automatic sawmill for turning logs into perfect boards right in the woods.

MY LOG CABIN CAMP development videos (All Seasons):

#chainsaw #diy #logcabin
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Friends, thank your patients during these months I filled a lot of content at my log cabin camp which prevented me from producing new video. At the very end of this video, you can catch a glimpse at what is to come. Happy Holidays!!!


This guy is on a completely different level. I think he is an actual genius.


for about 23 minutes i felt like the world was both gone and beautiful. english is my native language and even still i don't have the words to explain just how much i value your videos.


I’m SO grateful he’s
He’s unlike any other! Not only wood, nor metals, but materials of all sorts —— are made/recreated by him!
Thank you for this fine video!


If only many native speakers of English could use such clear, complex and complete descriptions of any form of work! Thanks for some intriguing new thoughts and production methods!


Greatest Christmas Present ever!!!
I'm so happy to see that you're doing well Maxi, I've been really concerned for you over these past 2 years with everything that's been going on and it warms my icy heart to know you're okay.

I'm super excited to what other videos you have in store. So from my family here in the US to yours Merry Christmas my friend!


I honestly cannot say this enough.. Your content is Amazing! your quality not only in making such beautiful wood crafts but your attention to filming and getting the shot and angle to show sad crafts and skills are amazing... These videos are hands down some of the best videos ive seen.. And I would like to say thank you for creating and sharing these with us..


Your ingenuity is legendary.
I didn't realize how much I missed seeing your videos until this one popped up.
Thank you so much for sharing your projects and even the mistakes you made along the way.
Honestly, after years of rehab from being hurt in a vehicle accident (not my fault), I have decided that your channel is the best one on YouTube.
My favorite by FAR.
Thank you for making a real difference.


This content is amazing. I've spent 40 plus years in the mechanical engineering field and I tip my hat to your ingenuity. Well Done Sir!!


Great to see you back on YouTube! Thanks for sharing your work and your progress. Best wishes for continued healing and Merry Christmas 🎄.


« …As you know : There’s nothing more permanent than a temporary solution » : Well said. Well said…
It’s really nice to see you back Max. Incredible work as always. 👍


I found your channel in 2019, in that year I was in a creative drought not knowing what or how I could make my projects come to life, when I came across your channel I was hit with a epiphany, "what if I didn't follow the beaten path" and after that I have done a total of 27 projects that were inspired by your videos. I credit my lack of burnout to you my friend, so thank you for inspiring me.


first of all it's good to see you well after an eventful year in your parts. probably most of us who follow your work in the forest have noted the long silence and wished the best for you

interesting to see your lumber milling evolve. it's pretty amazing how you're able to get that quality of boards milled with a chainsaw in a fairly primitive yet somewhat precise and very precisely understood setup. when i set up my sawmill in the forest (a regular gas-powered bandsaw type), i first mounted 30' (about 9 meters) of steel trackbed onto the ground at a predetermined slope, so that i'd only hold the saw to keep it stable while it cut, and gravity would do the hard work. of course my setup was not portable, which means you need equipment to drag timbers to it. your thing is bring the mill to the timber, wherever it is. but a gravity feed might still help you, and your design wouldnt be harmed by finishing the channel and guide mating surfaces with an oil finish mixed with beeswax. applied hot and wiped off, this would not only help preserve your hard work, but also greatly reduce friction

as far as your epicondylitis i have two pieces of advice: 1) there is a physical therapy device that reverses the condition. there are several brands out there, 'theraband flexbar' is what is use. but there is also logest, dmoose, viking strength and otrhers. they all do the same thing. you can look up the research on it if it interests you, 2) aspirin, by which i do NOT mean ibuprofen (motrin) or acetaminphen (tylenol), just plain old regular strength aspirin. this is not for its analgesic effect, which is salutary, but for its anti-inflammatory effect. one tablet an hour before work reduces injury by reducing inflammation while the tendons are being used. if you find it's right for you to try these, i've no doubt you'll see excellent long-term results and almost immediate benefits from both therapies

there's nothing more permanent than a temporary solution


Friends, I want to ask you to share these videos with friends and acquaintances, let's link to Max's channel on social networks.These are amazing videos, they inspire and teach a lot.I think Max is worthy of new subscribers!


Great to see another video from you again!


You're one of the best guys on YouTube! I hope everything is going well for you at home!


Anything you wish to film and share is appreciated. You share confidence in how to be creative in problem solving, and it really shows how much one can do with very little. I am always puzzled by modern people assuming that just because our forbears didn't have our modern technology that they couldn't figure out how to build incredible projects like the great pyramids using the materials available to them at the time.


That was a great auto-sawmill, really enjoyed your video. Thanks for sharing with us. OLD DAWG DREAMING Fred.


I missed your videos soooo much over the last 10 months. So therapeutic. Please please post more often if you can. Best videos on YouTube!


You're back! I'm relieved that you are doing fine and I'm happy to see your world class videos again.
