Is God a Megalomaniac?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1111
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Thank you so much for this, I have been struggling with this myself. I am divided between the understand of God's love and my misunderstanding of His person. It is hard to see God's self-satisfaction has something good because of how we ourselves see that as egotistical and narcissistic. I have been trying to understand Him better in order to get rid of this idea. Your answer here is invaluable for me, and reassuring. I still need to learn so much more about Him.


Truth be told I "appreciate" the question myself, as it is on my mind and heart as well, even as a "grown man", much less a 15 year old having the same question.


hog dang your a mighty ol steam train pastor john you do roll alomg the goosebumop track like a pot of dang ol chilli beans


if god is real god is definitely a megalomaniac


Best video yet! I can feel the love and glory of God bursting through Pastor John's words. Amen!


"Too big for his britches", lol! Haven't heard that one in a time.


So what about animals? Why would there be any justification to make innocent animals suffer at the hand of his creation? They are not human, does that make them any less valued? Kittens, puppies, children too all suffer at the sin of man right? Why the hell would a just God make that risk upon humanity eating an apple? Why would God give us the power to love what he made to then be tested with pain and suffering through the loss of others. Earth is important to many who live on it and we have found ways to extend the lives of many through science. We fear death and we fear losing others, but we are supposed to be happy to see them again? I think that is horrible, to make the best of people suffer that do not deserve that fate, we have to grieve and lose others we love that destroys our lives for so many years ahead. Now you could say "but god is loving and he will take that pain away" but he could have also given them more life, more choice, more contribution, right? lets say a small child is molested from the age of 3 up until 25 where they eventually die from suicide? but all that child could do was pray because all she had was a bible. it becomes dehumanising.


The long suffering of god in giving people freewill hoping they will turn from their sin


It says it he made use to “glorify him” it wasn’t for us, it wasn’t because he wanted self thinking friends and family, he doesn’t really care he can just make another you and by pastor John’s own admittance. Love doesn’t depend on what’s true, some people have imaginary friends, some play games. If we where made to enjoy god that’s selfish. According to Christian’s definitions are different when gods involved, my eternal happiness wouldn’t have anything to do with a god, also praying joe looses enjoy that has nothing to do with god is kind of selfish.


I have come across such a thought while i was growing up, but upon reading more of the scripture such a thought wouldnt make sense unless the scripture is invalid. If i were to follow secular thinking and observation, this could be the case, but if i put my faith in scripture then such a statement would be false and clearly impossible.


This is a repetitive argument that I hear from secular society often. Quite literally word for word, so I believe it is taught by unbelievers to undermine faith in God.


Hmmm it may also be from a hardened heart, and doubts. I just pray that God softens his heart and he receive truth.


Holy Spirit come.. fall on this mind that You Created for Your Glory.. "joey" reacts to You precisely because he believes in You but cant put his mind around Your Glory.. he needs Your Help Father, Son and Spirit.. Help him see with his heart
