Diabetic in THE Collapse: 7 Critical Tips for Survival

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In a crisis, managing diabetes becomes even more challenging. In this video, I’ll cover 7 essential survival strategies to help diabetics stay healthy when the supply chain fails. From diet adjustments to rationing meds, practical fitness, and emergency food sources, these critical tips could make all the difference. Whether you're preparing now or facing a real collapse, this guide will help you stay in control.

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00:00 I have diabetes
01:45 How to prep for SHTF as a diabetic
02:11 Improve diabetic health now
03:00 Reduce carb intake now
04:07 Stockpile diabetic meds like insulin NOW
06:27 Add herbal diabetic remedies to go bag
07:35 Add a blood glucose testing kit to go bag
08:05 Add glucose boosters to go bag
08:27 Add Insulin cooling method to go bag
09:07 Develop a diabetic buddy network
09:40 Bloopers and conclusion

#SurvivalPrepping #EmergencyPreparedness #FoodStorage #SelfSufficiency #Homesteading #GridDown #MedicalPrepping #LowCarbSurvival
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Are you like me (Diabetic) and wonder about how to insure stable blood glucose in a supply line crisis? I made a video about some things we can do to be more resilient. @DiabetesStrong @RoguePreparedness @DiabetesEveryDay @SurvivalSavvvy @offthegridstreets


I dropped my blood sugar nearly 200 points in 30 days - no drugs - no rice, no potatoes - except purple potatoes, no pasta - except protein pasta, no bread - except high-protein walnut bread - no ice cream - etc.


Some of my family is diabetic. So when I mentioned going vegan, cleaning up my diet, etc? That's part of why I'm doing it. People who are dependent on insulin because their body doesn't produce it are going to have a very hard time if "the music stops". 😢

The problem I see with this breakdown is your classing all "carbohydrates" the same. Not all carbohydrates affect blood sugar in the same way, and not all people will respond to keto favorably. I would agree with looking into herbal help in the case of a medicine shortage is going to be key.


I knew there was a reason I liked your channel besides the content. We must be brothers from another mother. I received a similar diagnosis of LADA back in 2013 - at the age 7:06 of 43.

Take care my brother!


Shared this to my diabetic friend❤ Thanks for sharing


You have always been an inspiration with the way you have handled your diagnosis and the way you have lived your life in a very mindful way. Making good choices. Keep it up!!


Three & a half years ago I stopped eating the American Diabetic Association & the Standard American Diet, I eat no processed grains or any bread (99%; I do sample (half a slice occasionally) bread my wife cooks with Einkorn flour). If I do buy packaged food, I eat nothing with more than three main ingredients (spices not-withstanding) & I cut out all seed oils. I try to keep my daily carbohydrate intake below 10 grams per day. Not quite carnivore, but close. I've been able to drastically reduce my medications to include insulin, & other diabetic accociated meds for high blood pressure & cholesterol. My endocronology nurse disowned me. By the way, I lost 65 lbs.


Kennedy has been badmouthing the GLP1 agonists. My clinical trial based cancer medication is not available currently. The manufacturer has informed us that it will enjoy prescription status in other nations. I hope I have the resources for a vaca.


Oh gosh, my diet was always bad. I was born in USSR right before the fall and went thru hunger. I ate so much sugars as a kid, so much bread as a substitute for healthy proteins its surprising i didnt get diabetes. Human body is a resilient thing.


I have been borderline diabetic off/on for about 10 years. I'm still not sure what I should be doing to keep numbers where they should be. I'm not even sure which diabetic I'm skating around. Time to do some digging and note taking. Thanks for the incentive.


Really good information, what happened to that young guy😂.


I have nothing to say really, but I appreciate your content, and wish to help with the yt-algorithms.


At 25 I ended up in intensive care for a week getting yelled at by doctors for not taking care of my T1D. Things is, I didn't know I had it. My son was diagnosed at age 2 which I was able to catch in time. T1D sucks... Another point to add is that is is very beneficial to feel your blood sugar levels. Really take notice when you take a reading. Guess before checking and see how close you are. In the beginning I had bad insurance and my strips would run out and I had to guess for days before I could get a refill. Walmart Relion brand is a cheap testing kit which I use so I don't rely on expensive equipment that can be unavailable. No pumps or CGMs for me. I taught my son to do the same and he only started using a CGM at 16 based on his choice. Also, finding a cheap supply of normal syringes is good. Pen needles are specific based on brand but you can always just stick a normal syringe into a pen.
