PTH and Kidney Disease and Vitamin D3. Parathyroid Hormone & CKD Improvement. [SHOCKING RESEARCH]

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We’re talking about some research today that was presented at the American Society of Nephrology, Kidney Week 2020 about parathyroid hormone and kidney disease and vitamin D.
Parathyroid hormone regulates calcium in your body. It regulates it with your bones, through your intestines, your kidneys play a big role in this.
Oftentimes, with kidney disease, many develop secondary hyperparathyroidism. In this case, your parathyroid hormones go up because your parathyroid is sending out a lot of hormones trying to regulate that calcium balance in your body and when the kidneys lose function or stop working normal, you don’t get the proper functioning of that parathyroid hormone and the calcium in your body.
What Can You Do About It?
First off, you need to have a blood test to make sure your parathyroid hormone (PTH) is for sure elevated. Generally, a doctor would recommend some kind of vitamin D. Vitamin D2 is the prescription, and Vitamin D3 is natural. Calcitriol is another analogue of vitamin D.
The kidneys play a significant role in making vitamin D useful to the body. The kidneys convert vitamin D from supplements or the sun to the active form of vitamin D that is needed by the body. With CKD, reduced vitamin D levels can typically be found.
Many individuals dealing with kidney issues use vitamin D3 to help their PTH and their vitamin D levels. Vitamin D, additionally, has a lot of benefits for your kidneys and other organs.
What Did The Research How?
What they found at this research and by looking at a lot of different research related to this is that if you’re taking vitamin D3 for your parathyroid hormone, on your blood test, it’s going to say 25 hydroxyvitamins D. You want to look at that and the number should be 50 or higher to get all of the benefits of lowering the PTH and balancing your calcium levels.
When vitamin D3 wasn’t 50 or higher, it didn’t have as many benefits as it did as opposed to hitting that 50 mark. This study provides a clearer picture of the beneficial ways to manage calcium levels and your PTH. Robert recommends people using D3 to help their PTH if it’s elevated, you should really shoot for that 50 - 60 level on your blood test for the 25 hydroxyvitamin D. We know that it should be at least 50 and he suggests staying away from Mega high doses of vitamin D just because we don’t know the long-term impacts on kidney disease.
When it comes to taking vitamin D3, having more doesn’t mean it’s good. When you intake just the right amount is when you really get all those benefits from vitamin D3 to help your parathyroid hormone without risking those side-effects.
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If you are someone suffering from kidney disease, be sure to check out our website for beneficial products, diet plans, and dietary supplements.
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