Anxiety, ectopics and palpitations

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This man was born to be a doctor.
I've never heard someone in the health field explain anxiety like this before.
He just explain exactly what I went through a couple year ago.
I seriously though I was going to die. 😧
I went to so many doctors, cardiologist, psychiatrist, etc and nobody could help me.. there was just no answer and I felt so helpless.
I wish there was a Dr Sanjay Gupta I could have gone to when I needed help most.
Bless your kind soul.


i feel like crying i am so relieved, iv'e suffered for years on and off (18) with missed beats, flutter, rolling, thumps ect and finding your videos has just made an awful lot of difference, today was terrible, had them on and off all day, my stress levels were throu the roof, hence me googling, always looking for answers, well i truely found one tonight, god bless you .


I have been having some irregular heartbeats over the past few months, and have been worrying about it constantly ever since I started noticing them. And, like was explained, noticing them and worrying about them has only made my palpitations and overall life, worse.

I had gone to my doctor to get their opinion, and they said that they were anxiety related, which I had assumed, but needed someone to tell me. After a few weeks or more, they started again, and my mind convinced me that the doctor was wrong, and that there was something more going on. Considering I have some very minor heart defects from birth, my senses have always been heightened to pick up the slightest changes in my heart rate, I immediately jumped to the conclusion that my heart was failing... Thanks, Brain.

This video has essentially saved me. The way that this was explained, was perfection, and made the most sense out of anything that I've heard. Most people just say "Oh, it's anxiety." and leave it at that. Well, that doesn't necessarily help me, because I already knew that, I just needed to know WHY. I feel that there has been a weight released from my shoulders now, knowing that it really is all in my head. As a "stereotypical" American man, I know I need to get in better shape, but now I understand that I am going to be okay, and that I will get through this.

So, thank you for this. You have helped, immensely.


'You are not going to fall.. Drop down dead'
I need this as my new ringtone.


I've suffered with this for 12 years now, watching this video almost had me in tears as it's the only real explanation which 100% fits my problems. I could honestly kiss you now!!


i honestly wish i could travel from sydney to York just to see you Dr Gupta. The doctors I have seen here just dont seem to get it. God bless you for creating these videos.


Amazing explanation, I suffer from anxiety and palpitations and its very hard to deal with.
Now Im gonna save this video and watch it everytime I get fear about them.
Thank you so much.


You are incredibly brilliant! You explain things so well, that when I watch your videos, I literally feel my ectopic beats go away! I am a very stressed and anxious wife and mother of 3 that is trying to deal with family life and a full time job! I tend to have more health related anxiety and feel as though at times it runs my life. So I am so appreciative, of you taking the time to make these. They are very beneficial and I'm positive you have helped so many! Thank you!


I have been a Registered nurse in a very well known and one of the best medical centers in the US and I can say I have never met any cardiologist as AMAZING as you… many great ones I have worked with and am friends with but none compares to you! Thank you!


Thank you. I've been in a very bad state with health anxiety for months and heart palpitations have been one of the most concerning symptoms I have, even after seeing a cardiologist. This is very enlightening.


I see lots of health anxiety sufferers in the thread here and this gentleman sure did articulate well and took some anxiety load of your shoulders. Good on this doctor. I wish him well.


I've been awake all I had seen this 14 hours ago. You're an angel.


Thanks so much for this Sanjay, you are describing me, I've become hypersensitive to my RVOT ectopics. Have seen three cardiologists here in Hong Kong now out of fear that I have a serious heart condition. Four 24 hour holter monitors, 2 echoes 6 months apart of my heart, 2 stress treadmill tests, 2 full blood work ups, several trips to A&E in panic, numerous consultations and 'normal' ECG's etc. later, apparently I'm physically very healthy, and after a year of this, finally visited a counsellor to work on my health anxiety. Your video is great because it helps to reaffirm my belief this condition is psychological, manifesting itself physiologically.


You're an amazing person, Dr. Gupta! We all love and appreciate you!


Finding your videos has changed my life! My palpitations have gone away. Plus, it doesn't hurt that you're handsome.... no offense to my own handsome husband. Lol


Wow this is exactly what I’m going thru no one has ever put it into words like this your a great man !


you've been our anxiety savior! thank you for your wisdom and good heart to help people like us. This condition is killing us from the inside


All these years later and still relevant and refreshing. I know in my head that my ectopics are anxiety driven. I literally stop them when they come. It’s really a mental thing. Our bodies respond to us. I have to work on my health anxiety. I keep hearing about CBT. And you’re so correct. The anxiety causes the tension and discomforts which triggers the anxiety which triggers the discomfort. I have to break that cycle at the source. The anxiety!!!


I can’t say thank you enough for this video. I could cry, never thought anyone would understand what I deal with and explain it so well. I know this is an older video. But you’ve helped me already! Thank you!!


Once i was told that i had HBP my anxiety went through the roof! I was living life oblivious to the idea of a heart attack, stroke, or anything else. Got my diet together stopped drinking every weekend and loss 65 pounds and now have normal bp numbers. But my anxiety is now the problem. It is a very vicious cycle. Thank you so much for all of your information. If it wasnt for you and Dr. Berg(keto guy) i would he lost. You are greatly appreciated. I feel our fear is used against us in the current predatory medical industry.
