Wife Wants To Blindside Me With Divorce And She Doesn't Know I Found The Papers - Reddit Stories

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2:39 Opinion
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That ending makes total sense, that daddy is running out of money and wifey wants a cash cow. I hope the judge rips her a new one. Would love an update.


The worst thing that OP's ex did in this situation was trying to cause some big dramatic scene in front of the kids. I can only imagine that she and ex-father-in-law still may not have known whether or not OP knew and my only guess is that they wanted him to react so they could paint him as the bad guy in front of the kids, meaning that they were willing to traumatize the kids for their own benefit. THAT, to me, is the scummiest part of this scummy approach to divorce.


She crashed OP'S car to stop him from doing work? My GOD, I was gonna wait for the whole story to be finished before tossing my two cents but I can't help myself.
His wife is crazy, and trying to get out as fast as she can while also trying to destroy this man. She's sounding toxic and I wouldn't wanna leave her with the boys, God forbid she pulls another 'car crash' stunt with THEM in the car!

Edited now.
So, EX-FIL assaulted OP? Holy Hell, the ex in-laws and wife was cruel. Wifey should had expected her Dad would get violent, as bad as it is to say? I'm kinda glad. Makes it harder for her to gain sole custody like she wanted, she deserves little to nothing.
Both FLAT and THE HOUSE? Half of his assets? Girl, she's a fucking greedy demon.


Kinda hope OP keeps updating this. It has the makings of a 5 part saga once the courts get involved!


The guy is "lucky" that she didn't try a false accusation with him, in fact he should NEVER be alone with this woman from now on.


I'm glad to see OP is already thinking of getting the kids counseling. They'll need it after seeing and hearing what their mom said and did.


This is why you have a witness or a camera to record stuff like this. STBE's dad is a coward for that sucker punch. Hey may say Op is just the guy who screwed his daughter and married but he just screwed his daughter out of her absurd plan.


The answer as to why she is doing this is simple: Revenge. She is a bully and OP has always thwarted her controlling ways at every turn throughout their relationship and marriage and after crashing OP's car and having to do marriage counseling, she realized that she'll never be able to make OP bend to her will and thus from that point forward, she began plotting the surprise divorce and taking everything from OP as retribution. So she put on a mask during the counseling and fooled OP and the kids into a false sense of security until she can pull off the surprise divorce.

Update: Okay, it seems that her parents is the reason why she's like this. I hope that OP's divorce went his way and that the Ex-Wife and her parents were the ones that screwed over. The fact that the ex-FIL assaulted OP completely destroys any chance of Ex-Wife getting what she wanted so hopefully OP went after them for everything.


His kids should record everything their grandma is saying bad about their dad to get him evidence of parental alienation. I hope there are more updates on this story, but I doubt ot since the user name was deleted. He might have had to delete it for the legal stuff...


Oh my God! The only thing she didn't ask for is a pony every year! That woman is delusional!


It’s absurd how the father is going to get off with a slap on the wrist for assaulting someone in their home in front of their children. Should receive jail time


I love how the wife thinks "give me all your assets and I'll divorce you quickly" is a point of negotiation. Lady, a quick divorce is what YOU want, not OP. Just cause you thought you caught him off guard does not mean he is going to cooperate with your plans. My jaw dropped at her demand list, the gall and nerve and entitlement! A divorce is the only thing you get to demand, everything else is up for negotiation.


Oh yeah OPs exwife is definitely a daddy’s girl, she inherited and learned every negative trait she could from him. I feel so bad for their boys, it’s always hell being trapped between two divorcing parents. I hope OP gets custody of his sons, because he won’t be spewing hateful lies or trying to weaponize them. Buckle up OP, because it’s a long rough, road ahead, and it’s going to hurt,


The judge is gonna have a time on the wife.


First off I love how cops tell the man to leave the house, "to keep the peace". Meanwhile they know damn well that the courts will use that against the father. I hope they are documenting the attacks on his character and uses everything he can to get custody from her. She is already abusing the kids by making those comments, she does not deserve custody.


She wanted to cause as much destruction as possible to do that in front of your own kids aswell
It's funny how she was trying to pin him on his bad behavior lol


Holy crap! Did she ask you for a unicorn while she was at it? Dude...YOU NEVER STAY IN A RELATIONSHIP "FOR THE CHILDREN". Good Luck, OP.


I don't think STBEX loved OP as much as he thought. From the incident with the car, her demeanor at her workplace, and how his lawyers compared her divorce papers to that of a hostile corporate take over, that tells me that she wanted to break him. Tear him down to then mold him in her image. She tried to while they were married, but OP wouldn't break, so this divorce would be her last, most potent attempt yet. What better way to break a husband and father than to take almost everything he has and to also take away the kids from him?

Bully's don't like having equals. They want everyone to be beneath them, either groveling at their feet or wincing at the sight of their shadow. When someone comes along that will do neither, the bully will see that person as a threat and do whatever it takes to knock them down.


The planned 'bombshell' at the dinner table failed. They wanted him to react and become violent so as to paint him as dangerous. FIL attacked and insulted him for this purpose.


I’m so so glad op found out ahead of time but I wish he would have known she planned on doing this in front of the kids. I really feel for them because dramatic reveals like that are hurtful. Blindsiding you children is just cruel.
