r/Bestof My Husband Has a Secret Second Family

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0:00 Intro
0:10 Secret family
6:52 Comment
7:50 Another secret family
13:31 Waited on 110 kids

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While I do not condone cheating or having an affair, it's honestly kinda impressive for the husband to keep TWO relationships going and kept it a secret for SEVENTEEN years from both parties. Nonetheless, what he did was scummy and absolutely trashy, glad to hear everyone hated his guts.


Last story: Thank you Dabney for also covering wholesome stories as a re-freshener from lying/backstabbing/cheating spouses, super toxic families, crazy Karens and narcissistic and/or abusive business


Another Secret Family: someone like this doesn't have stress or anxiety in the way rSlash is describing. Lying to people and being a bad person is their baseline. There is no emotional turmoil.


First Story: Wow, 17 straight years this man somehow hid this second family from OP. I get how OP feels but she shouldn’t pretend that what he is doing isn’t happening and OP should leave this man and take the kids with her. I’m glad that OP started the process of divorce from this pathetic man. So he not only hurt OP, he hurt the other woman too with his cheating, he deserve all of this. Lmao this man has the nerve to cry and plead when HE was the one who was cheating for 17 years. I’m glad OP and the other family don’t hold any resentment towards each other, especially OP and the ex fiancée. I hope they both have a great life

Second Story: I understand OP's initial reaction towards Cherry, especially after she waited 3 months after finding out to tell OP. That being said, Jonas (like the first story) is a scumbag who I question how he manage to hide a 6 year relationship. Lmao, some people really suggested OP stays with a man who was cheating on her for 6 years straight? Hilarious.

Third Story: Why can’t the campers at my job be like these 110 kids 😭. These kids' parents raised them all right. I’m so glad the last story was a wholesome one with a happy ending


Final story: I've heard this one before but it still makes me smile, I also remember there were plenty of heartwarming comments as well explaining this. There are some schools who try and teach their students how to behave politely when out and about, it seems silly but it's a win-win, it teaches life skills that are often brushed over because "common sense", and the students usually get a fun day out as long as they learn how to treat people with respect and kindness. There were stories from other commentors about seeing other schools doing this as well, taking the class to restaurants and bowling alleys and such.


I love when cheated on people come together in solidarity. OP gained a ehole second family, with a lovely sister in arms and several sweet children. The fiancé gained a powerful comrade as well, and three kids who can be great supports and role models for hers.

Meanwhile the cheater lost both. Sucks to suck!


Story 1: "We spent Christmas together!" YES, YES, YES! Don't get mad, GET EVEN! The best revenge is a life well lived indeed and making sure that the kids at least get to meet on good terms is an excellent start to that. Even if they don't get along at first, if they can form some kind of mutual relationship, it's still worth it. The husband royally screwed himself over her. He had a good thing going, but blew it because he just HAD to post it all over the internet. At the very least, he should've done a better job hiding it. I don't blame the kids if they completely cut contact. This is just a messed up situation he created for them, no matter how much you try to sugarcoat it.

Story 2: Good God! Why can't these guys just stay in ONE committed relationship? I feel bad for Cherry for finding out she's just "the mistress" in the situation. That shows how little Jonas actually thinks of her-he was already married and played the "I don't believe in marriage card" to hide the fact. Guys like him make me sick!

Story 3: Nice to finish things on a happy ending and not one of those "entitled brat" stories~


RSlash, Albuquerque is a city in New Mexico, not Canada. The province you're probably thinking of is Alberta. OP even said 'across the country' with no mention of foreign branches


Story 2: This feels a bit like the inverse of the first story. This time, the second wife learns the truth and is devastated. Honestly, I don't believe having two families is all that of a good idea, I'd be ashamed!

I guess the reason why both cheating husbands got to this point is because they feel no shame or guilt for it, they just want to screw multiple women without consequence


The last story just restored a bit of my faith in humanity. May those kids grow up just as kind and understanding.


A movie plot happened to my family recently too. My mom found out she has a brother she never knew about. Apparently, her dad had a one night stand right before he met and started dating her mom. Mom's brother was adopted at a week old because the biological mom was in collage and wouldn't be able to properly provide for him.


Story 1: Cheating with a mistress is already bad enough, but starting a whole second family and hiding it? That is just next level bad, and it really hurts.

If there is any silver lining, the husband was at least not abusing anyone outright (besides the fact he basically ran off right after OP gave birth), and the two families seem to be friendly with each other, albeit with some awkwardness.


Story 1: I can't stand people like this guy, they do something terrible that get caught they start crying, talking about how they didn't mean to hurt you. But never care enough about you to stop or not do it at all.


Gotta wonder what all the people with second families did during covid. Which family do you quarantine with and how do you explain it to the other. I wonder how many second families got discovered because of the pandemic.


Last story reminds me of the time when I was a barista/front of house and the little cafe I worked at. We had about 300 international students, as well as the usual workers in the council offices (where the cafe was located in) one day and like OP in the last story was dreading it. These students instead was an absolute delight!

They were polite, respectful, asked where they could put their used cutlery/plates/mugs and got rid of any rubbish and thanked us for our hard work. We were super touched and it made our day, despite being short-staffed and our manager did make sure to send on the appreciation we felt to them and the persons who was responsible for the students.


We found out a few years ago that my dad had a second family in, I think, the 70s. His wife at the time actually made friends with the other woman and they stayed friends lowkey for the rest of their lives, never told my dad or their kids, and both divorced my dad for other reasons. I have no idea how that worked or why they were so chill about it, but good for them I guess? My mom was wife number four and they met several years after the other two relationships ended.


Story 3: when people say "Unite the families" in these situations typically what they mean is that both spouses that were cheated on platonically coming together to raise the kids under one roof for a period and unite against the creep that screwed them over as a team effort. Not polyamory in my experience.


The craziest part for me is that the fiancé in the Albuquerque family has been most likely dropping hints to the husband saying when shall we get married? Shall we set a date, look at venues etc, all normal things an engaged couple would be doing and he’s probably been brushing it off and saying “not yet” or something as he knows he’s already married. Also how he has managed to keep track of TWO families without slipping up with names or anything is mind blowing to me 🤯


First story: I was hoping, for OP's sake, that it was gonna be one of those stories where the stars have aligned and her husband had a doppleganger and everything just happened to line up perfectly. Stranger and more improbable things have happened...


Good morning rslash and good morning everyone reading this❤❤❤
