How to Split the Bill

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The check just arrived; now what? Whether you sipped tap water all night or ordered a rare bottle of wine, we have an answer.

Step 1: Ask for a separate check
Don't be shy about asking for a separate check – especially if you're fearful of getting stuck paying for everyone else's extravagance. Just be sure to do it at the beginning of the evening.

Allay the awkwardness by suggesting separate checks for everyone, unless you're in such a large group that it would be a huge imposition on the server.

Step 2: Be gracious
If the group has agreed to split the bill evenly and everyone's share is in the same ballpark, don't insist on breaking down the bill to the last penny.

Step 3: Pay your fair share
Offer to pay your fair share if you ordered more lavishly than anyone else. If, on the other hand, you were the person who just had a salad, announce, "here's my share," plop down what you owe, including money for the tip, and don't feel bad about it.

If you are estimating your share, always err on the side of overpaying.

Step 4: Don't penalize singles
Don't penalize singles. If three couples are dining with a solo, the check should not be split four ways – it should be divided based on seven people.

Step 5: Do account for children
Do take children into account. Childless dining companions shouldn't pay for your kids just because they order from the children's menu and don't drink booze.

Step 6: Man up
If you’ve invited someone out to dinner on a first date, expect to pay, especially if you’re a man. After that, you can split checks or take turns picking up the tab.

Step 7: Treat people right
Don't treat anyone to their meal if you can't afford to treat everyone.

Step 8: Give them the business
If it's a business meal, pick up the check if you extended the invitation – unless the other person is trying to get your business. In that case, it's appropriate for that person to pay.

Did You Know?
Seventy-five percent of survey respondents think that a man should pay for dinner if he has invited a woman out on a date; eight percent think the couple should split the check; and two percent think the person who earns the most money should pay.
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Step 6:  split the bill because women wanted equality. 


Thats fine but the kids should be expected to pay if they're getting drunk off of everyone elses booze.


I think the guys should always pay at least for the first date, cmon' you cant be that cheap lol :P


or the old "will you excuse me?"
and then walk calmly away and never return..


where the fuck do these stupid rules come from like the man should pay for dinner, blah blah blah. Giving your share is the best way to go. Well maybe an exception would be when you are bugging the person to go out with you.


yea it's corny that I always had to pick up the check. but I sad fuck it one time and told the chick she's paying and she didn't mind at all.


because somepeople are stupid and will think they should owe nothing and they need howcast to set them straght.


just say everyone is going dutch. gets rid of the awards.



No, I think it's right for the man to pay. Chivalry isn't dead.


@stp289 Whoops! Sorry, I'm Turiano101 in a different account. Ask more questions about Asians... It's fun to answer! XD But, as for the men, I have no idea. The men are nice when it comes to the bill too. My dad pays for the drinks (beer) while the others pay the food. My mom doesn't like that fact though... :) But yeah, in the Philippines everyone is a family, we are really family oriented it's nice to come home and smile at a very loving family. Any other questions I can answer? :)


Ha! Thank god, they agree that after the first date, the check is fair game. Some friends of mine say they ALWAYS pay for everything. Misogynist much? But at least howcast is on my side. Split the check on the 2nd or 3rd date.


@stp289 Well, I'm Filipino(Philippines), when I see the women (which is a lot), we could never accept money that is given as a tip. (I could take it, but they won't... I have no idea. I grew up in Canada)I get haircuts from my friend's mom and we are all Filipino, when the job is done and my mom tries to pay, my friends mom will NEVER accept it while my mom tries shoving the money in her pocket! And I'm not kidding. Women from the Philippines are just too nice sometimes... :P Ask more if u want


@stp289 If you don't want to argue after a great night, try explaining that maybe next time you should both pay the bill, or even just switch turns. If she doesn't take a hint. You should. She probably just likes the stuff you buy her, and not your actual self. Good luck! [ :


I think their date etiquette for splitting the check is perfect. If you're not up for paying, don't suggest for a first date. Just suggest coffee or something that's generally lower-key.


The real way is to always split evenly, that's the rich way of going out with friends. If you feel you are getting "slighted" order more next time. Fighting over a check is very low class.


lol "no speaky english" with typical hongkong accent will definately irritate they hell out of them lol


its just like a....idk respect thing, or more or less a kind thing...


thats bullshit, but hell i still am laughing...


Lol. Don't do what is expected. Do what you feel is right.


I live in Taiwan how much would that be in my currency?
