Massage Tutorial: Neck pain (deep tissue)

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This is how I approach general neck work from a myofascial perspective. I'm not targeting any specific pain, but I definitely have some goals in mind: Lengthen and soothe tight cervical muscles; reduce tone in the trapezius and levator scapulae; and spread the fasciae connecting the neck, chest, and shoulder. As always, I take every opportunity to outline the client's musculoskeletal anatomy. It feels good, and it provides some proprioceptive awareness that can be useful long after they've left your office.

My general routine: Start bilaterally, spreading the upper chest and gliding up the posterior neck using palms and fingers. Feel free to turn any of these "swooping" moves into stripping, allowing fingertips to sink into the tissue. Petrissage both sides with a duck grip, either simultaneously or using alternating pressure. Rock the head by using alternating compressive effleurage strokes to the neck/trapezius region. Finally, "walk" your way under the thoracic spine by using your knuckles or wrist as a fulcrum.

Move to one side. Set up your unilateral strokes by spreading the head and shoulder away from one another: Using crossed hands, glide laterally in the upper chest using your palm, and medially/superiorly in the shoulder/neck using an open fist (the "Harvey Maneuver"... c'mon, humor me!). If you have trouble with this one, it can help to plant the elbow of your outside arm on the table. Follow this with some alternating kneading of the superior trapezius, using your thumbs (if your hands are palm-up) to make contact with the scalenes. Walk under the shoulder and strip up the spinal erectors, outlining the superior angle and spine of the scapula with your fingertips. Finally, cross your hands and pin the superior angle in place with one set of fingertips, while the fingertips of your other hand travel up the lateral processes of the cervical spine, targeting levator scapulae. Bring the head back to neutral by scooping the neck with your outside hand, placing your fingertips on the opposite side of the spine, and stripping superiorly. Repeat on the other side.

I like to finish with a nice cranial cradle, my fingertips placed along the occipital ridge. Be careful not to let the chin droop toward the chest during this; while it can be a nice stretch for a moment, it can compress the airway, which just feels uncomfortable after a few seconds.

Leave me comments, ask questions, and feel free to link to your own neck work videos! I'll gladly link them up here in the description. Thanks!

Рекомендации по теме

Aloha MS! I love, "Tell your clients the story of their anatomy." What a beautiful way to express our work. Most people, I have found, are severely disconnected from their bodies. We provide our clients an opportunity to introduce them to sensations, movements, feelings, etc. that they may never have experienced before. Truly miraculous...maybe we are vitally important in creating a new paradigm that isn't "disease management" focused but powerful preventive health care where people become not victims, but victors. Thanks again! :))))


My clients are loving the “Harvey Maneuver “ and the neck roll back to center secret move. Smooth and effective ~ I appreciate how you approach the work and share your moves. ☮️👍🧘‍♂️


I so appreciate your videos. I've incorporated your neck techniques into all my neck work. Now, when I get to the neck work, several clients have said, "this is the best part!". You are an amazing therapist and teacher!!! Thank you once more! <3


Thank you for your refreshing; highly effective; refresher course(s)!   You're my favorite advanced Therapist Instructor since graduating 12 yrs ago!!!   Blessings and love to you


these really work! I've had back of the head pain, neck pain, left side of my head my ear felt clogged and I was having eye and jaw spasms. left side of nasal stuffiness.all of these for months trying everything with no relief. I had a friend watch this video while doing the massage on me. after a few minutes I felt sudden relief! it started at my head and went all the way down to my toes. I was amazed at how wonderful this felt I raised my head to tell my friend how much relief it was and I felt my nasal and ear stuffiness go away! I totally recommend trying this!


I love your tip on people who can’t relax their neck. I’m a therapist and I myself can’t relax mine lol


This is the best massage video I have ever seen. This is really useful. Well done.


my name is RC Sergio I am massage therapist in Riverside Ca.
I learn your technique, and my clients loved this work on their neck and shoulders is really fantastic.
thanks a lot for teach to us.


This is such an amazing video. You are an amazing therapist. Love how you share so willingly and you make me laugh with your "quack quack". thank you thank you


Great video, thank you, ! I have a client that is having some serious issue impingement on the right side of the shoulder area and trying to find some extra ways to help him find some relief I will try this next time.


Amazing. I love it when I end up with a new interest because I was watching some kind of tutorial for ASMR. I wish I could have a massage from you!


I prefer this video over others because I don't need to pause it and play it again, I can just follow the instructions and it will give me a full massage tutorial.


I have grown my clientele because of you Mr. Harvey!!! Thank you so much for what you do 😊


Love your videos! Their always informative, detailed and methodical. I've learned so much from you during the years and appreciate your attention to detail as a therapist!😊👐🏻


Your video was EXACTLY what I was looking for!!!! Thank you so so so much! Take note, I never post any messages but your video was so good, I had to post a comment.


It looks amazing! I’m a novice at this but taking notes! Thanks for the content


Your videos are so relaxing! But above all they are very informative and inspiring, thanks for the great content and work you do!


~ Wow that was fantastic. You are a gifted therapist, and teacher. ~


This is so helpful! We didn't learn much about massaging the neck in school.


This video wil help me help clients . I had seen some things like this but love the Harvey move. Great information about fascia.
