iPhone 15 Pro vs Pixel 8 Pro: Camera Test Comparison!

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Which is the BEST smartphone camera? This is my detailed camera comparison test of the iPhone 15 Pro vs Google Pixel 8 Pro! Let's compare photo and video, insane zoom capabilities, low-light night shots, audio samples, and all the crazy new AI features from Google Pixel. (This video is NOT sponsored. I purchased iPhone and Pixel 8 Pro was a gift from Google.)

0:00 Spoilers
0:17 Daytime Photos
2:35 Low-light & Astro
3:31 Pro controls
3:51 Audio Magic Eraser
4:52 Video & zoom
5:48 Cinematic mode vs Blur
6:09 Action mode stabilization
7:22 Best Take
7:49 Magic Editor

Disclosure: some of the links I use are affiliate links, this means I may receive a small commission at no cost to you.
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I want a mix of both - video from iPhone and photo from Pixel.


I love that Google is still innovating in the camera game!


Most reviews I've seen have mentioned the lens transitions, so I'm hoping Google will work on making it smoother. FHD at 30fps in active stabilization mode should be at least 2.8K at 60fps by now. I think we should be able to use each lens with active stabilization mode, and it could definitely use a step up in the level of stability it adds. The blur video mode was added because the iPhone has it, but it really needs some improvement.

Also, I don't understand why we don't have a 1x, and 5x option in portrait mode. The 1.5x crop being forced is just weird.


I prefer the colors of the Pixel, but with video Apple is simply the best. That stabilization is crazy good.


P8 for the natural colors .... and, the one-handed use is next-level.


when comparing the photos side by side, the iPhone 15 has a weird green tint on the photos in many cases.


Pinned comment for future updates:
-10/17, My mistake, just updated title, I accidentally had the "Max" wording as I had copy/pasted from previous video. To confirm, this is the iPhone 15 Pro, not the 15 Pro Max.


Not sure what the comments take away is. People who already have the iphone will say it is better than the pixel or the pixel gives weird results, and the people who already have a pixel will find fault with the iphone pictures. They don't want to admit that they bought a phone that is not the best at everything. I have both and I have to say that this year the pixel 8 pro does have some amazing features.


The dynamic range of the Pixel looks fantastic, was never a fan of iphones white balance


So strage that so many camera comparisons have completely different results. On some the iphone wins nearly every test and in others the pixel 8 pro dominates.


That Audio Magic Eraser really degrades the quality of the audio. I think Google needs to improve the algorithm they're using for that.


The Audio Magic Eraser has huge potential. I definitely don't want to remove the whole background noise, but reducing it down to like 25% or so to help enhance voices will do wonders.


Excellent and transparent camera comparison


Pixel 8 pro has pushed the game of photography again. Introducing new things that others will adopt later to improve their camera. Video Boost hasn't even been released yet which will up the quality of video even more. They both traded blows in video. no clear winner. Photos though, hands down the Pixel is consistently better. I'm not sure we are even seein the photos in the ultra hdr quality. A lot of social media sites can't show Ultra HDR. YUou can adjust the blur in cinematic mode on the Pixel 8 pro. I believe you can on Iphone as well


Test the stabilization (Active too) in low light at night. Everthing is mostly good enough at day time nowadays


I love my pixel 6A and I've been a Google loyalist ever since the original Nexus One, but these AI solutions aren't all that great on anything other than a small cell phone screen. If you zoom in, it's not hard to see the artifacts, ghosting, or softness, where details were covered or filled in. I've made the mistake of printing some of these for frames in my house, and they do not look good.


just came across your content for the first time, after the first few clips in this video I immediately noticed this was taken in Huntsville!


There is just something about the picture quality of the Pixel, it has this je ne sais quoi. I catch myself taking more pictures of random things with the Pixel and overall care more about photography with the Pixel than I ever had when I had an iPhone


Should I re-up from the 6a ? Plan was to wait for the 9a
Sequence continues from the 3a


Have been using Pixel phones to shoot my travel films and each year they are getting better. Really wish they had manual controls though. Would love to be able to manual focus-shift during a shoot. Right now I'd have to just let the AF focus from foreground to background (but it happens too quick) and custom video apps (that I've tried) don't seem to work too well.
