iPhone 16 Pro Max vs Samsung S24 Ultra vs Pixel 9 Pro XL - IT'S OBVIOUS! (Camera Battery Speed etc)

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iPhone 16 Pro Max VS Samsung S24 Ultra VS Pixel 9 Pro XL - IT'S OBVIOUS! (Camera Battery Speed etc)

0:00 - Rules of Comparison
0:56 - Camera Video
3:35 - Camera Photos
7:52 - Design & Build Quality
9:05 - Display
10:13 - Performance, Gaming & Benchmarks
12:44 - Battery Life Tests & Charging
13:51 - Software & Ecosystem
18:30 - Additional Features
20:00 - Pricing
20:30 - Additional Thoughts - Which should you buy?
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Ur edit, videos and sense of humor gets me Everytime 😅


I just love the industrial boxy design of the S24 Ultra. It stands out from all those round corner lookalikes out there.
The anti-reflection screen is also great and unique (a feature you missed in the screen comparison).
OneUI has so many useful slick and innovative features really not found on other OS skins.
The S-Pen is something I use every day and see how that works perfectly with the awesome 'Sketch to Image' feature!
Samsung offer a great deal more customisation options.

Prices for Samsung are only high at launch. They also give away some fantastic freebies like buds, watches and Chromebooks with pre-orders.


How did we know the iphone and Samsung would end up a tie? 😂


All fabulous phones. However i prefer Andriod phones and their operating systems. So in this case i will choose the Pixel. As for best camera, that does not phase me as i use action cameras. Fab review. 👍😊


I know the Samsung on paper is the better android phone but the pixel 9 pro xl is just so good in real daily use. The feel in hand smashes the Samsung, the camera personally is more wow factor with the photos, stock android is flawless and the design I much prefer. 🎉


Samsung is better choice in my opinion. Display, AI integration, customization, SPem, DEX, multitasking, charging speed are things to consider. Iphone AI will be on the way only in 2025 and not in all regions :(
Not to mention that the actual price of S24 Ultra is lower than Iphone 16 Pro Max.


Thanks for being honest and explaining the ecosystem choices. So many reviewers simply quote Apple's ecosystem and leave it at that with no explanation leaving feeling that they've never actually used Android. Personally I have Android devices (the S24 Ultra) and Apple devices (iPad Air and Macbook Pro). These days iOS and Android are very similar though there are some annoyances I find in iOS coming from an Android background.


Do not like Apple's processing at all too dull with colours, over sharpened and noisy with the worst lens flare ever. Totally over rated. Also the iPhone video audio sounded tinny


Apple brought a product to market that is not yet finished and if apple intelligence is delayed any further into 2025 most people will just wait for the 17th so in my opinion the s24 ultra is the winner with Pixel in clothes second place and as far as the iPhone at this stage I'd wait to see if and when Apple intelligence actually arrives.


Having all 3, I can tell you. The s24u isn’t beating the other 2 on cameras. It’s so unreliable due to that slow shutter speed. So many lost moments due to it.
Media wise I’ll give it to Samsung.
I prefer the Pixel 9 Pro XL out of all my phones.


Any tech lover will appreciate what each of these phones offers. I'm in the S24 Ultra camp. I love the fact that the Pixel and iPhone are so good; it keeps Samsung on its toes.


Apple is getting to gready this days. They are going stop giving the chager cable in upcoming mobile, everybody body has to buy cable and eadopter separately. Innovation is to bringing new things but apple is doing uninnovation 😂😂 when coming to samsung there bring new things and making changes samsung also cost the same but 100 or 200 charge extra for their mobile. Instead of choosing apple please choose samsung S24 ultra or S25 ultra. Stop being fool and think beyond, Innovation should be the first priority for everyone 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Seems like the ultra 24 is overall better 🤔


The brand new Samsung S24 Ultra is selling for around 850 USD.
I recently purchased it in the UAE for around 3150 AED.


They were independently tested by an independent authority and were all found to be much better than each other.


The camera "BUTTON" is the stupidest thing Apple has every put on their phones.

I have the 9 Pro Xl and the S24U, love them both for different reasons. Had an I phone for 1 yr and hated it, the keyboard is trash, no access to a clip board, file management is a joke, camera settings need to be in the god damn camera! The number 1 reason, I hated it ( recently fixed) you couldn't schedule text messages, without jumping through hoops.


Meanwhile I use a S24 ultra with a mac book pro 😂


All three phones are excellent, but the Samsung is the phone for the future it's builders are time travellers❤


I had the 15 Pro Max, I was disappointed, then S24 Ultra, which I sent back within the return limit time, why? Disappointed with the iPhone due to the camera hype it felt like a let down, same with S24 Ultra, camera not as good as expected. Bought the Pixel Pixel Pro 9XL, and I’m finding the camera the absolute best of the 3, battery life is great, AI is wonderful, Gemini is wonderful, I cannot fault my Pixel 9 Pro XL, I wasn’t even tempted by the 16 Pro Max this year, so far behind Android in many ways, I think people buy iPhone for the brand, more than anything else, “I’ve got the latest iPhone”, sorry, you can keep it, I’m happy! 😊❤


Seriously impressed with samusung and pixel
