Titus Reacts to Linus Tech Tips Linux Daily Drive Challenge

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I have been getting asked a TON about Linus taking on Linux as a Daily Driver. Here is all my feedback and reaction to his video about the challenge.

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As much as I love the CLI, there's really no excuse for the GUI package managers to be as crappy as they are


I honestly hope that Linus's video series causes some real change in the Linux community so we can have better new user experiences.


I vividly remember Linus' live stream when they started fimling these. The comments were full of "amazing, we [the linux community] love to help you when you have trouble" and not even 10 seconds after Linus pointed out a flaw in the GUI, the comments were full of "that's just user error, if you don't know anything why are you doing this"


I really appreciated your 'criticism' as you didn't tear them down, but appreciated their efforts as one individual with little to no experience, and someone that had brief past experience, and even praised them for their efforts. Good job!


App stores in all the distros feel like an abandoned Sears from 2005


That was actually fun to watch, because unlike in other people's reaction videos, you only put in the parts where you actually had something to say.


I won't lie: back when I was new to Linux, trying to install something that had dependency conflicts and just telling apt to do it anyway and hosing my install-- is absolutely something I did. Twice.


Linus acknowledges that using the terminal is a valid - and lot of times better - option for Linux users, but he said that he was trying to do this challenge as a completely casual, non-tech savvy user. He wanted to use the same methods that the general masses will use, which is a demographic of people will either never want to use the terminal or have no clue how to use the terminal. They want and expect everything to work in the GUI.


I think Linus video pretty much shows that there's still a lot of work which needs to be done getting the GUI for package management to an acceptable state. When I started using Arch I completely stopped using GUI to install anything but I don't think that's just the solution. Developers need to fix this for Linux getting more usable to the masses.


17:37 "i made a lot of the same mistakes"

and yet, no linux dev ever bothers to try fixing it for the end user. if users keep making the same mistakes, then devs are doing it wrong!


First time on the channel, enjoyed your take on it. I do have to admit it's funny to hear a Linux user say "I would just use the Terminal" because that's exactly what Linus calls out as "what will be said and what isn't an acceptable answer for the average end user"


I love how Chris is so understanding here. It's not "Oh, why would you do that?! You're dumb!" like I've seen on a couple other reactions but rather "Yeah, I made a lot of these same mistakes early on" or "That was a bug, it's not really your fault."

It's super refreshing to see people who are civil and understandimg about this stuff.


"I bet that, at the end of this, Luke will have a lot better of an experience than Linus"
As someone who watches WAN Show, I know where they both stand in the challenge now because the videos take a while to produce and publish.
Oh how right you are.


I watch both of yours and Linus' channel, and love both of your work.

Regarding what you mentioned about installing software via GUI, do remember that Linus' efforts are supposed to represent the average Window techie out there that's considering Linux. Everything should work via the GUI, unless it is some form of obscure settings that 99.9% of the users will not use.


Titus: "Yea I used to troll people asking on forums for advice on linux for fun. Good times"

What a ... wonderful ... community you got there


I've been slowly getting into Linux over the past few weeks and if there's one thing that's bugging me, it has to be the community. There's so much hate and negativity and arrogance in the Linux community which makes it really hard to get into for beginners and noobs like me and that's kinda sad.


Are we going to spend the next month seeing all the Linux Youtubers reacting to LTT videos. I want to see Anthony Young reacting 🤣


Clicking something in the app store should just work. Steam should have installed without having to even touch the command line. If any distro of Linux is ever going to see wide spread adoption, stuff like what Linus experienced should be flat out impossible. Sitting laughing as a smug Linux expert is exactly the kind of reaction that allows Windows to continue to dominate.


"At the end of the day I just use the terminal." And that's why Linux will never go mainstream.


The whole "The terminal is a better experience than a GUI" thing is true for practically everything that doesn't actively require a UI
It's just that the learning curve / human memory required for it is a lot higher. I've installed Node plenty of times on Linux and to this day I still don't remember the process to do so on a clean Linux install, generally because the repos for it aren't there by default
