Morrowind in 2023: Why You Should Play & How (to use openMW & Install Mods)

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0:00 intro
0:38 - Skyrim VS Oblicion VS Morrowind
2:50 - The problem with modern open world games
5:25 - A note about modding Morrowind's combat
6:40 - Installing openMW
14:55 - How to MOD with OpenMW
31:16 - How to use OMWADDON files
34:00 - Grass, groundcover, and foliage
38:10 - My OpenMW config files (as a guide)
39:19 - A note on Skies.IV and rain

Get Morrowind:

Best to install everything outside of your Program Files folder.

If you want Mods:

Get a Nexus account and connect it to Mod Organizer 2
Use this website and these lists to help with mods:

view over shoulder = true
preview if stand still = true
antialias alpha test = true
apply lighting to environment maps = true
auto use object normal maps = true
auto use object specular maps = true
auto use terrain normal maps = true
auto use terrain specular maps = true
clamp lighting = false
force shaders = true
force per pixel lighting = true
lighting method = shaders
max lights = 64
maximum light distance = 6359
radial fog = true
light bounds multiplier = 3.35463
minimum interior brightness = 0.124512
light fade start = 0.753975

device =
hrtf = Built-In HRTF
hrtf enable = 1

head bobbing = true
preview if stand still = true
view over shoulder = true
head bobbing step = 120.0
head bobbing height = 6.0
head bobbing roll = 0.5

menu transparency = 0.562256
stretch menu background = true
color topic enable = true
scaling factor = 1.7

anisotropy = 16
texture mipmap = linear

crosshair = true

always run = true
camera sensitivity = 0.613801
toggle sneak = true

global = true

window border = false
antialiasing = 2
gamma = 1.09132

refraction = true
rtt size = 2048
shader = true
reflection detail = 5

inventory h = 0.377804
inventory w = 0.448505
inventory x = 0.0106312
inventory y = 0.55608
map h = 0.877214
map w = 0.418605
map x = 0.502326
map y = 0.0507674
stats h = 0.498229
stats w = 0.446512
stats x = 0.0212625
stats y = 0.0413223
spells h = 0.514758
spells w = 0.360133
spells x = 0.590033
spells y = 0.247934
barter h = 0.62928
barter w = 0.247426
barter x = 0.599801
barter y = 0.269185
dialogue h = 0.448642
dialogue w = 0.339535
dialogue x = 0.29701
dialogue y = 0.488784
inventory barter h = 0.378985
inventory barter w = 0.497674
inventory barter x = 0.0524917
inventory barter y = 0.382527
spells hidden = true
inventory hidden = false
map hidden = false
spells pin = false
stats hidden = false
container h = 0.381346
container w = 0.389369
container x = 0.489701
container y = 0.53719

turn to movement direction = true
use additional anim sources = true
weapon sheathing = true
shield sheathing = true
swim upward correction = true
smooth movement = true
NPCs avoid collisions = true
use magic item animations = true
barter disposition change is permanent = true
followers attack on sight = true
prevent merchant equipping = true
rebalance soul gem values = true
show enchant chance = true
show melee info = true
show projectile damage = true
trainers training skills based on base skill = true
show owned = 1

enable shadows = true
actor shadows = true
player shadows = true
terrain shadows = true
object shadows = true
enable indoor shadows = true
shadow map resolution = 4096
number of shadow maps = 3
compute tight scene bounds = true
split point uniform logarithmic ratio = 1.0
use front face culling = false

distant terrain = true
object paging active grid = true
object paging min size = 0.025
groundcover = Cyrodiil_Grass.ESP

enabled = true
density = 1
min chunk size = 0.7
stomp mode = 2
stomp intensity = 2

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The reason most people miss in this game is because if your fatigue (i.e. stamina) is low, it significantly affects your chances to land a hit. When in combat, ensure you have that precious green bar filled up and your combat will magically become enjoyable.


This game blew my mind back in 02, I just couldn't believe the size and the depth of the world they created. It was the first and only time I ever truly lost myself in a video game world.


I actually put about 200 hours into Morrowind last year. It was such a breath of fresh air. The state of gaming is awful, and I needed to be reminded why I ever loved it in the first place.


Morrowind is the only RPG I have played where the different cultures and towns really felt different. Shoot, every major town was almost a full game in of itself.


OpenMW is an unbelievable achievement. An incredible piece of Free (as in Freedom) software. The first release was all the way back in 2008! 13 friggin YEARS it's been in development and it's not only achieved compatibility with the original engine but it's exceeded it in every way possible. The developers are also working on an easy to use map maker for Morrowind so that it's easier for the community to make more environments and tell more stories in new places. Every single person who has been involved in making OpenMW deserved an standing applause. Thank you you beautiful bastards for your insane dedication and work!
P.S. I have no doubt that those fancy graphics mods will finally become compatible eventually one way or another.


Haven’t finished the video yet, but can I just say you’re so down-to-earth with how you explain things. You don’t say things just to say them, you explain why you feel the way you do. You don’t want to turn up the distance viewing because seeing too much inadvertently makes Morrowind feel small to you: I totally get that ! I love the great content, keep it up <3


Oblivion being compared to power metal is so absurdly fitting and I will never describe it any other way again.


Mod list video:
Mod list and info on the website:


This is what I needed to finally get into the game properly (I think). Played it a long time ago and remember being blown away by the world and immersion. Having a decent guide on what options to tick/untick on OpenMW is very helpful.


The only 'combat' mods I might install are ones that add more variety to the combat without destroying the balance of combat. Things like additional weapons/armor, more spell effects, stuff like that.


I was on the fence if I should play this game.
Your description was very accurate and your tips about how to install the mods etc. were very helpful.
Thank you for this great video :)


I put 300 hours into morrowind back in 2001, explored every nook and cranny of the workd and I feel little reason to go back now.. But that game will go down as one of the greatest rpg experiences I've ever had. Nothing since has topped it. Skyrim was okay, but not even close to the depth and sophistication that morrowind had. Morrowind is literally the greatest western rpg ever made imo.

In my ignorance at the time, I assumed that this was the future of gaming. I mean, how could it not be? It's so good. But unfortunately, devs decided that these games are just too expensive to make. It's astonishing how few titles we've gotten in the past 20 years that are even remotely reminiscent of such a grand rpg...


i've been going back and forth with the idea of getting into morrowind for awhile, and i think this is the push i needed to actually hit play. thanks


Your metal analogy is hilariously accurate, as my favourite Elder Scrolls is and always has been Morrowind since the day it released, and Prog Metal and Prog Rock are my favourite musical genres.


It's so incredible to me to see Morrowind so stable. Can't believe I didn't try OpenMW sooner, amazing what the creators can do..


This is the best and most accurate description of the Elder Scrolls games I've seen 👌


I love all three games(Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim) but Morrowind is undeniably the most unique setting and atmosphere of the three.


Love how informative you are, whereas many others I see just say do this with this outcome. Very in-depth and concise. I am doing all this with my first official Morrowind playthrough. I have dabbled into the game a bit over the years, but I want to really get into it this time around.
Also, I saw the cover for Drakkhen in the background. That was the very first RPG I ever played, and I owe it for getting me into the genre. Nice taste!


Really solid tutorial, it's made playing Morrowind not a crash-ridden chore! While I miss the beloved Lua and MWSE based upgrades for the main-game, I have put 50 hours into a new playthrough thanks to your clear and distinct explanation on modding OpenMW. You have actively made me re-fall in love with my favourite game again. 10/10.


Can't believe it's been 20 years..
