BONELAB Everything you need to know - Bonelab Review, Tricks, Tips and Walkthrough

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Today we have everything you need to know about Bonelab. A Bonelab review for Quest 2 and PCVR, Bonelab VS Boneworks, Quest VS PC plus Bonelab getting started tips and a Bonelab Walkthrough

Intro 00:00
Bonelab VS Boneworks 00:50
Breaks the VR Mold 01:55
Revolutionary? 02:24
Quest VS PC 03:08
The Review Starts 04:12
Gameplay Length 5:05
Extra gameplay modes 05:56
The Issues 06:30
The Verdict and Review Score 07:20
Getting Started Tips 08:23
Calibration 08:43
Motion Sickness 09:02
Climbing\Leg Control 09:24
Unlockables 09:49
Bounce Pads 10:09
Head crabs 10:36
You are always armed 10:55
Feeling Lost? 11:14
Embrace the Jank 11:27
The Walkthrough Begins (SOME SPOILERS!) 11:50
How to Unlock the Campaign - Level 2 12:08
Rubber Stopper - Level 2 12:53
Button Door - Level 2 13:35
Physics Puzzle - Level 3 13:55
Motion Sickness hack - Level 4 14:30
Elevator - Level 5 14:45
General Tips Leve 6-11 14:58
The Run Button Puzzle Level 7 15:15
The Moon Level 9 - 15:30
Motion Sickness Hack - Level 10 15:45
Final notes 16:15


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Just finished my first playthrough, really had fun messing around with the physics n exploring the maps. This honestly feels like a VR Gmod foundation, can't wait to see it grow


Dude I am so hyped for bonelab and the modding community around it. Just imagining the custom maps, playermodels, weapons, parkour deathruns, etc. there is going to be so much user generated content it’s not even funny. Cant wait to fully playthrough the game 🤘


If the modding community make the Multiplayer really well and smart this game would pop even more. Making it so you can host dedicated servers and/or a Server Browser. People could make like VRChat, Bowling, Call of duty like games or other mini game servers that people can just hop in, all in one game. Lets just hope that you dont have to download Multiplayer as a seperate program and can add it in game so the non PCVR users arent limited and could also join PCVR players?


Thanks for the tip on the main campaign. After jumping down the "do not jump" hole I had NO idea where to go.


I think bonelab succeeds at what it set out to do, put the marrow physics engine on the quest and create a platform for user generated content. It feels more like a tech demo because it literally is. The campaign on it's own only exists to show the kinds of things that are possible. Like the story tells you, it's up to us to be "creators" and make the real content of this world


The mods in this game are gonna change everything. Literally endless possibilities, game will be the Garry's mod of vr


Thanks for the info and review Matteo. For me I think I am going to wait for a sale on this one. I thought the campaign in Boneworks was very meh, and it doesn't sound like they addressed any of the game's issues and shortcomings in this sequel. I have a feeling that Bonelab will really shine when the community starts making high-quality mods and custom campaigns. But obviously, that will take time to develop.


Lack of a decent campaign was expected, but still disappointing, glad to get your honest opinions on the pros and cons.


Finished it already loved it, great review and great tips for VR sickness. I've got some pretty strong VR legs and one of the levels gave me a tiny bit of an ill feeling that surprised me. If it hit me a tiny bit I've got mates that it would be unplayable for so best for people to keep that in mind.


Great review! Even saying it's a 8.9 for you the way you explain everything that you will see and you can do in the game helps a lot to decide to buy or not a game.


For anyone that has had trouble climbing or lifting yourself up look at at you feet as it will push you up with the legs


Interesting to hear your comments regarding the loose preference for boneworks. It was groundbreaking at the time.


This game is awesome. I’m on level 10 or 11 right now. I have no motion sickness, and i never have gotten sick from any vr game. I feel like im basically built for vr, which is great, since I am OBSESSED with vr. I love it!


Loved your "revolutionary?" discussion in 2:25. Hands down, one of the most balanced perspectives on this title! I've just seen so much fanboy hype that totally ignores the reality of this title. Its boneworks 1.5 and even boneworks was lacking in a lot of ways... so bonelab really isn't anything all that special for those of us who've been around. But disappointment also isn't new to us... so yea...


It’s a game I’m “forcing” myself to play. Lot of fantastic ideas here and I applaud stress level 0 for really trying to push VR forward. My two big hurdles are kind of tied together. I absolutely loath the movement in this game.
To be clear I do not get motion sickness and I more then have my “VR legs” but because it’s also physics based I feel like have no control over my avatar. I feel like I’m drunk or something? Stumbling through the environment. The jump in particular I just can’t get a feeling for. I normally jump to late or early or not at all.

And just the physics stuff in general. When it breaks it breaks! Can completely grind the game to a holt. I feel more like I get punished for my creativity then rewarded because for example boxes don’t like being stacked on top of each other and your avatar doesn’t like standing on them.


I thought that the reason people was saying it was ground breaking was because it basically was the G-mod of VR, or am I just hearing things wrong?


I didn’t think the head crabs would scare me this much


I played the campaign for 10 hours. Really looked everywhere for those capsules.


Thank you so much The most authentic review out here, Lack of a campaign was a deal breaker for me.👍🏾
