Consistent Backswing Plane And Transition Wall Drill.

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Consistent Backswing Plane And Transition Wall Drill. Alex Fortey shares a simple golf drill you can do at home with The Art of Simple Golf making the golf swing easier.

This will help you find a better slot in your backswing and a great practice drill you can use.

It also helps the GOLF SWING transition too

The Art of Simple Golf. I am Alex Fortey you want to have more consistent and better striking by having and easy golf swing and backswing you can repeat without too much thought or stress. Then you can enjoy a really fun part of the game.

But it is also a big score changer when you are going to get a solid contract now I want to give you a really nice simple thought and visualization today that's going to help hit he slot in the backswing

Learn what to be more consistent with iron shots and your golf swing there are 2 simple golf tips to use that will help contact and power. Hit more greens and see the ball rip through the air.

Hammer the nail through the ball and feel like you can take a long shallow divot. These two things will give you penetrating consistent iron shots.

Come to learn more with Alex Fortey, other great PGA golf coaches and play better, simple golf that helps you hit the ball further and straighter.

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Please watch: "This Golf Swing Takeaway Adjustment Will Transform Your Consistency"
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Thanks for these drills Alex. A lot can be accomplished with wall drills. I do your first drill without a club almost every day before swinging clubs. I use it as a warmup stretch for golf by placing the back of my trail hand against the back of my lead hand and pulling back with the trailside. My favourite variation is to do it while standing in an inside corner, with my flared lead foot just touching the wall to the left. It's a great way to rehearse the backswing and impact while stretching at the same time. Having the wall to the left and just touching it with the left leg as you lead with the lower body and feeling the butt contact on the wall during the swing, is like having training wheels on your swing. Your second drill is new to me and feels like a great one.


The torso coil is the hardest thing to do 😢😢😢
