Weightlifting Or Running? Research Shows Clear Winner In Reducing Risk Of Heart Disease

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Greg Argos reports.
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Weights & WALKING are the best combo you could do in my opinion... I still make a point to run here and there. Especially if it's in a pick up basketball game or something. But honestly I would recommend Walking over Running for MOST (not all) people.


I do both. Doing weight training strengthens my muscles, reduces fat, and gives a great shape to my body, while running helps me improve stamina. I go to gym for weight training thrice a week (push, pull, lower body) and run twice a week (5 miles and 10 miles respectively).


To me.. they complement each other..enjoy both😊


Why not do both they are both good for you!!


I and my three coworkers have an obesity. We committed to do a healthy diet and lifestyle. My coworkers choose running and cycling. They do it quite extremely, they run/cycling almost everyday. Meanwhile I choose go to gym to do some minimalist weightlifting. In the next 6 months all my coworkers still have a belly fat, no significant difference to their bodyshape. But, my result showed a big difference, I lost almost 20 kgs, My face look younger, my body was strapped and muscular.


Starting lifting weights regularly after being diagnosed with prediabetes. Building muscle not only made me look better, it also lowered my blood sugar. The rest of the bad cholesterol and stuff was fixed by eating a clean and healthy diet, along with not over eating.

Cardio is too tiring for me. I could do it in 10 minute sprints, but long cardio sessions just seem useless to me and more damaging than weight lifting.

I used to be sort of scared of weight lifting, but after getting used to it, looking up proper form, and realizing that it's all about consistency and not caring about how heavy or cool you look, just about hitting it regularly and consistently, I started making massive gains and changes.


This is an EXCELLENT video story and I'm very glad to see that it's out there. Most people absolutely hate cardio and will avoid all exercise because of it. As an Exercise Physiologist I've found it's a lot easier to get clients to be consistent and stay with strength training. I've seen more people quit gyms and exercise programs due to cardio. The benefits of strength training over steady-state, low-to-moderate pace cardio are almost too many to list here. Strength training provides cardio benefits but cardio provides zero strength benefits. Endurance-type training also depletes muscle mass and this effect accelerates with age. Strength training is the only way to combat the age-related muscle loss called Sarcopenia. Most people who run have heart rates that are WAY too high while they're exercising and this can damage cardiac tissues. That's why the MAF method of low heart rate training is a great idea for those who insist on long distance running.


I'm 41 years old, started weight lifting 5 years back, the benefits of it are amazing😍 I'm stronger 💪look younger ☺and more muscular😎 than my same age people whom just do cardio or no workout at all.


I'm 57 yrs.old and been lifting weights for about 42 yrs. at 47 yrs old 214 lbs. I was bench pressing 250lbs.11 times. Now weight lifting may be better for cardiovascular and mostly bodyweight pull ups, push ups, I do and kettlebell swings but I can say honestly jogging makes me feel better maybe it's because I have gotten older and I'm going to start doing more weight lifting but I love to jog because of the way it makes me feel. I do a lot of Jill jogging about 35 perfect of my jogging is hills...next year they will say running better..


Resistance training doesn't create more capillaries anywhere near to cardio. Do both. There's a reason bodybuilders who do no cardio die from heart issues so frequently. The post workout born is about 19 extra calories, not much.


Muscle is a great glucose sink but if you are eating a bad diet, adding muscle is just masking the problem. Gotta clean up the diet


Some people NEED cardio, and especially low intensity and long duration cardio to keep a healthy heart and an efficient cardiovascular system. Walking and reasonnable pace running are very health and needed for a lot of people to keep healthy. Weightlifting or calisthenics are very important but to a much more different aspect. Yeah, someone who is used to lifting heavyweight is maybe less likely to get surprised by a heart attack when they suddenly have to do something intensive than people who never train with intensity. But cardiovascular health is about more than just surviving a sprint or a stair climb. Some people do one sprint, two sprints, everything feels OK but someday they are dead. Some people lift very heavy weights, their hearts pump very strongly, but then they have to engage prolongated and intense activity and then they go into syncope.
Blood has to flow a lot, body temperature must climb for prolongated period of times in order to develop and keep an organism that is clean and fully and well irrigated.
Health is not about specialization, it is not about performance, opposing cardio and resistance is pretty stupid as if you specialize in one you may go into trouble.


Best thing for your heart is eating whole fruits, veggies, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds


3 years later and doctors and studies are STILL saying weightlifting is better than running for your heart health. I do 3 days of cardio a week at 30 min 80% max and 5 days a week of weightlifting and i'm still struggling to fully believe weights are better :/ at this point in the game, i'm just being naive


I lift weights and this is pure bullshit.


The best balance is playing a sport and lifting weights


And you can increase testosterone levels with lifting weights, you can feel more manly with weight lifting, and you can burn more calories faster than cardio. But cardio is the best complement for resistance training.


My PE teacher once told us to think of lifting as a way to create, to build. When you lift weights, your body is in a creation mode, as if you were building a house. When would you typically run? When you are in danger. When you fear something. Better to create than fear.


Not sure if I agree with this, I predominantly lift and my blood pressure is through the roof.


So happy to hear this because I avoid cardio like the plague. 🤣 Only do weights and calisthenics
