The Unexpected U-Turn: 7 Reasons Why EV Owners Are Going Back to Gas! Electric Vehicles To ICE!

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In this video, we delve into the surprising trend of EV owners shifting gears back to internal combustion engines. We explore the 7 startling reasons why this is happening. From reliability issues to charging challenges, we cover it all. Don’t miss out on this insightful discussion!

*️⃣ 00:00 | Intro
Reason7️⃣ 00:41 | The Reliability Riddle of EVs
Reason6️⃣ 01:53 | Home Charging Hurdles
Reason5️⃣ 02:51 | Public Charging Problems
Reason4️⃣ 03:59 | The High Cost of Repairs
Reason3️⃣ 05:27 | The Insurance Implication.
Reason2️⃣ 06:25 | The Range Worry
Reason1️⃣ 07:25 | The Price and Depreciation Dilemma

To sum up, this video sheds light on the unexpected reasons why EV owners are considering a switch back to gas-powered cars. From reliability concerns to high repair costs, we uncover the hidden challenges of owning an EV. Tune in to get a comprehensive understanding of the current state of Electric Vehicles ownership.

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Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. All opinions expressed are our own.
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No problem for me..I have no intention of buying an EV to start with.


The only thing faster than an EVs acceleration is it's depreciation....


7 reasons, 1st money too expensive to own, 2nd got too complicated, 3rd batteries, 4th interest rates, 5th car insurance, 6th range anxiety, 7th not reliable as thought.


A mate of mine has a BMW EV, he's sick of it doing its own thing and taking unwanted control, he said he's going back to an ice vehicle that he can control.


Who said it was unexpected? Some of us expected it all along. 😊


And how do EV owners feel about charging their cars at public charging stations, in sketchy
parts of town, in all sorts of weather conditions, at odd hours... while traditional cars whiz on by?


Are EV owners really shifting back? - pardon the pun-they really never left gas vechicle reliance. Over 90% of households with EVs rely on gas combustion cars. I laugh at people who drive an EV vehicle. Not the wisest of consumers.


The Trade in value will be nonexistent. Who will Take a chance on a used E V ? No one .


I wonder what the best opportunities to invest now are, there are opinions but a little later I find out these opinions don't matter as a totally different turn of events play out with the stocks they discussed therein...


Because they are shite ? End of story?


Imagine the stress of being stuck in traffic after an accident with your EV battery on less than 10% and your charge point over an hour away at current traffic flow. People don't need that kind of extra stress in an already stressful life.


Most problems are with US manufacturers, Ford, and Gm . Their approach is identical to ice, push the product through the door and fix the problem later. My Tesla has 190000 km with no problems, still on the original brakes . Any software issue’s are rectified on line.


The EV vehicle's was a bad idea from the corrupt politicians. They try to force the population to buy their bad idea and most of us never fell for it. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


The depreciation seems to be greater than reported here. In fact, many dealers simply will give NOTHING for a used EV trade-in. They find selling a used EV nearly impossible, so they are refusing to take them at all as trade-ins.
A private sale is going to be based on what someone is willing to pay for the thing, which is usually far less than the owner thinks that 3 ton hunk of despair is worth. It comes down to taking what someone offers, or keeping that sad thing in perpetuity.
OH, and lest we forget, there is more to the insurance issue than just insuring that disaster of a car. While some companies are simply charging more to insure EV's due to outrageous repair costs, some don't insure them at all. BUT THERE IS MORE...Due to the many fires with those sad excuse for a car, homeowner policies can be more expensive - or cancelled altogether - with the overweight fire hazards on the property and, especially, kept in a garage.


There are lots of things I don't understand but this one gets me, any gas station I drive to in North America I can put the gas nozzle in my car but the government didn't tell all these EV manufacturers to do the same thing, same plug in for every EV??? NOPE! sure didn't, and you forgot one the rebates our tax dollars that were being given away is no longer happening


It doesn't make financial sense...period.


They are MUCH on brakes and tires, they are more to insure, and depreciation is ASTOUNDING.


EV's are the most laughable stunt. People that think they are cool for having them are not very wise.


This is an accurate assessment of why, after owning a 2020 Kona EV and a 2022 Ioniq 5 EV that I now have a 2024 Tucson hybrid. The Ioniq 5 was one of the best vehicles I ever owned but why should I have to compromise for the sake of owning an EV? Maintenance was higher than expected. Software updates were few and far between. 350KW chargers were few and far between in Ontario. Charger reliablilty needs work. Wait at least 5 - 10 years for the charging infrastructure to be ubiquitous, as it is for gas and diesel stations, before even thinking of buying an EV. BTW, you can't charge from home during a road trip so get rid of that excuse for cost savings.


When oil companies tell you something sucks, consider the source!
