TRETINOIN - The GOAT of Skincare Ingredients?

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Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided in this video is for educational purposes only. Please consult with a physician regarding any health-related diagnosis or treatment.

0:00 Intro
1:27 What Makes Tretinoin Good?
4:45 How To Use Tretinoin?
5:43 How To Get Tretinoin?
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Celebrating 2 GOATS…Doctorly and Tretinoin🥳


I’m 51. I’ve used Retin-A since I was 22, 29 YEARS! At first, it was for intractable acne. I haven’t had acne for 21 years, but I still use it every night. People think I’m 38-41. My skin is plump, soft, & wrinkle-free.


I absolutely think Tret is the GOAT. I’ve used it for 30 years. I’ve earned my opinion.


I’ve been using it for 2 months. The progress is slow, but it’s worth it. Have patience and you’ll thank yourself later :) I’m now just seeing the changes


I’m 40. Used Tretinoin since I’ve been 24 yo. Spf as well!!! I have zero wrinkles, texture, zero procedures, never had tox or injectables. I love tretinoin. Now I layer with HQ!


Used it to prevent fine lines. 10 years now. Did not expect it to undo existing damage, but it did. Incredibly cost-effective too.


I was ID’d yesterday. I’m 43. Use Retinols. Never hesitate.


i’m an avid abbey watcher as well as doctorly and i have to say she is very transparent with her routine and her journey. she uses a combination of tretinoin and spironolactone which has helped with her acne. she says treat does the heavy lifting but she also discusses other treatments that she’s found helpful including salicylic acid, hypochlorus acid spray, copper peptides, red light therapy, serums, and she really goes into depth and is very transparent about what she puts on her face. but she chalks up most of her success with her skin to tretinoin doing the heavy lifting. she also has quite a few videos on how to start tretinoin and avoid irritation. i love abbey!!!


I’ve used tret for 17 years now. I’m 38 and just had the store manager called on me when I tried to purchase a bottle of wine bc they refused to believe my ID was legitimate. I love it.


I can second this. I have history of severe cystic acne, post acne hyperpigmentation and scars. The only thing that worked topically for me is Tretinoin, by the grace of Allah my skin even tolerated 0.1%. It also renewed my uneven skin tone, improved texture and also healed some of my scars. I used it with oral Spirinolactone. ❤ الحمد الله


You two are such a the "Dynamic Derm Duo"! ! I love all your videos and information and you guys have such great chemistry together as friends.


To all those who say they had eye irritation, please know that all topical medicines will migrate a few millimeters depending on how much was applied. Use a barrier cream as well, perhaps Vaseline. That should help.


Started getting serious with tretinoin since September last year and I regret not starting earlier. Could have saved a lot of money. I still have acne now but my skin is definitely better overall.


Yes! Love that you showed abbey yung, she’s amazing!


I have been using retinA for close to thirty years now. I know I didn’t do it the right way. I just got the highest dose and went at it every night. My skin did pealed a lot. But to me that was my reward. That was what I wanted to see. My husband is a cardiologist and I just asked him to get it from hospital pharmacy. My skin does look like Aby. I can’t se my pores. NO dark spots. And I get compliments every place I go. Love retinA!!!


Love the acronym 🐐 but seriously it does work. I started in my 40s and now at 61 (over two decades later), I’m seeing the difference compared to ppl my age. No pores, firm smooth skin texture, zero wrinkles, no blemishes etc and just overall youthful appearance. This was the only product I’ve ever used with no morning or night routines other then a cheap day moisturizer & occasional sunscreen.


I started using Tretenoin in 2019 for acne. It works! My Dermatologist said just a pea size for the whole face. After my acne got better, if I get a bump, I now use mostly as a spot treatment. I did not know all of the other benefits. I am going back to pea size application all over my face again. At 49, my face does look youthful, I never realized that this was a contributing factor. Thank you doctors.


I’m going on 2 1/2 years on tretinoin 1%. I use it every single night, and will never ever miss a night, and never stop using it. It has completely transformed my skin for the better. I’m 49 and my skin has never looked better, not even in my teens or 20’s. 🙏🏼


That’s why I always check y’all’s YouTube before trying something. Thank you!!


I have very dry skin which made applying Tretinoin difficult. I learned that using a moisturizing toner before did the trick . Without it the Tretinoin would not spread on my dry skin causing me to use too much which led to overly dry peeling skin in am. I am 63 and I still get compliments on my skin
I admit I use vit C, peptides and sunscreen daily as well as acids once a week, but the T is THE GOAT!
Thanks Guys - learn so much from you both🙏
