(Ep.27) Chinese Elite Professor Zhang exposed what western democracy truly is.

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Why US promote democracy? What's the benefit?

00:00 - Intro
03:00 - What is Liberal Western Democracy in US
10:42 - Why US promote democracy
15:45 - Most Important Statement about future of democracy
18:05 - An example of European Democracy, Finnish democracy
28:14 - Initial conclusion
36:26 - Closing conclusion
39:37 - Closing sentence.


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Western democracy values resemble the boiling frog syndrome: as our living conditions gradually worsen, we adapt to these changes instead of addressing them, until we eventually lack the strength to escape.


"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" – Goethe


It takes a Chinese guy to explain to the Western audience that a 30 y.o. girl as a leader is just a mouthpiece of some more serious powers. Ha! You made my day!


Glad to see someone actually say what the role of an actual leader is supposed to be. He is not there to please the people but to ensure the country does not collapse. That is why I am a monarchist. Plato said Democracy will lead to tyranny once it fails to produce results after countless empty promises. We are starting to see that right now.


The nature of Western Liberal Democracy has been judged by Lenin a long time ago. That it is but Dictatorship of the Bourgeois. Free Press actually means press that can be bought by money. Policies can be influenced by legal bribery (lobbying, political donation, insider trading, etc).
Today, it's the same thing. Nothing has changed.


The lecturer is right on almost everything. Very well spoken !


The American patriot rebelled again British to gain Indian land in the west, it was not about taxes. The British prohibited the planters from claiming Indian territories which outraged them. After the creation of the US Constitution, taxes more than tripled in the former 13 colonies.


I’m from Australia- I really enjoy your deep dives. Very insightful. A lot of effort goes into these videos. Thank You👍


Thanks for saying all those difficult stuff. I agree with your closing statement, what matters is our lives are better.


thank you, coming from the "democratic" country of Canada which like most of Europe has an actor as the supposed head this really resonated with me


Interestingly, I just read an article in Financial Times today on the topic of Rupert Murdoch’s fifth marriage. Given that it takes a swipe at the cherished “democracy”, I am surprised that it managed to get through the editorial control. Even comments are allowed!

…Zhukova (Murdoch’s fifth wife) was previously married to a Russian born British billionaire. Their daughter was first married to Roman Abromovich, ex Chelsea football club owner, then to Niachos III, grandson of a shipping billionaire. She is BFF with Karlie Kloss, sister-in-law of Jared Kushner, who is Donald Trump’s son-in-law. She also donates to democrats to support Hillary Clinton. The list of connections go on…

The closing paragraph won the author much applause: “It’s a fascinating study, in which one increasingly feels speck small. We sit here with our sad single vote and taxpayer privilege only to realise that our influence means sweet FA.”

An interesting little piece of evidence to support your topic of the day I think.


Wow! This Professor is so spot-on accurate. I would guess that about 95% of US population do not know these truths about their sociopolitical environment. I would also guess that about 98% of Europeans are none the wiser. Were it not for alternative media and few honest academics, neither would I be informed. This represents a very significant shift in function of US media and university intellectuals.


I’ve really come to enjoy your channel! It is always helpful to hear multiple sides of the argument. Perspective is key… appreciated your insights.


This is your best video yet. Hard to find people like you; too hard.


soooo good content as always. congratulations and thanks !! cheers from brasil!!


Your finish friends can't see those problems because they are a small wealthy country, so the population has money enough not bother to pay attention. Only when the inequality becomes too big the people can see the cracks in the structure.


40:00 Here's the answer: If the colonial system collapses, then liberal-democracy cannot survive. Colonialism has been the lifeblood of capitalism. All that so-called success of creating wealth and prosperity credited to capitalism is in fact the work of colonialism. The latter underpins everything of the western "democracies". The western globalists clearly understand this. If that lifeblood is no more, then capitalism will have to turn to its local citizens for extraction of wealth (in place of the colonies), which means the veil of freedom, democracy, human rights, privacy, etc. will fall. And consequently, growing discontent and risk of social collapse. We are already having a glimpse of it now. The only real solution is to reign in on capitalism and adopt concepts from the other --ism that I will not name. This is what the 1st and (recently announced) 4th economies of the world (by GDP-PPP) did.


Very interesting to listen to as a Finn, I agree with you that most Finns are sheep. We are inherently very trusting of authority, it was useful when our government used to have the nations best interests in mind, but now with this shady stuff it means most Finns can't understand anything of what's going on sadly.


Spot on analyses. Same system in Norway. I would say that that our political elites are learning how to act, behave and speach by following the top leaders in US and EU, kind of like groupies.


I really appreciate your good efforts.. Only the good God can save us from ourselves... blessed are the poor in spirit.. A great depression will bring us to our knees..
