Mandela Effect Bible changes are a good thing.

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The Bible has undergone numerous supernatural changes. While many people many people deny anything has changed, others who are more familiar with the scriptures know many verses read differently than they did before. The Mandela Effect community in large part recognize these changes but attribute them to Dwave quantum computers or particle colliders like the LHC at CERN. Others feel they have shifted into another reality or dimension. The fact of the matter, seemingly impossible changes are taking place leaving a large portion of the population groaping for answers.

The so called Mandela Effect or Quantum effect changes led to my quantum awakening. Where some of the above causes were my initial thoughts, there were many clues that didn't fit into any of those causes which led me to dig deeper and consider new causes.

I've come to recognize these impossible changes, including those in the Bible, to be from a benevolent source working on behalf of the infinite creator God to bring about truth as we prepare for harvest. A closer look at the scriptural changes made it abundantly clear that many of the reasons I left the church years ago are highlighted in these changes serving as a confirmation that my gut feeling about the Church were indeed correct.

In this Mandela Effect Bible Changes video, I look over a number of scripture changes from the King James version, some that affected popular scriptures Genesis 1:1, the Lion and the Lamb scripture from Isaiah, the Lord's Prayer, Judge not lest ye be judged and others with no apparent hidden meanings that I observed while others Paul robbing churches, the ten commandments typo I believe are hinting at some of the distortions and problems with the Bible and Church as a result of man tampering and pushing elitist agendas for controlling the human population.

The fact is, people including Christians have been lied to about who we are and the divine power that resides within each and every person. I look at Jesus vs. Paul contrast and the deception the whole world is under including the so called illuminati, cabal, deep state, shadow government, elitists that have enslaved humanity for many years. Today's church is going down the same path Judas mistakenly went down when he acted on misguided beliefs about Jesus.

Please listen with a open heart and pray the Holy Spirit will give you discernment in viewing this video and the information presented. I believe these changes are part of the infinite creators plan to bring people back into faith that transcends man made religions and groups that only divide.
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I just subscribed. Thank you for breaking all of this down. The ones who sleep continue to dream, and force their dreams on others. It's a nightmare.


Interesting that I've learned way more, read the bible, gained wisdom and have grown closer in my love for God AFTER leaving church.


I think the most troubling change is Genesis 3:15 where it now says Jesus would "bruise" satan's head. That should be "crush". Big difference! Jesus' heal was bruised at the cross but Satan's head is crushed forever. This summarizes the entire Christian doctrine of redemption and our victory in Christ! Satan is and will forever be defeated, not bruised! Think about the implications of just this one change. These changes are preparing the way for the great deception that is coming.


listening to you talk was wonderful. thank you very much for making this video for all of us. i love you too.


God bless you brother, glad you have eyes to see and ears to hear. Mikey


My dear brother: Just stopped by at this video juncture and dropped in to give you love and peace from the center of the cyclone. I have been busy about the business of being aware and awake and listening to the many persons that have something to say and to add to the argument for sanity and charity during these exciting times. I love the path and tack you are taking. The attitude of being open and encouraging to our brothers and sisters sharing this current paradigm/realm/dimension is the best strategy for making sense of such disparate events and paradigm shifts.
We need cats like you, Shane.
We know that God must give permission for any thing/power/entity that wishes to touch/disturb/illuminate His creation and His people. In this we can take comfort. It seems that any current reading of the King James Bible is an excersize in futility and frought with much consternation for the flock. As I've mentioned previously my Pastor has taken the inerrancy of scripture to be his personal mandate (his words) and sees any diversion from that model as an indication of suspicion and a detriment to ministry, going so far to say that he would never deviate from that stance. His words again, "...never gonna happen."
For all of us that love the bible and love the Lord what is happening can be very challenging, especially when those of us that take it seriously as Bereans, are called out for introducing the conversation that-- what we once held so dear-- has become something less than...something different than... an altogether different voice and vibration than what we remember/recall.
Your arguments for a faith that operates at the borders of traditional religious tenets has been courageous and controversial, something that we can all appreciate as a function of the power of free will, the attitude of looking at dogma as something to be re-discovered, even as our personal and corporate realities have been realigned. We must be agile and wary and draw upon our God-given discenment more than ever in these most novel of times. The supernatural rewriting of our scriptures is a phenomenon and experience never previously realized, and for my money the biggest thing we've ever come across. It doesn't take a religious scholar to see the most simplistic erring of grammar (lack of quotation marks throughout the KJV) along with sentences starting with lower case letters...?? Forget the motive and the rationale for the changes, just admit that what was once our most glorious and sonorous lyrical colection of books has been redesigned as a poorly administered grammatical disaster and the singular voice we knew as the Holy Spirit's melliflous tone and timbre has been hijacked by an unfamiliar alien hack with a limited musical vocabulary.
Keep up the God/good work, and continue to serve us with your candor and wit and self-effacing spirit. It is such a pleasure to know people like you are out there, sharing from your direct experience and giving from your wealth of heart. We are grateful and humbled to be used in these tremendous times, these defining moments in the history of mankind; what a thrill to be alive; to love and to be loved... Perfect peace in all you do, brotherJimi


I too believe God is using this to call in those outside the church to investigate so they can hear His and ye shall is a call to Seek Truth


Beautifully said. Thank you for spreading the WORD! 💕


The meaning are always multidimensional, imo, and as I think you acknowledge. The alterations tends to emphasize the ORIGINAL words and meanings, and not just the new text. Its the nature of higher consciousness to convey multiple meanings simultaneously, and so no change was/is made flippantly or without making full use of all possibilities.


I really really loved your words. How u speak. The verses and topics u chose. I could really relate to u and I knew the verses as they used to be. Been terribly depressed for two days. I believe my spirits hv just been lifted. Thank you and Jesus too.


This was really good brother. I emailed my ex-wife last year and told her about the bible changes and all the deceptions in the world. I ended my email with quoting Revelations 22:20 which I copied directly from my King James bible. She wrote me back and told me I should go talk to a pastor because I was hearing from the devil. It was then that I noticed that Revelations 22:20 had changed in my bible but the verse I quoted her in the email stayed the same. Here's what I quoted: He "that" testifieth these "words" saith, Surely, I come quickly. This is what the bible says now: He "which" testifieth these "things" saith, Surely, I come quickly.

I found the whole thing really ironic. I saved the email and now have my own residual evidence. It's too bad that she had the reaction she did. She really shut me down after that. Now I have the evidence to prove it to her but I can't talk about it anymore after what she said to me. It's just crazy man! God bless brother.


I agree with you so much. It is hard to tell things like this to my sisters who I would call "fundamentalist'. I reminded my sister about how after Moses came down the mountain with the commandments, and found they had built the Golden Calf, later on he had the tribe of Levi go into all the tents in the camp and kill their own friends and brothers, 3, 000 in all. And this after saying "Thou shall not kill" as one of the commandments. Her answer was that God can do no wrong so we don't have to understand, just to know that God is just. But I can't agree and I find it telling that C3PO lost his golden calf, replaced with a silver one....irony I'd say. Some have worshiped the scriptures thinking that means they are worshiping God and the scriptures are their idol or golden calf. One of the changes I have heard about now is what it says on the rear view mirror on cars, you know where it says, "Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear. Now that says, "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear". Things are coming to a head and people are going to have to face these changes and change themselves if they can let go of cherished beliefs.

I like the saying, Beliefs divide, Loving words unite. I think the meaning of Jesus's death on the cross and resurrection is telling us that Love can raise the dead, and to love others no matter if they be the ones nailing your hands to the cross. Forgiveness was his main message and if one should forgive even murder, how could his Father be any different, how could God say "You go to hell because of something you believed wrong". It does not make sense. One of the Mandela effects was a scripture where it says that God's name is 'jealous'. That is calling it like it is because if a God would say, "Thou shall have no other God above me" then No. 1. there were other gods No 2. He was jealous of those other gods being worshiped so much that he told his followers to kill anyone who even talked about another God.


Hey brother,
Just looked at this from a few years ago... You have the right spirit to consider this stuff. Seems so controversial, yet to me your insights are right on- What a ride you've been on lately.
Good work, and thanks for your faithfulness, Shalom and love, brother Jimi


I myself have noticed what I thought were changes in the Bible from what I remembered the scriptures before but contributed the changes to the various versions of the Bible. Looks like I need to get to cross referencing some things. I also have noticed lyrics to songs that have changed and that’s what lead me to discover the theory behind the Mandela Affect. I had not even thought about the Bible having these affects as well. Thank you for bringing these ideas to light.


Just let ALL OF THESE wash over me. Nice work Shane.


Keep it up! Looking forward for more videos from you, don't stop!


great video. Over the last few days I've clicked on quite a few videos and am finding out that many people still do not understand the Mandela Effect and have been using the term in their titles of video. I swear that the sign bang head here should be hanging up nearby for these folks.


@unbiased&onthefence Love this. Much love to you! I feel the exact same way on almost all you said. Peace!


This just popped up in my auto play list today - guess I need to listen again lol! ♡


Honest, and clear. Thank you brother! Shalom.
