The Book of Revelations - Mandela Effect | Bible Changes

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This channel covers all things Jesus, the Word of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We are seeing lying signs and wonders right now, as prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2. Bibles are supernaturally changing today, preparing for the antichrist and one world satanic system. I have written several books on the supernatural Bible changes and all are available on Amazon and on my website, bible-changes dot com
#bibleprophecy #mandelaeffect #supernaturalbiblechanges
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My friend for over 40 years…. Her pastor from childhood preached to his congregation to learn the Bible word for word, since she was a child. She knows the Bible inside and out. When I told her about the Mandela effect on about the Bibles versus being changed… she literally went to her shed and got out a Bible (KJV), that was passed down to her from her great grandmother (God rest her soul). We spent four hours on the phone and she could not believe the changes that were in that Bible that were not there before.


I have many bibles and they all have changed.


It was always Revelations for me. Revelations was the first book of the Bible that I read.


I have noticed in my Bible it says to go into my closet & shut the door & pray in secret, but I didn't know they had door hinges back then


I found Christ in 2018
And I have never found a Bible, EVER, that says Revelations
But I’ve seen a lot of Internet folk saying what I always thought was a mistake - Revelations

To me it’s always been REVELATION


Do you remember the warning verse about not changing one jot or tiddle in this book or their name can be blotted out of the Lambs book of life and the plagues that are in this book being poured out on them ???


I have a question?

Did the KJV Bible get desecrated first because it was the best or because it was thought to be the best?

The back story to the KJV Bible, is it true?
Can we trust anything anyone says?

Don't get me wrong, I used a KJV Bible because someone I respected in my youth told me it was the best choice. The most accurate. I guess I am just wondering if Satan is attacking it first because it was the best or because we thought it was the best?

Why does this matter? It's just thought provoking. Satan is a fallen angel and he is extremely intelligent when it comes to smoke and mirrors. It just seems to me that most people won't believe the bible changes because they say that it would never happen to "there bible". So I am curious if such a thing really exists?

I grew up Catholic, so it's easier for me to believe that people would destroy everything Jesus said. The church made up there own rules.

What really blows my mind is all the stuff around me changing. My shirt changing to "Revelation", music and nostalgia from the 80's and 90's that never happened.

It just seems like a dangerous place to be when people hold something so important.
I mean, the only reason I can see "everything" is because of my friendship with Jesus. Praying to him, singing to him and asking for forgiveness when I mess up.

The bible being desecrated is pretty much just the Father letting me know he is coming. Not that it doesn't bother me, it's just....I have to let go of this book. It's not my salvation. Just like I have to let go of all the stuff I loved from my childhood. I can't even watch a old movie without noticing a change in it.

The only thing I wonder is if I am blind to anything else? Maybe there is more going on that I am not noticing because I need to get even closer to the Father. It is a sobering thought right? I once fasted for seven days and he showed me the octagon sun. That's the picture in my thumbnail. The sun is "white" btw, not yellow anymore.


I realized that if I really look for it I can find residue of the truth out there. I found missing Bible verses in children's books and original movie titles on tee shirts. God is not just throwing us into this blind. There is a Deception blanket on top of the earth. But "we" all here see most of it or atleast some of it. Just pray to see more of it. Take Care everyone.


When I saw the title of this video, I thought it was going to be about a Mandela Effect in the Bible. Instead it's just, "Oh, they made minor changes to the titles of the books of the Bible over time and from one translation to another". Far from mind-blowing


It has always been "Revelation of Jesus Christ". This is one of the first books of the Bible I read after I was born again in the mid 90's. I remember many people referred to it as "Revelations" when speaking about it in conversation, which wasn't a big deal to me because I knew what they meant. Anyway, not trying to start an argument or debate, just sharing my experience. Peace be with you.


In my Bible KJV says The Revelation of St John the Divine.


Actually, the mistake is made with the naming of it as: "Revelations." There is only one Revelation starting with Genesis 1:1 and ending in Revelation 22:21. That Revelation is that Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha'Mashiac, is the Savior of the world. That He left His robes of splendor as royalty in heaven, and descended to earth to wear robes of flesh. Fulfilling prophecy, born of a virgin, the Bread of Life from Bethlehem; The House of Bread. He walked the earth that He created, gathered to Himself those who would be His disciples, taught them the Gospel, healed the sick, the blind, the lame. He was accused of making Himself equal with God, as the Son of Man. He was beaten and flogged, dragged a patibulum to the place they nailed him to the cross. He was bleeding profusely from the flogging and from the nails. He took upon Himself the whole of the sin of the world upon Him. The Spotless Lamb of God, innocent to the slaughter. He willingly laid down His life so that we may live and know His unconditional love for us. He was placed in a borrowed tomb for He would only be there three days. He rose on that third day, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, saw the empty tomb, appeared to Cephas, the 12 and then 500 brethren witnessed Him alive and well. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the Right Hand of the Father. And He is coming soon.

Revelation 22:7 "And behold I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book."

Revelation 22:12 “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”

Revelation 22:20 - He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming soon." Amen. Come Lord Jesus!" -

It is "Revelation" and not really a Mandala - it's people adding the "S" and not realizing that it is not intended to be a plural. One overarching Revelation.

Revelation 22:21 "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen."

It should read The Revelation of Jesus Christ as revealed to, St. John. or something to that effect.


It's never said Revelations it's always been the Revelation of Jesus Christ


Jesus is the Christ (Messiah.) Now Christ is written as His last name. That’s new for me.


I’m sorry but the last book of the Bible was never called Revelations with an S. It is the most common misnomer of the “book” but it was never plural. It was always one Revelation of Jesus Christ (Yeshua haMashiach) to John. A single, long revelation. The problem people are having who claim it has or is changing is that they are not really students of the Bible nor do they or have they read it regularly on a daily basis, they simply attend church on Sundays and listen to the 25-30 minute sermon of their pastor and that’s usually the only time they open their Bible. This is 90%+ of Americans and western “christians”.


Mine has :
Revelation to John
(The Apocalypse)
Mines fine.


What does Nelson Mandela have to do with the book of Revelation? (okay, j/k)


The title use to be “The Revelation of Jesus Christ as given to St. John”


There's an og episode of the Simpsons where Milhouse says Revelations.


The KJV used the Geek texts available. We have access to older and better Greek texts in the last 500 years.


My KJV says The Revelation of St. John the Divine
