How Fast is the Flash?

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"I can think at the speed of light. I can perceive events that last for less than an attosecond. I can run faster than time. What do I see when I run across the country, Superman? I see everything. And everyone." -The Flash

The Flash is the fastest man alive and perhaps the most iconic speedy superhero in pop culture, but exactly how fast is he? What are the extents of his powers? And what would they imply in real life? Is this scarlet speedster bound by any scientific explanation, or is he just too far across the imaginary axis to make any sense? Well, logical or not, we've got numbers, and there IS a cap on how fast anything can get, so he must have a limit somewhere, right? ...Right?

How Does Superman Fly? Find the answer here:

Or if you're more interested in superheroes that are... ahem... less than whelming, check this out:

More on the Flash:

And, of course, the Speed Force:

McDonalds calorie calculations (fully dressed Big Mac and medium vanilla milkshake) from the information provided here:

Nuclear fusion is hard to explain. Try here:

What would it be like if the Flash ran through your town without the Speed Force?

More on special relativity and light speed:

White Dwarf Stars:

How short is an attosecond?

Planck Time:

Speed Calculations:

Flash Wallpaper Art:

Clips From:
The Flashpoint Paradox
White dwarves: literal diamonds in the sky
Understanding the Actual Distances within the Solar System
Planck Length: Smallest Thing in the Universe - Microscopic Universe
Sonic Unleashed
2015 IAAF World Championships 100m Final
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Pokémon: Omega Ruby
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods
Kingdom Hearts
Star Trek: The Original Series
Iron Man
Star Wars
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Men in Black

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

The Flash and all related characters and media are properties of DC Comics. A Time Warner Company.

No copyright infringement intended.
Рекомендации по теме

And some how people still ask the question: "Is Superman faster than The Flash?"


The problem with the Flash is that the writers at DC are not creative enough to make use of the Flash's full abilities. He is so overpowered that he could take out every villain in the universe in a fraction of an instant, so they have to de-power him just to make the stories interesting. However, it gets to the point of absurdity when they have the Flash get taken out by something as simple as someone sticking their leg out as he is running by and tripping him. It's lazy writing that ignores the most basic of the Flash's powers.


Quicksilver : I'm fast

Flash : I just killed you multiple times in multiple dimensions and in multiple universes in just an atto second


"I'm not the Flash, but what if I was?"

*Cue VSauce theme*


Comic flash: reaction time of 1 nanosecond

TV flash: reaction time of about a minute


Girlfriend: Babe come over
Flash: I can’t, I’m speaking with the gamblers on the edge of the universe.
Girlfriend: But my parents aren’t home....


The amount of times that I have rewatched this video over the years is absurd


Everyone: How fast is the Flash?
DC: _yes_


What I hate is that justice league and other shows make him seem slow as fuck.


and we have flash from justice league who can hardly walk


Flash(Wally West) absorbed too much kinetic energy he travelled at a planck instant, which is beyond the concept of speed. He's the fastest character in all of comics.


Einstein : something having mass can't move at the speed of light.
DC: flash i can run 27x10^42xC


Damn, The Flash can run as fast as me when I have diarrhea


i think its time for the 10 year olds to realize that flash is probably the strongest superhero in the whole dc universe.


Friend: Who do u think is faster? Flash or quicksilver.
Me: Flash duh
Friend: But Quicksilver got everyone out of a exploding mansion!
Me: Tells them the video


One thing that has confused me is why the Flash eats so much, doesn’t his energy come from the speed force? But a theory I have is that the speed force gives him the required energy to use his Flash abilities, like running incredibly fast, while the energy he obtains from food is used by his body to heal wounds and sustain itself when he isn’t using his powers like a normal human, as well as keep his body strong and in-shape. (Because running faster than the speed of light is probably going to inflict just a little too much pressure on your body)
This way, he would still need to eat plenty more than an average person because of certain things like his speed healing, but he most definitely doesn’t need 237, 000, 000, 000, 000 calories, the speed force will cover most of that.


So, what you're saying is: The Flash is totally gonna kick Quicksilver's ass in the upcoming Deathbattle over at Screw Attack.


Is it fair to say the Flash is the most powerful hero in the Justice League?


We just gonna ignore Tyler’s Rap-God-Speed explanation of how fast the flash is at the end of the video?


I love coming back to this video after a couple years
