How to design like Apple! The forgotten basics of Design & the reason why you can't build stories.​

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The thing is that, your "DESIGN STORY" is created by finding reasons for your design to be the way it is. To say this another way... the form of your products comes from its function. If you do not have ideas, it is probably because you didn't study the needs of your product in depth. While designing, it's important to understand its market, what its competitors are doing well, what they are doing wrong, what design elements need to be included in the product, the ergonomics, etc, etc... the list can be long.

If you define this well, then the form of your product simply becomes the consequence of your function... and it helps you to create a meaningful "design story" throughout the process.

So next time, you are sitting at your desk wondering what your next idea should be... Think about your function first and explore ways to refine it. That's what your creativity should be focusing on: We are not designers to find "Ideas", we are designers to “resolve problems".

And here is a link I mention is the video where you can download more about my methodology and design approach:

See the complete article here:


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Agree with your opinion, function always comes the first. Not eveyone is an artist to think about how good the shape is, but most of us think about how useful it is. With the basic of useful, then we will consider about the shape or the style it looks like. Help a lot of studying design, thanks a lot!


Hi Alex! I'm Ravi. I'm an industrial designer in Brazil! Your channel and blog are great!. Tks for sharing your knowledge and experience =)


Awesome! I love the difference you make between an ID and an "artist"


So cool, as a student I always struggling to make a beautiful product and ignore the real function.


At the moment I am designing a techical product for graduation. Form follows function it is :)


form follows function is honestly today quite reductive! forms must follow meaning : a combination of factors, from function to semantic to emotion to marketing. all comes from understanding first the user and the ideal experience and then what technologies and functional requirements meet the realisation of that experience. on lemanoosh i see rarely products that only follows function. form follows function is a principle of the 20s that supported the rationalism movement. society today doesn't react purely rationally.


Love your videos! Could you do one explaining how to think about manufacturing without limiting your creative design process?


Awesome video Alex, quite insightful and clearly answered the question.


What matters first is function upon full filling the function we can tweak the form as liked by us.


Bonjour je suis une élève de 2nd création culture et design et je suis intéressé par le design peu importe le domaine mais je préfère le design de produit ou industrielle. Auriez-vous des conseils à me donner pour m'améliorer et dans quelles écoles avez vous étudiez et il indispensable de savoir parler en anglais. Peut on vraiment travailler en freelance? Merci de bien vouloir lire.


Nice video! Can you tell me where is that print behind you from?


What is the poster behind you? It looks amazing!


I kind of disagree. Most of apple products are form over function. You need to get used to it and find workarounds to get the functions to work.
They prioritise design first, you have to buy tons of adapters for things to work.
The latest laptop for instance has only one single output for connections, for charging. Function there is very very limited.
